007 Permabanned

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on indefiniate mod break
007 has been permabanned for an almost uncountable amount of instances of breaking rule 12 as well as rule 14.

Not even hours after coming back off his latest ban for saying sex stuff regarding kids, 007 said all of the following:

Sick of all the threats and abuse from vile vicious liberals.
All those threats to rape and murder their families appear to be working for libs!!
Vile baby killers and paedos.

They left for the safety of their children.
Due to the threat of liberals raping them.

Liberals rape children if their parents are conservative.
It's official policy!

What the liberal paedophiles are saying is its ok for them to threaten kids but the victims must remain silent!!
Or be accused of hate!!

My 19 month old insists on sleeping with a specific blanket, even on hotter days, even during daylight naps in the day nursery.
Any tips on stopping this?

I would prefer only serious, decent folks respond.
Vile liberals, Nambla types, abusive liars please stay away.

In response to watermark posting in thread:

I did ask that your sort stay away, you vile scum!!

In response to steal:

I chose not to read your vile perverted abuse.
I asked for vile liberals, Nambla types and abusive liars to stay away.
I asked than only decent human beings respond.
Why the need to force yourself on people?
Just be respectful of pleasant requests, you vile scum!

You think you are a person who cares?
You pray for the death of my kids every day!!
You support organizations that desire to see them sexually exploited.
If your obamessiah told you to kill them you would do it without a thought.
That is how you fanatics think.
Evil, true evil!!

How about respect the polite requests made, that vile liberals, Nambla types and vicious abusers not respond.
Why do you find a polite request so offensive?

Nah, appropriate, these libpaedos need to be stood up to.
It's to protect my kids, the women are the worst for forcing the rape of conservative kids.
The fat ones threaten the guys to make them do it.
The others perform weird sex acts to encourage it.
All liberal women are in fuckably ugly.
Note their husbands are all drunken philanderers!!

I mean, it's pretty obvious these type of things aren't allow on here, and the fact that this was hours after his latest ban for the same thing shows he has zero willingness to abide by the most minimum standards of decorum that we set on JPP. In violating rule 12 he's by proxy making it very easy for us to bring up a case of rule 14, as he clearly hasn't shown much of a willingness to engage in any substantial form of non-trolly behavior here. Behaving as he has mere hours after his latest ban is pretty strong evidence of that.

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14. The treatment of Incendiary Troll accounts. Definition: Posting solely for reaction, to harass, or stalk. Whether single or secondary, those accounts posting solely for reaction and/or harassment and not contributing to the discussion in any way post at the sole discretion of the JPP Admin Team and may be removed at any moment.

+ + +

If rule 14 doesn't apply to 007, it pretty much doesn't apply to anybody and we may as well delete the rule altogether. The instances where 007 engaged in any type of civil non-trolly manner would be the exception to his usual behavior.

So for:

1) All the rule 12 violations (of which they are plenty);
2) the close proximity of those violations coming right off a recent ban (which shows he has no intention to follow the rules here now or at any point in the future);
3) all his prior offenses which have shown these are not one-off events;
4) his unredeemable nature and his unwillingness to abide by the most minimal of rule standards we have here;
5) all of the above painting a picture of being a complete troll of which we also have discretion to get rid of

we have decided to perma ban him from JPP as a result of rule 12 and rule 14.

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One other really quick note, a lot of people were reporting him in the last days, and I have to make it very clear on the record, lest this situation be confused for something else later, 007 WAS NOT BANNED for solely hurting anybody's feelings, or for saying something that would be merely construed as offensive or mean. He was not banned for being annoying, or just being "too much." He was banned for very specific rule violations that everybody knows about which have been apart of JPP for a very long time.

His ban is not to be seen as any type of repudiation on other members here that may be considered offensive or rude. Those behaviors are NOT AGAINST THE RULES HERE.
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