10 min chess rating


Black Kitty Ain't Happy
Almost 500 rating on that site. Not sure if that's ELO rating but I've been building up.

I won two awards. One for two knights checkmate and one for bishops checkmate. Damn I am too good.

Are you good at chess, Uncle?

That depends on what your definition of good at chess is. I had a USCF rating over 1,200 Which by the standards of the general public I was pretty darn good but by tournament standards I was cannon fodder. This was back in the late 80’s when I was in my late 20’s. At that time I could beat the majority of computer chess games available at the time. Which wasn’t particularly very easy even back then but back then almost all computer chess games had one or several major flaws that when you discovered what that flaw was you could beat the computer program consistently most of the time.

It became to time consuming though. Once I reached a solid intermediate ranking I was spending about four hours a day playing or studying chess.

However if you just started playing chess seriously and you’re already achieving a 500 ranking that’s pretty darned good progress for a beginner.
That depends on what your definition of good at chess is. I had a USCF rating over 1,200 Which by the standards of the general public I was pretty darn good but by tournament standards I was cannon fodder. This was back in the late 80’s when I was in my late 20’s. At that time I could beat the majority of computer chess games available at the time. Which wasn’t particularly very easy even back then but back then almost all computer chess games had one or several major flaws that when you discovered what that flaw was you could beat the computer program consistently most of the time.

It became to time consuming though. Once I reached a solid intermediate ranking I was spending about four hours a day playing or studying chess.

However if you just started playing chess seriously and you’re already achieving a 500 ranking that’s pretty darned good progress for a beginner.

Thanks. Keep in mind it's a 10 minute game. 1 or 3 minutes games are impossible! LOL.
Thanks. Keep in mind it's a 10 minute game. 1 or 3 minutes games are impossible! LOL.

Timed games, like playing computer chess, can be self limiting but it’s a great way to learn opening move set piece strategies like Ruy Lopez, Kings Gambit, Kings Gambit declined, etc., through into your middle game but will stunt you on your endgame play.

A good set piece opening strategy to learn at the beginner stage are the three I just named. They are relatively easy to learn and you will defeat most beginner level players once you have learned them.

The Ruy Lopez is a great one for a beginner to learn as you will almost always obtain a position advantage over your opponent that they cannot prevent from making. Though be warned you will need to execute a disciplined and patient approach to keep your opponent on the defensive and to maintain dominance on the center square. One ill advised aggressive move can blow your entire strategy up. It’s an excellent opening move to make if your opponent is aggressive on offense but weaker on defense.
Been playing on and off over the years.
I haven’t played regularly in years so I’m probably back to a 500 level myself.

Another method I suggest learning is how to take a positional advantage and sacrifice material for a game winning positional advantage.

This was one of the flaws I discovered playing computer Chess that many Chess programs had back then. They would literally hand you the win if you sacrificed your Queen.

To do that you would move your queen to a position on the board where it would be bare ass to the wind but by taking the Queen your opponent would inadvertently give you the checkmate one or two plays later.

To execute this I would trap the opponents King in a corner usually with my knights. If the opponent was using their Queen as a multidirectional block that would prevent me from attacking the back row.

I would then move my Queen to a position where my opponent could easily take my Queen without losing theirs. Beginners and lower level intermediate players would very often jump on taking my Queen but in the process leave themselves in an untenable defensive position where by attacking their back rank with a rook and checkmate them or make a check mate impossible to avoid in one or two more moves.

Lesson learned is beginner players or ones who are impatient or haven’t figured out the importance of position over material will sacrifice position to gain material and lose the game by doing so. The move does have a risk in that if your opponent sees the positional disadvantage of taking your Queen they will counter defensively and you will have lost a move as you will the need to secure your Queens position by moving her out of harms way.
Just won the Polish opening award. Yay!!!!
Polish is off center opening. you can fianchetto bishops on the night 2 squares
( move the bishop diagonally 1 square so it cuts thru the center of the board along the rooks diagonal)
or try to control the center with your pawns, knights and rooks afetr you castle.
Center squares are usually more valuable territory to control

dont be playing odd openings-
stick to queens gambit, Sicilian, 4 knights opening, Guico Piano until you master the variations
Polish is slow development. You generally want to develop ASAP

If you really want to improve read this -and quit the speed chess!
Jose Raul Capablanca was one of the greatest World Chess Champions of all time! While his playing style was straightforward he played with a blazing speed and strength that had never been seen before or since. In Chess Fundamentals Capablanca gives the reader a glimpse into his thinking patterns and strategy. Perfect for any playing level. The advice and exercises herein will make anyone and everyone a stronger player.