10 questions ignored by philosophy


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Julian Baggini

What is the role of personal judgement in rational thought?

Philosophy's self-image is of rigorously rational thinkers who follow the argument wherever it leads, as though they had no control over its direction. It's a vision of philosophy that assumes it has an objectivity akin to science. But I think everyone knows that good philosophy cannot be pinned down to formal arguments that every intelligent person would have to agree with, like a bit of mathematics. Everyone knows that philosophers exercise judgement and some exercise it better than others. But to address this head on requires admitting that the 'rigour' of philosophy is not as it seems. So it remains philosophy's dirty secret.

Julian Baggini is a british philosopher, journalist and author of over 20 philosophical books, including The Edge of Reason.

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I have friends and all kinds of ch!t


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Hard to believe anyone still thinks philosophy and science are driven by Pure reason and rational inquiry.

The Enlightenment project was discredited almost 200 years ago by Romanticism which persuasively argued that the Enlightenment project's vision of human intellectual life being driven by pure reason, totally ignored the importance of imagination, emotion, individualism.

Einstein himself worked for years to try to preserve the concept of a stable, unchanging universe for no other reason than that he just felt the universe was infinite, ageless,and stable - even when the evidence was telling him he was wrong.