100 Year Old Woman Gunned Down in NYC


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100-Year-Old Woman Shot Dead in New York Home

SOUTHAMPTON, N.Y. — A 100-year-old woman was found shot to death in her Long Island home.

Suffolk County police say Jessie Burke was discovered by her daughter Sunday afternoon when she returned from the grocery store. The woman was found in sitting in a chair in the den. Police say there was no sign of forced entry and apparently nothing was stolen from the home. Her death was ruled a homicide.

Burke was described as a spry woman who loved crossword puzzles. She lived with her daughter, and had three other children. Police have not questioned the daughter in the slaying.

Detectives are asking anyone with information to contact the homicide squad or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-220-TIPS.
It was me.

Like I said--liberials don't have any common sense. Thanks for your support.

I thought they had a 911 service in NYC and the surrounding area. A cop could not get there fast enough? Where I come from (the real USA), that women would have had a gun, and there might be one less murderer on the street while she celibrates her 101st birthday. The cops will never catch this person--most likely--and that seemingly unarmed women never had a chance----because of liberialism.

I am sorry to this ladies family for their loss.
Like I said--liberials don't have any common sense. Thanks for your support.

I thought they had a 911 service in NYC and the surrounding area. A cop could not get there fast enough? Where I come from (the real USA), that women would have had a gun, and there might be one less murderer on the street while she celibrates her 101st birthday. The cops will never catch this person--most likely--and that seemingly unarmed women never had a chance----because of liberialism.

I am sorry to this ladies family for their loss.

I don't know many 100 year old ladies who carry around guns. I do assume that it's a bit like carrying struck-by-lightning while getting-bit-by-a-shark insurance though, so it's something everyone should do.

I honestly think what's wrong with righties is that they treat reality as if it were a video game. They think it's OK to smoke and right to eat all that high fructose corn syrup, but as soon as the trillions of random serial killers (serial killers committing random murders are the no. 1 cause of death in the US) come out of the streets they'll turn on their night vision and turn it into a fun version of splinter cell, save the day, and sleep with the hot chick.

More likely, if an old woman were carrying a handgun with her and sleeping with it under her bed, she wouldn't be able to reach it anyway. That is common sense. It is not like she couldn't have carried a gun around with her all her life, it's just that she knew life wouldn't be worth living if she lived like a fearful righty does.

The people who die from high fructose corn syrup that we subsidize constantly, though, their deaths aren't dramatic an apparent until they happen, and they don't get their news story, even if it happens a hundred thousand times more often. They're just ignored.
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