100 years of Sarah Palin

Will Teabaggers celebrate Sarah (Reload) Palin's 100th birthday

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February 11, 1964 - February 11, 2064...will the Teabaggers look back fondly on their darling Sarah (Reload) then, the way they're celebrating the centenary of RWW now?

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February 11, 1964 - February 11, 2064...will the Teabaggers look back fondly on their darling Sarah (Reload) then, the way they're celebrating the centenary of RWW now?

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She is due to be eaten by (fed to) a polar bear on November 3rd 2024.

The polar bear - the last remaining - will then be elected as president on a popular platform, vacated just a few moments before by the 5.30 from New Jersey to Grand Central.

His election will be greeted by riots as a million black bears march to demand equal rights to feed off Palin's remains.

Walmart will make a killing selling mouthwash to any bear who had been within ten yards of the stinking, rotten corpse of Palin.
February 11, 1964 - February 11, 2064...will the Teabaggers look back fondly on their darling Sarah (Reload) then, the way they're celebrating the centenary of RWW now?

What do you think?

one thing is for sure, no one will remember in 10, let alone, 100 years
You predict they will stone her to death in just 30 rocks?

Thats probally want happen but here's what will. Jack Donaghy will become a writer but will discovered that no matter how good he gets he will never be as good a liz Lemon. So he burns a crucifix and works her to death. This ends the show. Tina Feys career ends. Sarah Palin becomes president gets assasinated but the CIA don't want anyone to know she's dead so they turn Tina Fey into Sarah Palin. Tina Fey will lead the world into an age of prosperity but everyone will think she's Sarah Palin. After her 7 1/2 years of presidency she decides to tell the world who she really is. So the CIA kill Tina Fey and nobody ever learns the truth.
I'm betting that Sarah will make more per word in her speeches than Tina for the foreseeable future. It's interesting how much people dislike her...

As long as Sarah continues to exploit her lunitic 22% she will make more money per word than Tina Fey. At least Tina is trying to be funny.