

Well-known member
I'm sure there have been multiple threads on this topic (that I haven't paid attention to) so my apologies if I'm just rehashing an old discussion here. What is the psychology behind so many people getting banned for violating this rule on a board that has so few rules? Is it simply human nature that even on an anonymous message board people want to push the limits of any boundaries and 12B is that vehicle for JPP?
I find it amazing that with the low volume of posts on this forum people obsess on the mechanics of the forum itself. Maybe there is a connection.
I'm sure there have been multiple threads on this topic (that I haven't paid attention to) so my apologies if I'm just rehashing an old discussion here. What is the psychology behind so many people getting banned for violating this rule on a board that has so few rules? Is it simply human nature that even on an anonymous message board people want to push the limits of any boundaries and 12B is that vehicle for JPP?

Indeed it's truly mind boggling.
I'm sure there have been multiple threads on this topic (that I haven't paid attention to) so my apologies if I'm just rehashing an old discussion here. What is the psychology behind so many people getting banned for violating this rule on a board that has so few rules? Is it simply human nature that even on an anonymous message board people want to push the limits of any boundaries and 12B is that vehicle for JPP?

Part of it is the fact it’s the one rule that causes automatic banning.
Part of it is the fact it’s the one rule that causes automatic banning.

There are many different ways to insult someone here. It's not like we're limited in that regard. Yet people continually choose to use the one thing they aren't allowed to. It doesn't make sense to me.
I'm sure there have been multiple threads on this topic (that I haven't paid attention to) so my apologies if I'm just rehashing an old discussion here. What is the psychology behind so many people getting banned for violating this rule on a board that has so few rules? Is it simply human nature that even on an anonymous message board people want to push the limits of any boundaries and 12B is that vehicle for JPP?

It seems to be more of a thing where someone says something insulting about being gay, then someone else lashes back with some sexual slur involving the poster and his childhood, w/o thinking first. Plus, as we've seen in real life, RWers have a penchant for calling ppl they disagree with pedophiles, with zero evidence. And if it works for politicians and they get away with it, why not use it on your political discussion board opponents too?
There are many different ways to insult someone here. It's not like we're limited in that regard. Yet people continually choose to use the one thing they aren't allowed to. It doesn't make sense to me.

I'm sure it's because there are so many 12b baits.
I'm sure there have been multiple threads on this topic (that I haven't paid attention to) so my apologies if I'm just rehashing an old discussion here. What is the psychology behind so many people getting banned for violating this rule on a board that has so few rules? Is it simply human nature that even on an anonymous message board people want to push the limits of any boundaries and 12B is that vehicle for JPP?

Mental illness. Irrationality. The inability for people to control their emotions. You've obviously noticed that the average age of frequent JPP members is over 60 with many of us retired or semi-retired. Along with age goes some loss of mental acuity, chronic pain from age-related ailments which makes people cranky and substance abuse.

Notice all of those who caught a 12B ban then compare them to non-banned people. Sure, we can all make a mistake once, but 3-4 times? WTF? The answer is found in their psychology.
It seems to be more of a thing where someone says something insulting about being gay, then someone else lashes back with some sexual slur involving the poster and his childhood, w/o thinking first. Plus, as we've seen in real life, RWers have a penchant for calling ppl they disagree with pedophiles, with zero evidence. And if it works for politicians and they get away with it, why not use it on your political discussion board opponents too?

i.e., stupid. LOL

There's also age-related mental issues mixed in there. Some more than others. Jack and Mason are on the far end of that spectrum.

For some, it's substance abuse which is why Friday and Saturday nights are my best "hunting" times. LOL
It seems to be more of a thing where someone says something insulting about being gay, then someone else lashes back with some sexual slur involving the poster and his childhood, w/o thinking first. Plus, as we've seen in real life, RWers have a penchant for calling ppl they disagree with pedophiles, with zero evidence. And if it works for politicians and they get away with it, why not use it on your political discussion board opponents too?

There are multiple people on this board who have been banned more than once for 12B violations. It's not like they don't know the rule (on a board with so few of them). It doesn't make sense to me (unless someone is doing it on purpose because they can't get themselves to leave any other way).
12B is simple, leave kids out of it!

Too bad you didn't have Jack's back on that one, Ms. Mason. You could have saved him a 3 month vacation. Next time it will be six months...or a permban if he keeps using the Jakemax sock and gets caught.
I'm sure there have been multiple threads on this topic (that I haven't paid attention to) so my apologies if I'm just rehashing an old discussion here. What is the psychology behind so many people getting banned for violating this rule on a board that has so few rules? Is it simply human nature that even on an anonymous message board people want to push the limits of any boundaries and 12B is that vehicle for JPP?

I have no clue what Rule 12B is, but for a forum which is actually short on real content, the exchange of actual content, and centers largely upon personal insults and trolling, enforcing any rule seems arbitrary at best
There are multiple people on this board who have been banned more than once for 12B violations. It's not like they don't know the rule (on a board with so few of them). It doesn't make sense to me (unless someone is doing it on purpose because they can't get themselves to leave any other way).

You are trying to rationalize irrational behavior. All you'll do is drive yourself crazy. LOL

Why does a person lose control and commit road rage? Why shoot someone for cutting you off and spend 20 years in prison for it? It's irrational.

The good news is that, just like being gay, going crazy isn't catching. People under a lot of stress can crack, but that takes time. They should be able to recognize the signs. They can either get help or get out from under the pressure. Better to be alive, free and poor than be alive and in prison for something horrible and irrational.

Do you know what time it is when your job is causing you thoughts of murder? Time to find a new job. Get out before going to prison for 20 to Life.

We can all make a mistake, but repeating the same mistake is irrational and, IMO, a sign of mental illness.
i.e., stupid. LOL

There's also age-related mental issues mixed in there. Some more than others. Jack and Mason are on the far end of that spectrum.

For some, it's substance abuse which is why Friday and Saturday nights are my best "hunting" times. LOL

Definitely alcohol seems involved in a lot of the 12b incidents. Remember BullshitBob? He got banned twice for the same thing -- saying stuff about my dad and me when I was a kid. How stupid are you, to say the same thing twice, to someone who didn't even respond to you to begin with? Dumbass attention whores.
There are multiple people on this board who have been banned more than once for 12B violations. It's not like they don't know the rule (on a board with so few of them). It doesn't make sense to me (unless someone is doing it on purpose because they can't get themselves to leave any other way).

Bet they join other boards and whine about how victimized they were here. :rolleyes:

OTOH then we have posters who have weaponized the 12b rule. For instance, in one discussion I used the phrase "think of the children!" and was instantly reported for 12b by at least two of the nastier RWers here. Didn't even get a warning.
Definitely alcohol seems involved in a lot of the 12b incidents. Remember BullshitBob? He got banned twice for the same thing -- saying stuff about my dad and me when I was a kid. How stupid are you, to say the same thing twice, to someone who didn't even respond to you to begin with? Dumbass attention whores.

Stupid, drunk and mental is my Bob assessment. LOL

To be fair, even to be a janitor at NASA requires something extra special.

I have no doubt he had that at one time but alcoholism, age-related dementia, disease, chronic pain or any other such factors could take him down to the state of mind we all know and love. :)

<insert John Bradford quote >