13 killed since monday in battle for Baghdad.


Villified User
AGHDAD, Iraq - The Iraq war could be heading to its decisive moment: a battle for the capital of Baghdad that already has turned dramatically bloodier for American soldiers and carries enormous stakes for the country’s future.

At least 13 American soldiers have been killed around Baghdad since Monday — the highest four-day U.S. toll in the capital since the 2003 invasion.


Hey folks this is the capital and we are fighting for control of it ??? I thought it was a green zone. Yeah sure we are winning.

Yep , stay the course as the bus runs over the cliff. Remember those who jump out will be known as "cut and runners".
Yeah about as sensible as me being called chicken when I was young because I would not steal a car.
I think the one that called me chicken has spent most of his life in prison.
Evidently, Bush's Iraq strategy has been turned on its head:

Our soldiers are standing up as the Iraqis stand down

They had to disband an Iraqi Police brigade yesterday, under suspcion that they were aiding shia death squads.
that makes over 30 since last saturday...killed... :(

what can we do to change this horrible trend there?