16 Fisker Cars Pay Ultimate Price


Loyal to the end
"Roast weenies and marshmallows." :palm:


In a dramatic show of caring and community awareness, sixteen battery-powered Fisker Karma automobiles self-combusted in New Jersey during Hurrican Sandy, apparently in an attempt to generate heat to warm up the electricity-less victims of the town of Port Newark, New Jersey.

Although a relatively new car company, and financed by a bailout orchestrated by the Obama administration, Fisker is developing a reputation for such charitable acts, with several previous cars self-combusting in order to warm up their owners.

"Sometimes the heater just isn't enough on a cold New Jersey morning," stated former Fisker owner Bill Maxwell - "The cars seem to recognize that more is needed, and they just up and start burning, providing a warm, orange glow that the whole neighborhood can gather around."

Sheri Hitcherdiffle, another Fisker owner whose Karma provided her with extra heat one morning, said that she will never buy another brand of automobile, even though her previous and current Fisker Karmas cost her well over one hundred thousand dollars each.

"There's just no comparison," Ms Hitcherdiffle said, "These cars are willing to give their all for you, unlike any other vehicle except maybe the Chevy Volt."

A spokesunit for the Obama administration told us that this is the way a good bailout should work, adding that when you can roast weenies and marshmallows over your car as well as drive it it's certainly well worth the 500 million dollars of taxpayer dollars spent to bail out the company.
This Dix thing again? Debunked thoroughly long ago. Get a job.

You remind me so much of him. What can I say?

As for getting a job I'll tell you a little story. When I first started in the HVAC trade I noticed the plumber would frequently leave work early so one day I asked him why. I was a curious young man. :) He replied, "It doesn't take me eight hours to do a day's work." I liked that!

So, in the same vein it didn't take me to 60 or 65 to do a life's work. My job is done. ;)
Just sloppy testing and quality control, Dix. They probably evaluated braking distances and did crash tests, etc., but cut corners when it came to driving a few cars into the ocean to evaluate safety.

Of course, an objective person, one without a hateful grudge against Obama and his green policies, might concede the fact that these vehicles being UNDERWATER for a time had a little something to do with their bursting into flame.
Of course, an objective person, one without a hateful grudge against Obama and his green policies, might concede the fact that these vehicles being UNDERWATER for a time had a little something to do with their bursting into flame.

more derision and petty personal attacks
more derision and petty personal attacks

Yurt once again ignores the personal attacks occurring BEFORE my post in this thread in order to make his own personal attack.

And he didn't even respond to the point I made...but then again, maybe he couldn't.
Then why is it "in your self interest" to have The Obama as president?

As I stated before I have friends in the US and I like to see them get proper medical care at a reasonable price. I suppose what is more important is I have a lesser chance of waking up to a nuclear war because some right wing jackass says, "It was an option we could afford."