1959-2015 Gallup Tracking on Handgun Bans

Minister of Truth

Practically Perfect

Here's another example of data which suggests Dems would be much happier if we could go back to the 50s. :D
Resurgence of conservatism and thus a newfound respect for the Constitution. We were still a pretty programmed populace during the 50s, following the Depression and WWII.
That is fascinating. I wonder why the change.

Could be that the rate of incarceration is up some 500% since the GREAT SOCIETY PROGRAMS became full tilt in the 70s. In 1972 the rate of criminals being incarcerated (indicating a serious crime) was only 161 per 100,000 of the US POPULATION as off 2012 to date that rate has changed somewhat......now it rests around 707 per 100,000. The population only continues to grow while being trained to be DUMB DOWNED IGNORANT SHEEP by BIG BROTHER. Ain't socialism a grand thing? Today's high school grad by majority can't read an entire newspaper.

Its like one of our founding fathers stated, "When you are talked into hammering your weapons into plow sheers by the government......you will be doing the plowing for the one's who have the weapons." paraphrased.

The left will tell you by showing you manipulated stats that (wink, wink) "MAJOR CRIME" IS DOWN...but that don't explain just how the incarceration rate has climbed by 500%. What? Are all those SLAVES OF THE STATE INNOCENT? And people say there is no modern day slavery. What do you call prisoners? PROPERTY OF THE STATE. If a crime is serious enough to be imprisoned......its a MAJOR CRIME. And Please! No one attempt to tell me that drugs are not MAJOR CRIMES. Do you know how many people are killed over the supposed harmless Mary Jane drug each year? And its all because BIG BROTHER has his nose about a foot up the PEOPLE's kisters.

If you want to reduce crime by 50%....do away with about 50% of the fascist laws now existing in this nation....and you do away with 50% of the violence that is associated with such. The Government is the major cause of GUN VIOLENCE in this nation....because of the stupidity of many of its laws. Morality can't be legislated. The more you legislate....the more you dictate. Morality is taught in the home by the parents through teaching and EXAMPLE....a village is not capable of raising a well adjusted MORAL PERSON.
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