2000 Years of Christian Love

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
Who are the real savages

This is about the active hatred and oppression of Jews in history and at present. It is an examination of how and where specific anti-semitism arose out of proportion to the "normal" background levels of prejudice that have always plagued mankind. The history of organized anti-Semitism is a history of Christian influence; the Jews were accused of many wild things by Christians, one of the most infamous being the concept of the "blood libel" which they say is "the ritual murder of Christian children whose blood went into the unleavened bread eaten at Passover. This latter accusation [...] was often the excuse for Christian pogroms against Jews, ending in pillage, rape and massacre"1... this page is about that history with a few introductions to the confusing subject of how a religion that arose out of Judaism and paganism combined, then turned on its heritage with the most bloody and hateful vengeance that either pagans or Jews have ever seen.

Nearly every culture that came into contact with Western Christianity tolerated and accepted Jews until Christianity spread its violent anti-Jewish message across the West. Only with Christian principles was anti-semitism made possible, culminating in the atrocities of the Nazis during World War 2. No other religion has hated the Jews as much as Christian communities.

The Dark Ages, encompassing the Spanish Inquisition, the Burning Times witch hunts, etc, was the time in which Christianity had complete control over the imagery and information people could come into contact with. Anti-Semitism spread from Christianity, through many stereotyped and falsified stories, to the whole of Europe and wherever else the Christian message spread at that time.

Pauline Christianity always blamed the Jews for the persecution of their Messiah. The Romans crucified a large number of people, but the Italians were not blamed (as ancestors of the Romans) but the Jews (as ancestors of the Rabbis with whom Jesus argued). Because of the contents of the New Testament, Christian enthusiasts have consistently produced violently anti-Semitic propaganda, which have permeated into society in general even in today's enlightened world, all in God's name, according to Christian scripture.

Sons of the Devil

“[The Bible's representation of the Jew:] The Jews were descended neither from God (like Jesus and the Christians), nor from Abraham but from the devil (John 8:44), and, as the children of the devil, the father of lies and a murderer from the beginning, they were bound to seek Jesus' life.”

"The Misery of Christianity - a Plea for Humanity without God" by Joachin Kahl (1968)35

“Jesus said to [the Jews], "If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and now am here. [...] You belong to your father, the devil [...] The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God.”

John 8:42-47, New Testament, NIV

More Pauline Text

“The epistles show that at one time the point was reached when no reconciliation was possible and when the 'Church of Christ' was inevitably set against 'the Jews'. The Jews are said to have failed to attain righteousness and stumbled through unbelief (Rom. 9:31-33). They are ignorant of God's will (Rom. 10:3) and invoke His severe stricture (Rom. 10:21). Straying from the path of righteousness, they have sinned through blindness and stubbornness (Rom. 11). ['The Jews'] have 'both killed the Lord Jesus and their own prophets, and... please not God, and are contrary to all men (1 Thess. 2:15)”

The Rest of the New Testament:

Aside from the gospels and Pauline texts considered above, the general tone of much of the New Testament is one of intolerance for those who do not accept Jesus as saviour.
The violent and irrational anti-Semitism in history has had its roots in one common cause: the teachings of early and middle ages Christianity. Anti-semitism has always been rife within Christianity from the original Church Fathers of the first century. Many of the most influential Christian theologians, for example Augustine, St Aquinas and later, Martin Luther, all indulged themselves by writing anti-Jewish volumes. Aquinas wrote that "since the Jews are the slaves of the Church, she can dispose of their possessions". The Christian anti-Semites took their cue from Biblical verses such as Mark 15:15, Luke 23:3, John 19:4-6, 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16 that blames Jews as a whole for the death of Jesus, John 8:42-47 that says Jews are descended from the devil, and in Rom 10:3 that they are ignorant of God's will, and other verses are often cited by early Christians too although sometimes the logic of their exegesis confuses me.

No other religion has displayed such immovable hatred towards another religion as Christianity did towards the Jews. No holy war has ever lasted so long and been so bloody as the one the Christians waged against innocent Jews from the first century and through the Dark Ages. History provides us with only few occasions where Jews, or even Muslims or pagans, were as intolerant or morally corrupt as the West was under Christian rule. Thankfully modern Christianity, since it lost its power, is generally more humane. Christianity has slowly been forced to change its ways mostly due to pressure from increasingly powerful secular, poly-cultural governments and changing culture.

It was Christianity that turned the Roman system of tolerance and temperance into a monstrous behemoth and oppressor of any non-Christian belief systems. Muslim governments and people through the Middle Ages were more tolerant of beliefs, of science and knowledge, and of Jews, than Western Christianity. Pagan cultures surrounding Western Christian countries were all more tolerant of Jews than those countries inflicted by Christianity. Anti-semitism marched in step with Christianity, was caused by Christian beliefs and was preached from the pulpit by the highest Christian leaders right on through to the twentieth century.
The violent and irrational anti-Semitism in history has had its roots in one common cause: the teachings of early and middle ages Christianity. Anti-semitism has always been rife within Christianity from the original Church Fathers of the first century. Many of the most influential Christian theologians, for example Augustine, St Aquinas and later, Martin Luther, all indulged themselves by writing anti-Jewish volumes. Aquinas wrote that "since the Jews are the slaves of the Church, she can dispose of their possessions". The Christian anti-Semites took their cue from Biblical verses such as Mark 15:15, Luke 23:3, John 19:4-6, 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16 that blames Jews as a whole for the death of Jesus, John 8:42-47 that says Jews are descended from the devil, and in Rom 10:3 that they are ignorant of God's will, and other verses are often cited by early Christians too although sometimes the logic of their exegesis confuses me.

No other religion has displayed such immovable hatred towards another religion as Christianity did towards the Jews. No holy war has ever lasted so long and been so bloody as the one the Christians waged against innocent Jews from the first century and through the Dark Ages. History provides us with only few occasions where Jews, or even Muslims or pagans, were as intolerant or morally corrupt as the West was under Christian rule. Thankfully modern Christianity, since it lost its power, is generally more humane. Christianity has slowly been forced to change its ways mostly due to pressure from increasingly powerful secular, poly-cultural governments and changing culture.

It was Christianity that turned the Roman system of tolerance and temperance into a monstrous behemoth and oppressor of any non-Christian belief systems. Muslim governments and people through the Middle Ages were more tolerant of beliefs, of science and knowledge, and of Jews, than Western Christianity. Pagan cultures surrounding Western Christian countries were all more tolerant of Jews than those countries inflicted by Christianity. Anti-semitism marched in step with Christianity, was caused by Christian beliefs and was preached from the pulpit by the highest Christian leaders right on through to the twentieth century.

A lot of bull shit there, and lies. Christ was a Jew, Paul was a Jew, the Apostles were all Jews, His disciples were all Jews.

Why are you so anti-Christ?

Mark 15:15 "Wanting to satisfy the crowd, Pilate released Barabbas to them. He had Jesus flogged, and handed him over to be crucified."

Pilate was not a Jew.
Christian hatred of Jews is not just a Catholic tradition. Martin Luther was a virulent anti-Semite. At the Diet of Worms he said that 'All Jews should be driven from Germany.' And he wrote a whole book, On the Jews and their Lies, which probably influenced Hitler. Luther described the Jews as a 'brood of vipers' and the same phrase was used by Hitler in a remarkable speech of 1922, in which he several times repeated that he was a Christian. [...] It is hard to know whether Hitler picked up the phrase 'brood of vipers' from Luther, or whether he got it directly from Matthew 3:7. [...] As for the theme of Jewish persecution as part of God's will, Hitler returned to it in Mein Kampf: 'Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.' That was 1925. He said it again in a speech in the Reichstag in 1938, and he said similar things throughout his career.”
A lot of bull shit there, and lies. Christ was a Jew, Paul was a Jew, the Apostles were all Jews, His disciples were all Jews.

Why are you so anti-Christ?

Mark 15:15 "Wanting to satisfy the crowd, Pilate released Barabbas to them. He had Jesus flogged, and handed him over to be crucified."

Pilate was not a Jew.

Martin Luther was a catholic, He preached to Catholics. Yet those who followed him would not be Catholics. Much like Christ, and Christians.
Guno, Jewish history glorifies the slaughter of the Canaanites down to the children and livestock. I don't believe it.. I think they are tall tales, but you can hardly complain about Christians when Jewish history is so full of mayhem and slaughter.
The Bible condemns Jews for sacrificing children to a false god represented by a six-pointed star. Jesus condemned Jews, well, for being Jews (Satanists). Anyone who reads the Talmud will know Jews are a hate group. Christianity isn't about loving Jews, but about following Jesus, and his example.

Jews murdered and persecuted the early Christians. The Jews turned Rome against the early Christians. And, to this day, Jews work hard to destroy our freedom and faith.
A lot of bull shit there, and lies. Christ was a Jew, Paul was a Jew, the Apostles were all Jews, His disciples were all Jews.

Why are you so anti-Christ?

Mark 15:15 "Wanting to satisfy the crowd, Pilate released Barabbas to them. He had Jesus flogged, and handed him over to be crucified."

Pilate was not a Jew.

quite ignorant aren't you , jesus had a following in the jewish community as a rabbi , as did many other teachers nothing more. the problems started when he was named a god man by the roman goyim and then his goyim followers worshipped him as a man god, totally opposite what judaism is

Strange how jesus lived and died as a Jew, no pork gobbling, bowing to statues etc
Split of Christianity and Judaism

Guno, Jewish history glorifies the slaughter of the Canaanites down to the children and livestock. I don't believe it.. I think they are tall tales, but you can hardly complain about Christians when Jewish history is so full of mayhem and slaughter.

one has to look to recent event the holocaust perpetrated by the goyim


Christian Persecution of Jews over the Centuries: Introduction

There is a jewish pray to be said every morning upon waking where you give thanks that you are not born a slave or a goyim

“Blessed are you O God, King of the Universe, Who has not made me…” and conclude, respectively, “a goy [Gentile],” or “a slave”

In the 13th century, the Church, for reasons of its own, began to take a vigorous interest in the contents of Jewish prayers. As, with time, the Inquisition expanded its writ and printing enhanced the reach of the censor, Jews began to insert an “explanatory note” to the effect that mention of Gentiles anywhere in the siddur referred not to Christians but to proper heathens. When it came specifically to the goy of the dawn blessings, Jews also took positive action to alter the text: either substituting a euphemism (like “Samarian”), employing the affirmative statement, “Who has made me a Jew,” or skipping the line entirely. Sometimes the same scribe would have recourse to all three. But while the Church may have succeeded at times in driving the word into the shadows, it may also have inspired its preservation. Kahn: “If the effect of censorship and expurgation was to muzzle Jewish religious speech, this blessing was an act of spiritual resistance and identity-formation that reasserted the superiority of the Jews over the Gentile oppressors.”
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quite ignorant aren't you , jesus had a following in the jewish community as a rabbi , as did many other teachers nothing more. the problems started when he was named a god man by the roman goyim and then his goyim followers worshipped him as a man god, totally opposite what judaism is

Strange how jesus lived and died as a Jew, no pork gobbling, bowing to statues etc
Split of Christianity and Judaism

I am not going to get into a spate over your heathen view of Christ as God (He claimed to be so numerous times), nor am I going to point out to you the criteria for being a rabbi (such as the requirement that one be married). I will only say that there are many false teachers in the world attempting to destroy Christianity. Be sure you are not one of them.

Would have been more intelligent of you had you attempted to prove what I said to be wrong rather then introduce your own ignorance into the conversation.