2008 Update


In a couple of months the race for the White House for 2008 will get under way ..

The latest polls ... Hillary still looks like she's got the winning edge ...my dissapointment is Warner... he has lost ground ... he's not getting any NAtional media Attention. Gore ..despite saying he's not going to run has actually increased since the last reports.

On the Pub side ...it looks like a 3 way battle ... McCain, Giulliani and Rice ..


Pew Research Center for the People & the Press survey conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates International. Aug. 9-13, 2006. N=1,219 registered voters nationwide, including 409 Republicans.


"Now I am going to read you the names of some possible candidates for the Republican nomination for president in 2008. AFTER I READ ALL THE NAMES, please tell me which one you would most like to see nominated as the Republican Party's candidate for president." If unsure: "Well as of today, to whom do you most lean?" Names rotated


ALL Republicans
% %
John McCain 26 20

Rudy Giuliani 24 24

Condoleezza Rice 18 21

Newt Gingrich 5 9

George Allen 3

Mitt Romney 3

Bill Frist 2

Sam Brownback 1

Other (vol.) 1

None (vol.) 13


Pew Research Center for the People & the Press survey conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates International. Aug. 9-13, 2006. N=1,219 registered voters nationwide, including 407 Democrats.


"Now I am going to read you the names of some possible candidates for the Democratic nomination for president in 2008. AFTER I READ ALL THE NAMES, please tell me which one you would most like to see nominated as the Democratic Party's candidate for president." If unsure: "Well as of today, to whom do you most lean?" Names rotated


ALL Democrats
% %
Hillary Clinton 29 40

Al Gore 13 18

John Edwards 11 11

John Kerry 9 11

Joe Biden 6

Bill Richardson 5

Mark Warner 3

Russ Feingold 3

Other (vol.) 2

None (vol.) 16

Unsure 3
Its meaningless at this point klatuu. We're two years out. Its all just name-recognitions at this point.

Virtually noboby had heard of Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, or Mike Dukkakis two years out.

And when socially conservative Iowa caucus voters learn about Guilliani's social liberalism, he's goint to get tossed overboard. Condi Rice has nothing to offer but name recognition. You can't point to a single successful thing she's done. All she'll have is the iraq war hanging around her neck like an albatross.

Hillary is no longer beloved by the activitst Democratic base.. She just has the name recognition, for now.
Giulliani/Rice 2008!

I could live with that. Even tho Guliani is Liberal on socila issues, I can't stand Joh McCain. I used to love the guy,but he really doesn't stand firm enough on anything and has behaved like a Republicrat while calling himself a Republican
Its meaningless at this point klatuu. We're two years out. Its all just name-recognitions at this point.

Virtually noboby had heard of Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, or Mike Dukkakis two years out.

And when socially conservative Iowa caucus voters learn about Guilliani's social liberalism, he's goint to get tossed overboard. Condi Rice has nothing to offer but name recognition. You can't point to a single successful thing she's done. All she'll have is the iraq war hanging around her neck like an albatross.

Hillary is no longer beloved by the activitst Democratic base.. She just has the name recognition, for now.
I also think that Giulliani's political and personal baggage make him unelectable. Yes, he's got a very shiny image and a lot of name recognition. The shine is just cheap paint, however: scratch him and he starts to look really ugly indeed.

He wouldn't even be able to deliver New York in the general.
I say again that Rice isn't interested. There's your gloating opportunity for next year if I'm wrong: it's one of the few real prognostications I'm likely to make. ;)
LOL. I was being fascetious. Although I really would like it if those two ran... And you know it would be more than "just name recognition" if the GOP really did select Rice as VP Material...
LOL. I was being fascetious. Although I really would like it if those two ran... And you know it would be more than "just name recognition" if the GOP really did select Rice as VP Material...
I suppoose it would. They might even do it considering the fact that they're struggling with the perception that they've become too "conservative" -- and I mean that strictly in the vernacular, fuzzily imprecise sense. I don't believe she wants it though.
Rice wont run, becides she is WAY too close to Bush's war in Iraq to get elected dog cathcer.

I predict Sennator Clinton will sit this one out.
Rice wont run, becides she is WAY too close to Bush's war in Iraq to get elected dog cathcer.

I predict Sennator Clinton will sit this one out.
If she's going to run, now is the time. If a dem gets in, would she run a primary against a sitting pres? If not then she's locked out till 2016.
On the repubs side McCain and GWB as VP. Then McCain could resign and GWB could be president for another 4 years. the same type of thing could be used by Bill clinton. The Constitution seems to cover all the various ways of term limiting the president to 2 terms but this method.
I think Sennator Clinton is going to sit this out, she will still be elegable in 2016! She is still in her early 50's.
Rice wont run, becides she is WAY too close to Bush's war in Iraq to get elected dog cathcer.

I predict Sennator Clinton will sit this one out.

Hey Jarod.., you and I actually agree on something.. Imagine that! There was a time when I though Rice would make a hell of a candidate, but not any longer ..for the reasons you outlined.
Anybody think Bloomberg might make a run in 2008 as an independent? Hell, 8 billion dollars all to his lonesome, he needs no party to nominate him.
On the repubs side McCain and GWB as VP. Then McCain could resign and GWB could be president for another 4 years. the same type of thing could be used by Bill clinton. The Constitution seems to cover all the various ways of term limiting the president to 2 terms but this method.


Many people disbelieve me whenever I tell them this, but the president could literally serve an unlimited amount of terms under this method. I doubt many presidents could win under the promise to resign in order to allow a different, older, third term president to serve, however. Roosevelte had a difficult enough time doing it, and he had many less obstacles back then.
Hey Jarod.., you and I actually agree on something.. Imagine that! There was a time when I though Rice would make a hell of a candidate, but not any longer ..for the reasons you outlined.

So we have that!