2012 Election results (spoiler alert)


Uwaa OmO
Obama wins in 2012 with 57% of the popular vote. Republican candidate is not note worthy in anyway. Michigan will vote Republican (surprisingly). Will be called at 11:00pm EST.

These are not predictions by the way, they are facts.
Obama wins in 2012 with 57% of the popular vote. Republican candidate is not note worthy in anyway. Michigan will vote Republican (surprisingly). Will be called at 11:00pm EST.

These are not predictions by the way, they are facts.

Several things to note here... This serves as a prime example that pinheads don't really know or comprehend what "facts" are. It reveals how they believe "opinion" can be molded into "fact" by proclamation, much the way the socialist ruling class did in years gone by, or how tyrant dictators do today. It also demonstrates complete contempt for rational thought and logic, if this were truly a "fact" there would be absolutely no reason for the hundreds and thousands of republican-bashing threads permeating the internet message boards and blogs on a daily basis. Do we see any rightie posting threads to criticize and smear Micheal Dukakis? No, because it indeed IS a fact that he lost an election, and lost badly, and is thus, irrelevant.

I really feel sorry for delusional pinheads like this, because reality is going to be so hard to swallow, come November 2012. Unless Obama truly IS a Messiah, and can perform some sort of divine miracle, the economy ain't rebounding, no jobs are headed our way, and the value of the dollar will continue to fall as inflation rages on. Maybe Messiah Obama can change himself into Ronald Reagan from now until the election, and somehow reverse everything he has put into motion, but it's getting to the point that even such a feat as this, would be too little - too late. Most large-scale employers are currently deliberating their fiscal budgets for next year, and since most of them didn't have a stellar year, this year, they are not considering expansion, and in most cases, are trying to justify not making further cuts in staff. Time is running out for the Obama Administration to offer some sort of coherent pro-business private sector incentive to spark growth. The window is closing on next year, because the budgets and plans will be set, and most corporations don't change the plan in the middle of the fiscal year, it's just not done. So, at best, the next opportunity to see any real jobs growth, will be after the 2012 elections, and only then, if the economy produces a banner year this year... ha!

I know you just love you some Obamajuice... but honestly, you know he is in some deep shit right now, and it's not going to get easier.
Obama wins in 2012 with 57% of the popular vote. Republican candidate is not note worthy in anyway. Michigan will vote Republican (surprisingly). Will be called at 11:00pm EST.

These are not predictions by the way, they are facts.

Obamacare & the depression we're in is going to kill the dems.

Not to mention Obamas chances.

I bet the reps collect over 13 seats in 2012.

While jobs going overseas is causing financial pain here what other solution is there to help the developing countries develop? If we want to unify the planet we either get them involved in the job market or continue to send aid.

Imagine the uproar if people's taxes were increased and the increase was sent overseas to help those nations! So, the "solution" has been cutting jobs here and taxing people (increasing the deficit) to help fellow Americans. It's a more acceptable approach.

Changes are coming in 2012. Some say a cataclysm. Others say we'll learn we're not alone in the universe. Another theory is our understanding of time/dimensions will be revealed. The point being changes are coming and we all have to adjust regardless of who is in charge.

When choosing a candidate I think the deciding factor is which individual will make the transition the least painful regardless of the country in which one lives as we'll all be affected.
Obama wins in 2012 with 57% of the popular vote. Republican candidate is not note worthy in anyway. Michigan will vote Republican (surprisingly). Will be called at 11:00pm EST.

These are not predictions by the way, they are facts.

interesting.....do you really think it's possible to win 57% of the popular vote yet still lose in Electoral College........because there's very little chance Obama is going to hold onto the swing states unless he pulls the economy out of his ass.....
interesting.....do you really think it's possible to win 57% of the popular vote yet still lose in Electoral College........because there's very little chance Obama is going to hold onto the swing states unless he pulls the economy out of his ass.....
He won't hold all the swing states (like I said MI is gonna be red). But he'll still take around 310 in the electoral. I'll post a map later. PA, OH, WI, MN are certainly gonna be blue. IN probably will be red but that's not a sure thing.

And technically speaking, either candidate can win 100% of the popular vote and still lose the electoral college. The electors are not bound to follow the popular results.
And technically speaking, either candidate can win 100% of the popular vote and still lose the electoral college. The electors are not bound to follow the popular results.

lol.....uh, no......I'm pretty sure that if the candidate gets 100% of the popular vote it would be pretty tough to find a single vote for the other guy in the electoral college.....
lol.....uh, no......I'm pretty sure that if the candidate gets 100% of the popular vote it would be pretty tough to find a single vote for the other guy in the electoral college.....
They're not required to vote any certain way. While it's never happened that way, it certainly is allowed.
Several things to note here... This serves as a prime example that pinheads don't really know or comprehend what "facts" are. It reveals how they believe "opinion" can be molded into "fact" by proclamation, much the way the socialist ruling class did in years gone by, or how tyrant dictators do today. It also demonstrates complete contempt for rational thought and logic, if this were truly a "fact" there would be absolutely no reason for the hundreds and thousands of republican-bashing threads permeating the internet message boards and blogs on a daily basis. Do we see any rightie posting threads to criticize and smear Micheal Dukakis? No, because it indeed IS a fact that he lost an election, and lost badly, and is thus, irrelevant.

I really feel sorry for delusional pinheads like this, because reality is going to be so hard to swallow, come November 2012. Unless Obama truly IS a Messiah, and can perform some sort of divine miracle, the economy ain't rebounding, no jobs are headed our way, and the value of the dollar will continue to fall as inflation rages on. Maybe Messiah Obama can change himself into Ronald Reagan from now until the election, and somehow reverse everything he has put into motion, but it's getting to the point that even such a feat as this, would be too little - too late. Most large-scale employers are currently deliberating their fiscal budgets for next year, and since most of them didn't have a stellar year, this year, they are not considering expansion, and in most cases, are trying to justify not making further cuts in staff. Time is running out for the Obama Administration to offer some sort of coherent pro-business private sector incentive to spark growth. The window is closing on next year, because the budgets and plans will be set, and most corporations don't change the plan in the middle of the fiscal year, it's just not done. So, at best, the next opportunity to see any real jobs growth, will be after the 2012 elections, and only then, if the economy produces a banner year this year... ha!

I know you just love you some Obamajuice... but honestly, you know he is in some deep shit right now, and it's not going to get easier.

2 little questions for you:

What is Obama doing wrong on the international stage?
What is your alternative?
Who do you have who understands the world better and who can help your ailing nation better?
What, in heaven's name is a pinhead? Do you consider it some sort of insult? If so it's wasted on me.
Wouldn't you be better employed criticising or supporting your local state government? International affairs clearly are not your forte.

Or is it, as I suspect, the fact that having built you den around anti black, anti democracy, pro southern american patriotism, you will never admit that Obama is so far ahead of you that you can't see his dust?
2 little questions for you:

What is Obama doing wrong on the international stage?
What is your alternative?
Who do you have who understands the world better and who can help your ailing nation better?
What, in heaven's name is a pinhead? Do you consider it some sort of insult? If so it's wasted on me.
Wouldn't you be better employed criticising or supporting your local state government? International affairs clearly are not your forte.

Or is it, as I suspect, the fact that having built you den around anti black, anti democracy, pro southern american patriotism, you will never admit that Obama is so far ahead of you that you can't see his dust?
Umm what has Obama done other than be black and not have the last name Bush? Because he's either followed or expanded everything Bush did and has reversed literally nothing. If the international community likes him more simply because of the two aforementioned points then they really aren't bright enough to worry about their support in the first place.
what if Pawlenty is the candidate?.....or someone from PA, OH, or WI?.....I remember Reagan's second election.....MN voted blue because the Dem candidate was from MN.....as I recall, it was the only blue state.....

The only Repelican candidate who stands a snowballs chance in hell against Obama is Romney. Mainstream America won't tolerate another right wing wacko in the White house. Romney is the only competent moderate the Repelicans have....and I would consider voting for a man with his significant record of accomplishment. If Repelicans nominate anyone but Romney then it will be 4 more years of Obama.....which is fine by me.....God help this nation if some looney reactionary like Bachman get's nomnated. Repelicans need to nominate a candidate that will appeal to middle America.....their not going to do that with Bachman, Pawlenty or the rest of the bag of mixed nuts.
While jobs going overseas is causing financial pain here what other solution is there to help the developing countries develop? If we want to unify the planet we either get them involved in the job market or continue to send aid.

Imagine the uproar if people's taxes were increased and the increase was sent overseas to help those nations! So, the "solution" has been cutting jobs here and taxing people (increasing the deficit) to help fellow Americans. It's a more acceptable approach.

Changes are coming in 2012. Some say a cataclysm. Others say we'll learn we're not alone in the universe. Another theory is our understanding of time/dimensions will be revealed. The point being changes are coming and we all have to adjust regardless of who is in charge.

When choosing a candidate I think the deciding factor is which individual will make the transition the least painful regardless of the country in which one lives as we'll all be affected.

"if we want to unify the planet..."

What? Who said that it was a goal of this nation to unify the entire planet? What is this, Mein Kampf?