2012 Republican candidates

Bush, J./Palin v. Obama/Clinton

Although I suspect the Bushes are done in the United States for at least 20 years.
Bush, J./Palin v. Obama/Clinton

Although I suspect the Bushes are done in the United States for at least 20 years.

Jed Bush is not running for President. If he runs for anything it will be the Senate. The sad irony is that he is probably the most talented politically in his family but his father and brother have ruined any chance he has of running for President.
Jed Bush is not running for President. If he runs for anything it will be the Senate. The sad irony is that he is probably the most talented politically in his family but his father and brother have ruined any chance he has of running for President.

I agree that he is more talented than any other Bush... However I did not like him as governor and I believe that his name is bad enough that he will likely have a hard time getting elected even to the Florida Sennate seat.
Jed Bush is not running for President. If he runs for anything it will be the Senate. The sad irony is that he is probably the most talented politically in his family but his father and brother have ruined any chance he has of running for President.

Ohh he had about the same success rate in private business as dubya did.
Although I do think he is a bit smarter than dubya, but then that applies to most farm animals.
I met Jeb once at a Prosecutor Convention I was at, where he gave a speech. He comes across as much much more every day kinda guy than GWB, but he also comes across more like a smug business man than anything else.
I still think that Romney is the Republicans strongest candidate, if he can stop looking like a faker and get some real fiscal conservative credentials.

But with moderates fleeing in droves to the Democratic party, it's looking more and more like the primaries will produce someone like Palin or Huckabee, who Obama will make short work of. This is sort of the problem with closed primaries: although they ensure that your ideological base is taken care of, when moderates flee you it sends your party into a suicide dive because no candidates are selected that are winnable in any place but places where your ideological base is a majority. IE the south.
I think Jeb Bush could make a run in 2016. Our population forgets pretty much any slight if you can point to a few minor wins.

I liked Bush as Gov, and he did have a large following. He could have the south behind him and the moderates back in the party.
The republicans will be back in 2012 and most likely Romney will beat Obama.

The left will take a pass and Obama will be left courting republicans.

The mindfuck is only good once.
The republicans will be back in 2012 and most likely Romney will beat Obama.

The left will take a pass and Obama will be left courting republicans.

The mindfuck is only good once.
Well, as a branch of the government it is impossible to avoid controversial issues. As one of one hundred? Much easier.