21 Days To Save the World...


Staff member
As you all know, the Mayans predicted the end of the world on the Winter Solstice of 2012... As it stands, there are only 21 days left for me to save the world, just enough time to get some Taco Bell first then I'm off... at great risk and danger to myself I accept this daunting task!

You'll know if I'm successful if you wake up on the 22nd, thanks can be sent to me in the form of cash, expensive cars, even jewelry will be accepted.

Wish me luck!
As you all know, the Mayans predicted the end of the world on the Winter Solstice of 2012... As it stands, there are only 21 days left for me to save the world, just enough time to get some Taco Bell first then I'm off... at great risk and danger to myself I accept this daunting task!

You'll know if I'm successful if you wake up on the 22nd, thanks can be sent to me in the form of cash, expensive cars, even jewelry will be accepted.

Wish me luck!

If you thwart the Mayan's plan to move the Earth into it's next cycle of life, you should be impaled on a spike and allowed to die slowly. :D
It's dangerous to go alone, take this;
As you all know, the Mayans predicted the end of the world on the Winter Solstice of 2012... As it stands, there are only 21 days left for me to save the world, just enough time to get some Taco Bell first then I'm off... at great risk and danger to myself I accept this daunting task!

You'll know if I'm successful if you wake up on the 22nd, thanks can be sent to me in the form of cash, expensive cars, even jewelry will be accepted.

Wish me luck!

Dude, I've got this. Things are going according to plan so far. Romney, Ryan, Akin, and Morlock are out. Warren is in, it's all good.
As you all know, the Mayans predicted the end of the world on the Winter Solstice of 2012... As it stands, there are only 21 days left for me to save the world, just enough time to get some Taco Bell first then I'm off... at great risk and danger to myself I accept this daunting task!

You'll know if I'm successful if you wake up on the 22nd, thanks can be sent to me in the form of cash, expensive cars, even jewelry will be accepted.

Wish me luck!

Beware of dudes that look like this:



But you can trust the aliens that look like this:



It's really a no-brainer.

God speed!
damo, billy, and I all like taco bell


It's insane how modship has basically been self selected for libertarian-esque taco eaters.
damo, billy, and I all like taco bell


It's insane how modship has basically been self selected for libertarian-esque taco eaters.

100% of the mods like guns
100% of the mods like tacos
100% of the mods like good beer
100% of the mods are Libertarian
100% of the mods are not Christian

Too many coincidences to be anything but fate.
actually, you guys are screwed.....the Rapture is going to happen on the 19th and no one is going to see it coming.....

by the way, it runs in the family....my great grandfather sold his farm and put my nine year old grandfather in the buggy and went to South Dakota to see the end of the world......left his wife and the rest of the kids behind because they weren't saved....
actually, you guys are screwed.....the Rapture is going to happen on the 19th and no one is going to see it coming.....

by the way, it runs in the family....my great grandfather sold his farm and put my nine year old grandfather in the buggy and went to South Dakota to see the end of the world......left his wife and the rest of the kids behind because they weren't saved....

wow your family is dumb.
Taco del Mar is better. The only thing Taco Bell is better than is Taco Time, because Taco Time is for proles. That said, I do want to try that Dorito monstrosity sometime...

It's just hard to go to Taco Bell when there's so many good eats around me such as Popeye's!
btw I will be watching on 12-21 from a safe distance.

Earth becomes just another footnote in the statistics of the universe.
im literally going to google and try to find some hippie type gathering or something for 12-21 and I am going to go to it.
I hope you all remember I worked hard to save your lives over the past 21 days... Gifts are accepted, especially on Festivus.