TuTu Monroe

A Realist
By EAMON JAVERS * 7/20/09 3:19 PM EDT

A series of bailouts, bank rescues and other economic lifelines could end up costing the federal government as much as $23 trillion, the U.S. government’s watchdog over the effort says – a staggering amount that is nearly double the nation’s entire economic output for a year.

If the feds end up spending that amount, it could be more than the federal government has spent on any single effort in American history.

For the government to be on the hook for the total amount, worst-case scenarios would have to come to pass in a variety of federal programs, which is unlikely, says Neil Barofsky, the special inspector general for the government’s financial bailout programs, in testimony prepared for delivery to the House oversight committee Tuesday.

The Treasury Department says less than $2 trillion has been spent so far.

Still, the enormity of the IG’s projection underscores the size of the economic disaster that hit the nation over the past year and the unprecedented sums mobilized by the federal government under Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama to confront it.

In fact, $23 trillion is more than the total cost of all the wars the United States has ever fought, put together. World War II, for example, cost $4.1 trillion in 2008 dollars, according to the Congressional Research Service.

Even the Moon landings and the New Deal didn’t come close to $23 trillion: the Moon shot in 1969 cost an estimated $237 billion in current dollars, and the entire Depression-era Roosevelt relief program came in at $500 billion, according to Jim Bianco of Bianco Research.

The annual gross domestic product of the United States is just over $14 trillion.

Treasury spokesman Andrew Williams downplayed the total amount could ever reach Barofsky’s number.

“The $23.7 trillion estimate generally includes programs at the hypothetical maximum size envisioned when they were established,” Williams said. “It was never likely that all these programs would be ‘maxed out’ at the same time.”
Still, the eye-popping price tag provoked an immediate reaction on Capitol Hill. “The potential financial commitment the American taxpayers could be responsible for is of a size and scope that isn’t even imaginable,” said Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), the ranking member of the House Oversight Committee. “If you spent a million dollars a day going back to the birth of Christ, that wouldn’t even come close to just one trillion dollars – $23.7 trillion is a staggering figure.”

Congressional Democrats say they will call for Treasury to meet transparency requirements suggested by the inspector general, said a spokeswoman for the Oversight committee. “The American people need to know what’s going on with their money,” said committee spokeswoman Jenny Rosenberg. Politico.com

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AAA bond rating down the tubes. Any guess how far? Is bankruptcy a possibility?

I'll check the current Treasury Bond yield, which usually comes in my e-mail. I suspect it will go way down.

As you know, normally the government increases the debt limit, prints money and finances it by the sale of US Treasury Bonds, but who in the hell is going to buy them? The Chinese are already complaining about our debt.
The GAO said that our government needs an additional 53 trillion to pay for all promised benefits like Social Security and Medicare. I don't see how we can keep from going bankrupt.

Bottom line, WE HAVE BEEN SCREWED!!.
Whoa Nellie!

You were scaring the bejesus out of me with your thread title, and your article......

.....until I got to the third sentence of your article.

"For the government to be on the hook for the total amount, worst-case scenarios would have to come to pass in a variety of federal programs, which is unlikely, says Neil Barofsky, the special inspector general for the government’s financial bailout programs, in testimony prepared for delivery to the House oversight committee Tuesday."

What is this? Its too early for April Fools day thread titles, dude!
I'll check the current Treasury Bond yield, which usually comes in my e-mail. I suspect it will go way down.

As you know, normally the government increases the debt limit, prints money and finances it by the sale of US Treasury Bonds, but who in the hell is going to buy them? The Chinese are already complaining about our debt.
The GAO said that our government needs an additional 53 trillion to pay for all promised benefits like Social Security and Medicare. I don't see how we can keep from going bankrupt.

Bottom line, WE HAVE BEEN SCREWED!!.
Like Germany after WW2. *shrug*
And if everyone stopped buying from Wal-Mart tomorrow they would have debt several times their worth. It is unreasonable to call the possible debt in the worst case scenario, no matter how unlikely, the actual debt.
And if everyone stopped buying from Wal-Mart tomorrow they would have debt several times their worth. It is unreasonable to call the possible debt in the worst case scenario, no matter how unlikely, the actual debt.
Except WalMart has inventory worth buying; the US government not so much, unless you plan on selling out military hardware to our enemies.
Just the selling arms to your enemies bit :)

And good day to you SM. It is so nice to see you this afternoon.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend, my friend.

"When greeting from another time zone, greet in time zone of who you greet." The Southern Man's Rules of Civility and Decent Behavior in Company and Conversation
The enemy of my enemy is my friend, my friend.

"When greeting from another time zone, greet in time zone of who you greet." The Southern Man's Rules of Civility and Decent Behavior in Company and Conversation

Because Iran was the enemy of your enemy?

That er...doesn't really work, does it?

BTW... those rules on civility. Did you adopt those before or after your ban from this fine board?
Which rule?

You may have more joy asking that of the person who banned you?

Believe it or not, it all apparently happened while i was safely tucked up in bed. You were gone overnight (although it probably wasn't your night-time so don't get offended by that breach of the SM etiquette)