25 Signs you might be a conservative.

Mott the Hoople

Sweet Jane
You actually believe Rush Limbaugh knows what he's talking about.

The Bible and Sears Robuck catalog are the only books in your house.

You argue for stiffer sentences for marijuana users while your working on your second six pack of Budweiser.

You believe Jesus was a white guy.

You think an AK-47 makes a fine hunting rifle.

That Fox News really is fair and balanced.

You believe tax cuts for the wealthy are an economic stimulus but that tax cuts for working people is socialism.

You oppose abortion but support the death penalty.

You actually believe Ronald Reagan won the cold war.

You condem gays but get caught working the glory holes at the local adult theater.

You just don't understand how anyone could possibly find the Confederate flag offensive.

You believe fanatically in freedom, that is, unless someone actually practices it.

You believe that the most affective form of birth control is to not mention anything about sex to a child till they are least 31.

You believe that the USA has never lost a war.

You have a fish on the bumper of your car.

You believe science is a liberal conspiracy to undermine the values of your children.

You believe that bringing our troops home is not supporting them but that leaving them in a war zone where there getting killed is.

You oppose porn but are on a first name basis with Jenna Jameson.

You frequent airport restrooms.

You think Ayn Rand is a pinko commie liberal.

That members of the KKK are really just a bunch of misunderstood fellas.

That 8 years of George Bush really has been good for the country.

It really doesn't matter if you know how to spell potatoe or nuclar.

Building a wall along the Mexican border is a great idea!

Drug dealers should be put to death but Tobacco farmers should be subsidized.
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You You argue for stiffer sentences for marijuana users while your working on your second six pack of Budweiser.

You believe Jesus was a white guy.

You believe fanatically in freedom, that is, unless someone actually practices it.

You believe that the most affective form of birth control is to not mention anything about sex to a child till they are least 31.

You think Ayn Rand is a pinko commie liberal.

These ones are pretty funny.
You actually believe Rush Limbaugh knows what he's talking about.

The Bible and Sears Robuck catalog are the only books in your house.

You argue for stiffer sentences for marijuana users while your working on your second six pack of Budweiser.

You believe Jesus was a white guy.

You think an AK-47 makes a fine hunting rifle.

That Fox News really is fair and balanced.

You believe tax cuts for the wealthy are an economic stimulus but that tax cuts for working people is socialism.

You oppose abortion but support the death penalty.

You actually believe Ronald Reagan won the cold war.

You condem gays but get caught working the glory holes at the local adult theater.

You just don't understand how anyone could possibly find the Confederate flag offensive.

You believe fanatically in freedom, that is, unless someone actually practices it.

You believe that the most affective form of birth control is to not mention anything about sex to a child till they are least 31.

You believe that the USA has never lost a war.

You have a fish on the bumper of your car.

You believe science is a liberal conspiracy to undermine the values of your children.

You believe that bringing our troops home is not supporting them but that leaving them in a war zone where there getting killed is.

You oppose porn but are on a first name basis with Jenna Jameson.

You frequent airport restrooms.

You think Ayn Rand is a pinko commie liberal.

That members of the KKK are really just a bunch of misunderstood fellas.

That 8 years of George Bush really has been good for the country.

It really doesn't matter if you know how to spell potatoe or nuclar.

Building a wall along the Mexican border is a great idea!

Drug dealers should be put to death but Tobacco farmers should be subsidized.

LMAO! Funny stuff too.
You argue for stiffer sentences for marijuana users while your working on your second six pack of Budweiser.

You believe Jesus was a white guy.

That Fox News really is fair and balanced.

You just don't understand how anyone could possibly find the Confederate flag offensive.

You believe that the most affective form of birth control is to not mention anything about sex to a child till they are least 31.

You believe that the USA has never lost a war.

You believe that bringing our troops home is not supporting them but that leaving them in a war zone where there getting killed is.

You think Ayn Rand is a pinko commie liberal.

Drug dealers should be put to death but Tobacco farmers should be subsidized.

Hah nice. This one is better than the liberal one Acorn posted.
"You actually believe Rush Limbaugh knows what he's talking about."

He's one of the biggest idiots on this planet.

"The Bible and Sears Robuck catalog are the only books in your house."

I have neither

"You argue for stiffer sentences for marijuana users while your working on your second six pack of Budweiser."

1) Budweiser sucks
2) MJ should be legalized

"You believe Jesus was a white guy."

Don't really focus on skin pigmentation.

"You think an AK-47 makes a fine hunting rifle."

No, but my 45 is sure fun to play with.

"That Fox News really is fair and balanced."

Unfortunately none really are anymore, though CNN is fairly close.

"You believe tax cuts for the wealthy are an economic stimulus but that tax cuts for working people is socialism."

I am all for a flat tax with standard deduction. More fair than the current B.S. the Dems and Reps have given us.... and simple enough even the retards on the far left and far right can understand.

"You oppose abortion but support the death penalty."

1) Yes, I oppose killing an innocent child
2) Only support the DP in cases where DNA evidence is 100% or when the murderer/rapist pleads guilty. All old cases (before DNA evidence) should be commuted to life in prison.

"You actually believe Ronald Reagan won the cold war."

He certainly played a large part in it. As did Thatcher, Pope John Paul II and the Polish people.

"You condem gays but get caught working the glory holes at the local adult theater."

Neither of the above applies to me.

"You just don't understand how anyone could possibly find the Confederate flag offensive."

I can see both sides of the argument.

"You believe fanatically in freedom, that is, unless someone actually practices it."


"You believe that the most affective form of birth control is to not mention anything about sex to a child till they are least 31."

No, the most effective form of birth control is kicking you in the nuts.

"You believe that the USA has never lost a war."


"You have a fish on the bumper of your car."

Not a good indicator as many fans of the band Fish also have a fish on the bumper of their cars.

"You believe science is a liberal conspiracy to undermine the values of your children."

LMAO... Science is the thing liberals ignore when it comes to abortion.

"You believe that bringing our troops home is not supporting them but that leaving them in a war zone where there getting killed is."

Nice spin. Moveon has taught you well.

"You oppose porn but are on a first name basis with Jenna Jameson."

As long as people in the porn are participating of their own free will... I have no problem with them making money off of doing it.

"You frequent airport restrooms."

Only when I really have to piss before or after a flight.

"You think Ayn Rand is a pinko commie liberal."

Isn't she?

"That members of the KKK are really just a bunch of misunderstood fellas."

yep... just like the black panthers. :rolleyes:

"That 8 years of George Bush really has been good for the country."

Nope. One of the most fiscally irresponsible Presidents we have had.

"It really doesn't matter if you know how to spell potatoe or nuclar."

Or if you don't know how many states there are in the US.

"Building a wall along the Mexican border is a great idea!"


"Drug dealers should be put to death but Tobacco farmers should be subsidized".

I think you would be hard pressed to find anyone who thinks the DP should be used on drug dealers.