2nd Bush term promises gloom


Loyal to the end
God help the United States, for I believe that in a second term, George Bush may lead us into hell.

How do we deal with the fact that Bush is so hated in the world that he has united Sunni and Shi'ite Muslims for the first time in 11 centuries, bound together by their white-hot hatred for our president and our country?

What will Bush's response be, with 138,000 troops tied up in Iraq fighting a chronic insurgency, if Iran tests a nuclear warhead underground? What if Korea did the same the next week? Which allies would stand with us against these threats? Micronesia? Palau? Iceland? Estonia?

When these threats present themselves, Bush will have few viable military options available. Does anyone really think he has the wisdom or maturity to avoid seeing a tactical nuclear strike against Iran or Korea as an "effective" response?

We put Pandora back in her box in 1945 and have kept her there for nearly 60 years. When she pops out from under another mushroom cloud of our creation, does anyone think we'll be able to put her back a second time?

What will women say when their right to choose goes away? How will they tell their daughters that right will be gone until the young, firebrand, ultra-right judges that Bush will appoint are old and gray?

I shudder at the thought of how many other positive changes in American jurisprudence will be crushed under the jackboot of a Chief Justice Scalia court. I mourn them, for they will be long gone unless the impending nuclear winter makes their passing moot.

For the first time, I am frightened of the future, frightened for my children and ashamed of the mess we've left them.



What a fanatic this guy is. :rolleyes:
yeah just another bush Basher like me.
Those darned turbo libs.

I wish we still had the Politics.com DB so I could pull up some of my old posts from 2000 or so....
Umm recession, quagmire in Iraq, 1 trillion or so war cost instead of 40 billion, not over in 6 months. No WMD's, etc, etc, etc.
Mine came true!
whoever wrote thought is obviously a paranoid, excessively delusional and unstable individual...that person should never say squat about anyone criticizing obama.
whoever wrote thought is obviously a paranoid, excessively delusional and unstable individual...that person should never say squat about anyone criticizing obama.

This Obama thing is funny. Obama has the worst presidential ratings of an president before he took office.
whoever wrote thought is obviously a paranoid, excessively delusional and unstable individual...that person should never say squat about anyone criticizing obama.

also a very hate filled, partsian hack who lashes out in rage toward anyone who would dare disagree with him

I suspect he would accuse that person of attacking his patriotism and service to the country
More ostrich politics from the right. Can't deal with the reality that the predictions of Bush being one of the most inept Presidents in the history of our Republic have largely come true.
....Can't deal with the reality that the predictions of Bush being one of the most inept Presidents in the history of our Republic have largely come true.

Like this one? :rolleyes:

....Bush will have few viable military options available. Does anyone really think he has the wisdom or maturity to avoid seeing a tactical nuclear strike against Iran or Korea as an "effective" response?....
The idiot who wrote this letter is your typical liberal. Spreading fear, over the top emotion, and unable to back up anything with facts
Like Mushroom clouds in 45 min?
I thought that came from the Bushcamp.

Who said that?

I rememebr the mushroom cloud over Israel comment when talking about Iraq

It seems liberals would rather wait for an attack to happen, blame Pres Bush, and then demand the UN place sanctions on the guilty party

Bottom line is, all the BS this idiot wrote in the letter failed to come true. He is a left wing mmonbat who has a sever anger problem