3 a.m. Phone Call part 2


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Scene opens with Hillary finishing her 3 a.m. call dealing with the nebulus national security question. She sits at her desk writing a few more notes when her secretary walks in.

Secretary: Madam President there is an urgent phone call on line 3.

Hillary: Oh dear god! What has happened now?

Hillary picks up the phone and a familiar male voice with an Arkasas twang in on the other end

Bill: Hey hun whatchya doin'?

Hillary: What is it now Bill?

Bill: Well I just want you to know what a great job I think yer doin' there in my old rompin er ah I mean stompin grounds, and how I knew all along you were the best man for the job, but um...right now, I was wonderin if you could send the limo to Baltimore to pick me up at the titty bar?

Scene fades.

Announcers voice: When it comes to the presidency, we want a President that has lots of experience at handling those "situations" that arise at 3 a.m..

My Name is Hillary Clinton and I approve of this ad.
yeah, like Bill is going to a titty bar, those women are in shape.... you are more likely to find him at a fat camp...