30 million Canadians Show Up Across Canada To Protest LGBT Hateful Garbage Forced Upo

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
I am guessing that is a likely ball park number since the media always tries to make parents and citizens that care look like a dwindling number while also trying to make LGBT sickos look like millions of them show up. Take the garbage that went on in Toronto back in June for example, I saw no evidence that even a hundred thousand LGBT sickos showed up to such a sickly and repulsive event yet the main stream idiot media attempts to boast more than 2 million sickos showed up with no evidence what so ever!

Notice that every time Canadians protest to get rid of sick and filthy LGBT garbage that the WEF's useful idiots use tax dollars to pay LGBT sickos and paid actors to counter protest every single time. Meanwhile when the LGBT has an event they use tax dollars to pay for security for these sick and filthy compulsive obsessive liars and deceivers to keep people from protesting such disgusting filth out of the area that the LGBT disdains with such events?!

This is what useful idiots like Trudeau do, turn backs on citizens and democracy to force WEF garbage upon the public then pay counter protesters to show up to try and discourage citizens justly protesting sick and filthy garbage that WEF useful idiots force upon the public such as the LGBT hate group and their sick and filthy agenda filled with lies and deceptions on the foundation of their every issue I address by also using tax dollars to show up to try and discourage genuine protests.

Oh yeah send out a bunch of compulsive obsessive liars and deceivers to force lies upon the public (lies lead to war and divide) while attempting to try and shame citizens who oppose such sick behavior thus a clear attempt of forced oppression upon the public.

What's next, these sickos attempt to rape your children in front of you while attempting to label parents a child abuser for preventing them from succeeding with the rape? If they can lie to you and think they can get away with it by labelling you as the hater for being against their sick and repulsive compulsive obsessive lying deceiving behavior then what is stopping them from eventually claiming raping your children in for your their own good and you deserve to be imprisoned for stopping them from getting away with it?

Think I am kidding, who remembers Rob Hoogland From Surrey BC? The LGBT goes into classrooms telling children not to tell parents what is going on. From what I recall they asked Hoogland's daughter if she ever wondered what it was like to be a boy and because she said yes they took the liberty of dictating that meant the kid is a trans sicko and began to transition her into one of their abominations. He found out and wasn't happy as any decent parent would be, was fined, spent time in jail and was given a court order to not speak of what was happening to his family to keep Canadians as unaware as possible of what is going on in our schools. I found out about it and shared with the officials of Canada and the United Kingdom what was going on. Eventually he got enough publicity to eventually win an appeal to the sick and filthy LGBT narrative. It destroyed his family. You can research his story but here is the update.

Canadian father jailed for objecting to daughter's gender change wins in Court of Appeal - Voz Media
Robert Hoogland, who appeared in the documentary 'What is a Woman?,' has been released from jail after the Court of Appeal ruled in his favor and forgave him of the $30,000 fine.


They do all of this to force oppression upon parents while destroying kids chances of procreating then have the nerve to spew such rubbish as quashing LGBT narratives will not be tolerated because the LGBT is a WEWF hate group used to divide and conquer along with forcing lies and deceptions through legislation such as the 2017 amendment to bill C-16 so they can make people lose their jobs, get sued or generally make criminals out of people for opposing the LGBT Hate group and their sick and filthy lies and deceptions.

Oh and when they claim that a natural repulsion is an irrational fear by claiming those who oppose LGBT's garbage have a phobia, now you have been subjected to the factual evidence proving that there is no phobia just a natural repulsion for someone else's behavior. It's precisely like calling you a pedaphobe for being against having your children raped by claiming you have an irrational fear to try and hide that they have no validity, just a slew of sick and filthy lies and deceptions that they try to force upon you as the LGBT already does to try and continue to get away with forcing their sick and filthy lies and deception upon the public.

Officials Who Stand With LGBT Obviously Hate Canadian Citizens

LGBT Flags Of Hate And Symbols Of Forced Oppression Distaining Canadian Cities Extremely Unacceptable

Paid LGBT Trash (compulsive obsessive liars and deceivers) Shows Up To Counter Protest Parents Standing Up For Children

The LGBT and their sick and filthy garbage needs to be criminalized permanently and globally and the sooner the better for the well being and sanity of current and future generations of the life on this planet! Bravo to the Millions march recently, keep up the good work for working towards getting rid of this LGBT trash as we will succeed and never forget those who show up to counter protest you were paid by your hard earned tax dollars courtesy of useful idiots like Justin Trudeau who obviously thinks this is funny to force lies on you while trying to criminalize you for being against it! World Economic Forum Members and their useful idiots deserve to be behind bars while their wealth is given back to the countries that they have been using useful idiots to steal from for decades and the main stream idiot media replaced with a main stream media that actually shares news instead of retarded political agendas!


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Parry Sound Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!
Hey, our resident pervert is back. Creeped out any young women lately you sick fuck? Aren't you dead yet?
ROTFLMFAO!!!!! The population of Canada is only 38 million. Wow, is this dude a dumb fuck.
We going to get another another truck blockade, the last was so entertaining

especially when the WEF and their useful idiots sent in trucks with swastikas in attempt to derail it.

ROTFLMFAO!!!!! The population of Canada is only 38 million. Wow, is this dude a dumb fuck.

Hey, our resident pervert is back. Creeped out any young women lately you sick fuck? Aren't you dead yet?

Poptart the sick fuck always attempting to try and drag me down to your pathetic level. Unlike you I don't go around creeping out young women you dumb stupid tart and Illuminati set ups don't count against me no matter how desperate you are to try and make your delusion-ally fucked up mentality the issue and yeah 30 million sounds about right out of 38 in lieu of your fucked up medias bull shit as I mentioned within the opener of that composition. You likely still can't get over dictionaries removing meaning and replacing them with lies in lieu of the CDC removing the definition of vaccine on Sept. 10 2021 and replacing it with their lies to continue to pass off their garbage as vaccines to rake in the cash then finally when other dictionaries demonstrated a loss of credibility by removing the definition and replacing it with their lies you shot your mouth like some dumb tart claiming something along the lines of these dictionaries would never do that even though the evidence already revealed it.

Your so cheap and pathetic when it comes to intellect, it's like you have nothing but an attempt at cheap parlor tricks in attempt to try and make your transparent rhetoric the issue. Also notice Poptart evades addressing the foundation of this issue.
especially when the WEF and their useful idiots sent in trucks with swastikas in attempt to derail it.

Poptart the sick fuck always attempting to try and drag me down to your pathetic level. Unlike you I don't go around creeping out young women you dumb stupid tart and Illuminati set ups don't count against me no matter how desperate you are to try and make your delusion-ally fucked up mentality the issue and yeah 30 million sounds about right out of 38 in lieu of your fucked up medias bull shit as I mentioned within the opener of that composition. You likely still can't get over dictionaries removing meaning and replacing them with lies in lieu of the CDC removing the definition of vaccine on Sept. 10 2021 and replacing it with their lies to continue to pass off their garbage as vaccines to rake in the cash then finally when other dictionaries demonstrated a loss of credibility by removing the definition and replacing it with their lies you shot your mouth like some dumb tart claiming something along the lines of these dictionaries would never do that even though the evidence already revealed it.

Your so cheap and pathetic when it comes to intellect, it's like you have nothing but an attempt at cheap parlor tricks in attempt to try and make your transparent rhetoric the issue. Also notice Poptart evades addressing the foundation of this issue.

You admitted to sexual harassment you sick fuck. You got kicked out a public building because you are a fucking pervert.

There are fewer than 30 million adults in the entire country. Fuck, you are dumb. Die already.
especially when the WEF and their useful idiots sent in trucks with swastikas in attempt to derail it.

Poptart the sick fuck always attempting to try and drag me down to your pathetic level. Unlike you I don't go around creeping out young women you dumb stupid tart and Illuminati set ups don't count against me no matter how desperate you are to try and make your delusion-ally fucked up mentality the issue and yeah 30 million sounds about right out of 38 in lieu of your fucked up medias bull shit as I mentioned within the opener of that composition. You likely still can't get over dictionaries removing meaning and replacing them with lies in lieu of the CDC removing the definition of vaccine on Sept. 10 2021 and replacing it with their lies to continue to pass off their garbage as vaccines to rake in the cash then finally when other dictionaries demonstrated a loss of credibility by removing the definition and replacing it with their lies you shot your mouth like some dumb tart claiming something along the lines of these dictionaries would never do that even though the evidence already revealed it.

Your so cheap and pathetic when it comes to intellect, it's like you have nothing but an attempt at cheap parlor tricks in attempt to try and make your transparent rhetoric the issue. Also notice Poptart evades addressing the foundation of this issue.

I don't go around creeping out young women

That's why the library banned you for creeping out girls
You admitted to sexual harassment you sick fuck. You got kicked out a public building because you are a fucking pervert.

There are fewer than 30 million adults in the entire country. Fuck, you are dumb. Die already.

Oh yeah how so? Go ahead and justify that bullshit you meatball and me calling you a meatball is me being nice in lieu of this rhetoric I really see you as a POS.

This sicko is all for underaged students working at a library with their private parts hanging out where as I find it inappropriate and this retard calls me the sick fuck because all he does is try and make his lies the issue in attempt to try and drag anyone else down to his pathetic level. Those librarians are just like him and these types stick together like a ball of excrement in a diaper. They obviously shared no justification in calling what I did inappropriate just like this sicko doesn't go figure.

and 30 million, you not liking it pleases me to know and since your head is up your ass my very first comment after the title was "I am guessing that is a likely ball park number since the media always tries to make parents and citizens that care look like a dwindling number while also trying to make LGBT sickos look like millions of them show up. " but I am guessing Poptart will need a dictionary to figure it out ...
That's why the library banned you for creeping out girls

Uh no the library banned me because they think it is appropriate for underaged students to walk around with their privates hanging out where as I do not dumbass.

Also this happened as it became July and the LGBT sickos started thrusting their sickly flags of oppression in Collingwood after I intellectually slaughtered their BS with the greatest of ease all June long and they obviously wanted me to have no access to fight these sickly POS online and so I moved and my pleasure. I wouldn't want to go back to a library run by stupid pieces of lying shit who can't even validate their own claims!
Here these retards desperately scramble to try and make their rhetoric of me the issue to try and hide that they have no validity on the foundation of this issue because they have no validity what so ever just like the LGBT sickos never do quite obviously.
A part of me is tempted to crazy glue Concart and Guno's scrotums to each others face and use them as a human trampoline but lucky for them the better part of me won't allow such to happen so instead I intellectually slaughter them like the mere little play things they reveal themselves to be.
Oh yeah how so? Go ahead and justify that bullshit you meatball and me calling you a meatball is me being nice in lieu of this rhetoric I really see you as a POS.

This sicko is all for underaged students working at a library with their private parts hanging out where as I find it inappropriate and this retard calls me the sick fuck because all he does is try and make his lies the issue in attempt to try and drag anyone else down to his pathetic level. Those librarians are just like him and these types stick together like a ball of excrement in a diaper. They obviously shared no justification in calling what I did inappropriate just like this sicko doesn't go figure.

and 30 million, you not liking it pleases me to know and since your head is up your ass my very first comment after the title was "I am guessing that is a likely ball park number since the media always tries to make parents and citizens that care look like a dwindling number while also trying to make LGBT sickos look like millions of them show up. " but I am guessing Poptart will need a dictionary to figure it out ...

In other words you are a fucking pervert. Hitting on underage girls under the guise of 'critiquing their outfit'. The library recognized you for what you are. A sick fuck full of hatred and bile. A horror of a human being. You will not be missed.

There are not 30 million Canadians protesting. There aren't 3 million. I could probably count the number of your 'protestors' on one hand. Hopefully the authorities are watching you so they can warn any female that might cross your path, you SICK FUCK.
In other words you are a fucking pervert. Hitting on underage girls under the guise of 'critiquing their outfit'. The library recognized you for what you are. A sick fuck full of hatred and bile. A horror of a human being. You will not be missed.

There are not 30 million Canadians protesting. There aren't 3 million. I could probably count the number of your 'protestors' on one hand. Hopefully the authorities are watching you so they can warn any female that might cross your path, you SICK FUCK.

You advocate underaged girls working at a library with their private parts hanging out and claim me being against such is me hitting on anyone. Thanks for making it so easy to reveal what a wack job you are and a sick one at that. I never critiqued anyone's outfit. Two disgruntled head case librarians, like you seem to think underaged girls working at the library with their privates hanging out is appropriate you sick fuck.
and still Poptart has no validity on the foundation of this issue but instead focuses on my sarcasm while trying to make it out to be what his mentally redundant pea brain would rather it be. Like I said he needs a dictionary to figure out the opening sentence following the title lol
You admitted to sexual harassment you sick fuck. You got kicked out a public building because you are a fucking pervert.

There are fewer than 30 million adults in the entire country. Fuck, you are dumb. Die already.

The population of Canada is approx 39 million. Fuck, you are dumb, Commie. YOU are the one supporting sexual perversions in the form of '10,000 genders', sodomy behavior, and mutilating children.