4 star generals side with Jack Smith



A distinguished group of retired four-star generals and admirals from the U.S. military have argued in a brief filed in the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday that Donald Trump’s claims of absolute “presidential immunity” from criminal prosecution tied to Jan. 6 is an “assault” on the “foundational commitments” underpinning democracy and if his argument is allowed to succeed before them later this month, it threatens “to subvert the careful balance between the executive and legislative branches struck in the Constitution.”
The 38-page amicus brief features 19 authors, all of them decorated retired admirals, generals or secretaries from branches of the U.S. Army, Navy and Air Force respectively. On April 25, the high court is poised to hear Trump’s question of immunity against prosecution for his alleged criminal conspiracy to subvert the results of the 2020 election. and according to the brief, these are arguments that should be approached with extreme caution.
How will you effect a dictatorship if the military won’t trash the constitution

Let’s remember most of the racist military self culled from the military because the idiots didn’t want to get vaccinated
The worlds finest Military top Generals say Trump wants to end democracy in America

He can’t be dictator if the Military follows the constitution

They are now backing the constitution in this filing

They will merely arrest him and refuse to perform his requested illegal acts

And if they say trump has immunity

Then all other presidents have immunity

And Biden can just call for a new election due to election tampering by the Republicans

Then get re elected instead of trump
You can’t win

Putin and China are wasting their time and money on trying to help republicans cheat to win

You are merely destroying your ability to do commerce with the rest of the world

Try surviving on just buying each other’s junk

You will be very poor countries in no time

Remember how POOR China was not that many years ago
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ope...'s modern economic history,to set up in China.

The term "Open Door" also describes the economic policy initiated by Deng Xiaoping in 1978 to open China to foreign businesses that wanted to invest in the country. The policy set into motion the economic transformation of China.[2] In the 20th and 21st centuries, scholars such as Christopher Layne in the neorealist school have generalized the use of the term to applications in 'political' open door policies and 'economic' open door policies of nations in general, which interact on a global or international basis.[3]
They were starving to death until they engulfed the world in commerce

They will starve again if they keep trying to manipulate other nations elections

We can shut the the fuck off

A distinguished group of retired four-star generals and admirals from the U.S. military have argued in a brief filed in the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday that Donald Trump’s claims of absolute “presidential immunity” from criminal prosecution tied to Jan. 6 is an “assault” on the “foundational commitments” underpinning democracy and if his argument is allowed to succeed before them later this month, it threatens “to subvert the careful balance between the executive and legislative branches struck in the Constitution.”

Wait, couldn't they find a group of hair dressers - who are eminently more qualified to pontificate on Constitutional matters...
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ope...'s modern economic history,to set up in China.

The term "Open Door" also describes the economic policy initiated by Deng Xiaoping in 1978 to open China to foreign businesses that wanted to invest in the country. The policy set into motion the economic transformation of China.[2] In the 20th and 21st centuries, scholars such as Christopher Layne in the neorealist school have generalized the use of the term to applications in 'political' open door policies and 'economic' open door policies of nations in general, which interact on a global or international basis.[3]

They soared

They want it both ways

They can’t have it both ways

They can’t bite the hand that gives them the money to pay everyone just to be alive and build the infrastructure to stay economically effective if they go back to being a closed nation

They can’t abuse the rest of the world and just get away with it

His people won’t be happy to go back to starving to death

They will revolt and become a real free nation
You hate the military

You hate the FBI

You hate the CIA

You hate the DOJ

You hate the police

That’s expected from traitors like you