4 sty and usf

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
there is a singer/songwriter named leslie fish that you should like as she is something of an anarchist

two of her songs would be of particular interest to you

gunpowder and alcohol - lock and load

there is a singer/songwriter named leslie fish that you should like as she is something of an anarchist

two of her songs would be of particular interest to you

gunpowder and alcohol - lock and load


Remember one of your earlier posts, where you requested a link?
Well..........................................?? :palm:
you can lead a horse to water...are you too lazy to use google?

i have given you the song titles and author, is that not enough

Fuck you Don.
Not that long ago, you wanted a link to an article; and the link was already there.
Did I tell you to google it?
No I didn't bitch.
I told where the link was.

You can go piss up a rope.
Fuck you Don.
Not that long ago, you wanted a link to an article; and the link was already there.
Did I tell you to google it?
No I didn't bitch.
I told where the link was.

You can go piss up a rope.

my, such indignation, i thought that i was doing you a favor and did not need to post a link as opposed to posting an opinion

i wonder if sty feels the same way
my, such indignation, i thought that i was doing you a favor and did not need to post a link as opposed to posting an opinion

i wonder if sty feels the same way

Fuck off Don.

I know you've suffered some things, as of late; but that's no excuse for the fucked up attitude and the passive/aggresive behavior that you've had lately.
Let me know, when you decide to pull your head out of your ass.