400+ days without email in WH



I thought this was breaking the god damned law?

Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., says a White House spokesman's comments suggesting no e-mail had disappeared conflicted with what congressional staffers were told in September.

On Thursday night, Waxman said he was scheduling a hearing for Feb. 15 and challenged the White House to explain spokesman Tony Fratto's remark that "we have absolutely no reason to believe that any e-mails are missing."

Fratto based his comment on the contents of a White House declaration filed in federal court casting doubt on the accuracy of a chart created by a former White House employee that points to a large volume of e-mail gone from White House servers.

In a letter announcing the hearing, Waxman cites the chart and its list of 12 days of unarchived e-mail from the White House Office and 16 days of no archived e-mail for the office of Vice President Dick Cheney.
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I was just reading about that.....
Damn slimy lying bastiches.

I guess this is just another example of how well outsourcing works.