5 Critical McCain Mistakes

1. Not playing to his base. John has a history of going against the grain of Conservatives, it is what earned him his nickname, but in this general election, it is the Conservative base that matters most for his campaign. Had he rallied the Conservative base early on, he would be in much better shape in the polls. At this point, it may not matter, there may not be enough words or time, to bring the base back, and he will feel this on election day.

2. Going after the "Moderate" vote, with rhetoric about 'bipartisanship'. Moderates are largely Liberals who don't want to associate with the Micheal Moore leftist wackos. They will either vote for Obama, or not vote at all. John didn't win any votes by being 'bipartisan', however, he did polarize partisan Conservatives.

3. Selecting a true Conservative VP, and then, effectively gagging her. Instead of allowing Palin to speak for herself and be herself, his campaign has 'micromanaged' her every move. Instead of allowing her to bring the base on board, as she could have done, they have pitted her against the likes of Charlie Gibson and Katie Couric, and pandered to the 'moderates' some more.

4. Dramatically suspending his campaign. First, the RNC being postponed a day for the hurricane, then the entire campaign itself, and finally, an attempt to postpone the presidential debate. In a tight presidential battle where every second of campaigning will count, John could ill-afford to lose precious ground with what amounts to a perception of grandstanding. A president should be able to handle multiple crisis at the same time, you can't say... stop the world, let me deal with this one issue first.

5. Supporting the bailout, against the will of most true Conservatives. Did John not find it ironic he was on the same side as Obama and President Bush? This was an opportunity for him to stand for Conservative Capitalist Free Market Principles, to speak up for the people and oppose more government intrusion and interference with those principles. Instead, he carted his Senatorial ass back off to Washington, to buddy up with his Democrat 'friends' and try to forge 'bipartisan' legislation.

Is it too late to fix these mistakes? I think it might be. Will it cost him the election? It very well may. This has always been the democrats election to lose, they have had every advantage, and continue to gain advantage. Unless something dramatic happens to change the dynamics of this election, I might have to eat my words and admit I was wrong in my earlier prognostications. I really thought McCain understood what he needed to do to win, especially after he picked Sarah Palin, but apparently, he has no clue. He continues to pander to a phantom vote that will never materialize for him on election day, instead of embracing Conservatism, and taking the fight to Obama. The votes were there, he had a shot at winning, but his continued series of mistakes has left him in checkmate, without a move. Subsequently, Obama will win by default.
I think you may have a point about his not playing to his base. But his base is the moderates. The strict conservatives only have a choice between him and Obama, so they will vote for him.

As for Palin, I think she was a mistake al around. If they had let he speak it would have been worse.
I think you may have a point about his not playing to his base. But his base is the moderates. The strict conservatives only have a choice between him and Obama, so they will vote for him.

As for Palin, I think she was a mistake al around. If they had let he speak it would have been worse.

No, his base is not Moderates. As I said, most "Moderates" are Democrats who don't want to align themselves with the Left-wing Radicals. They will hold their nose and vote for Obama, if they vote at all. Strict Conservatives have this crazy little thing called "Principles" and they will not vote for someone who is fawning all over Liberalism to appeal to the "Moderates."

Palin was allowed to speak... she spoke to Charlie Gibson and Katie Couric... who's audience is mostly Liberal Democrats and Moderates. She has been so filled with bullshit about what she can and can't say, and it shows. If McCain had allowed her to speak her mind, just let her be herself, she could have rallied the Conservative base McCain desperately needed, which is ironically the reason he nominated her. He essentially threw away a Royal Flush going for a Full House. You can think it would have been worse if you like, it plays into the propaganda myth of Liberals that the woman is stupid and clueless, but that is not the actual case with Palin. She is well articulated and Conservative, and had she been allowed to shine, she certainly would have.
mccain sucks, has always sucked, always was going to be lousy, stupid candidate, and even if he is elected, it sucks. the only good thing being how sad obama fanboys will be.
No, his base is not Moderates. As I said, most "Moderates" are Democrats who don't want to align themselves with the Left-wing Radicals. They will hold their nose and vote for Obama, if they vote at all. Strict Conservatives have this crazy little thing called "Principles" and they will not vote for someone who is fawning all over Liberalism to appeal to the "Moderates."

Palin was allowed to speak... she spoke to Charlie Gibson and Katie Couric... who's audience is mostly Liberal Democrats and Moderates. She has been so filled with bullshit about what she can and can't say, and it shows. If McCain had allowed her to speak her mind, just let her be herself, she could have rallied the Conservative base McCain desperately needed, which is ironically the reason he nominated her. He essentially threw away a Royal Flush going for a Full House. You can think it would have been worse if you like, it plays into the propaganda myth of Liberals that the woman is stupid and clueless, but that is not the actual case with Palin. She is well articulated and Conservative, and had she been allowed to shine, she certainly would have.

You're basing that on a false premis. Most "moderates" are alienated with the Republican party. It's not that we dont' trust McCain. He's a fine man and would be a good President.

We don't trust his party. It's dominated by right wing extremist. People so extreme that Michael Moore is quite moderate by comparison.

McCain is going to lose because America is taking a big shift to the left (meaning the center) and distancing themselves from right wing extremist.

As McCain put it so well this morning. Life isn't fair.
Wow Mott... you actually made 4 whole points in one post! Keep up the good work!

Your points are stupid, but at least they are all confined to one post, that is a major accomplishment for you! My point about "Moderates" really being Democrats is affirmed by your usage of "we" in your post. You are a textbook Democrat who doesn't like to be lumped in with the Radical Liberals. You weren't EVER going to vote for McCain, and his pandering for your vote has only cost him in this election. Thanks for proving my point!
Accept for point 2 I think you are right. He really blew it with this bailout. He wanted to play populist and ends up handing tax dollars over to the wealthy. He wanted to come off as presidential but ended up just looking foolish.
3. Selecting a true Conservative VP, and then, effectively gagging her. Instead of allowing Palin to speak for herself and be herself, his campaign has 'micromanaged' her every move. Instead of allowing her to bring the base on board, as she could have done, they have pitted her against the likes of Charlie Gibson and Katie Couric, and pandered to the 'moderates' some more.

LOL @ Dix

The Couric and Gibson interviews just showed Americans what a dunce Palin truly was. They are keeping her gagged because if she opens her mouth something dumb flies out.
Accept for point 2 I think you are right. He really blew it with this bailout. He wanted to play populist and ends up handing tax dollars over to the wealthy. He wanted to come off as presidential but ended up just looking foolish.

Yes that's what I like about this. Obama is probably more pro-bailout than McCain, but he kept his mouth shut and stuck in the shadows, while McCain blathered on and on about it.

But I doubt any surge he would've gotten from opposing it would've been that great. And when wall street crashed and unemployment doubled in the month after he opposed it it would've annihilated him.
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I really thought McCain understood what he needed to do to win, especially after he picked Sarah Palin, but apparently, he has no clue.

Someone who worked with the Mondale camp said the only time they thought they had a chance to win it was a week after the Ferraro pick. Face it, Dix. He got a momentary bubble, it faded, and now he's back where he was before. And since Obama chose an intelligent person who had a purpose besides be a publicity stunt for VP, he is actually benefiting far more from his pick. Biden will annihilate the dunce in the debates, and then Palin's approval ratings will fall even further than they've already slid.

Face it. McCain was the Republican's strongest card and he's failed. You guys had absolutely no chance going into this election and you never had a chance.
Yes that's what I like about this. Obama is probably more pro-bailout than McCain, but he kept his mouth shut and stuck in the shadows, while McCain blathered on and on about it.

But I doubt any surge he would've gotten from opposing it would've been that great. And when wall street crashed and unemployment doubled in the month after he opposed it it would've annihilated him.

Politically, McCain should have demanded some paired down version of it that focused on relieving mortgage burdens or some version that let the market correct.

We are going to see an increase in unemployment, anyway. Wall Street might do okay, but most voters are not going to care about that.

You cannot play populist or limited government while handing over trillions to the banks, unless you are a Democrat. At least they have a record of supporting big government unconditionally. McCain just looks like a hypocrite for the rich, which is exactly what he and his party are.
Memo to DI X IE: Calling someone not truly conservative in point one is lame when you are not conservative yourself. Populism has no place in good 'ole fashion conservatism. Sadly, I heard a lot of populist rhetoric from Palin tonight, but then, Obama is the one who started the "Main Street, not Wall Street" idiocy, so its going around I suppose...
Memo to DI X IE: Calling someone not truly conservative in point one is lame when you are not conservative yourself. Populism has no place in good 'ole fashion conservatism. Sadly, I heard a lot of populist rhetoric from Palin tonight, but then, Obama is the one who started the "Main Street, not Wall Street" idiocy, so its going around I suppose...

Populism has no place in liberalism either.
Memo to DI X IE: Calling someone not truly conservative in point one is lame when you are not conservative yourself. Populism has no place in good 'ole fashion conservatism. Sadly, I heard a lot of populist rhetoric from Palin tonight, but then, Obama is the one who started the "Main Street, not Wall Street" idiocy, so its going around I suppose...

MEMO TO THE RACIST: I don't give a flying fuck what you think.
Okay, I was going to ask you to pull down those Southern Swastikas from your avitar again. Why do you hate black people?

You can turn avatars off in your User CP if the Confederate flag bothers you. Sorry I can't do anything about black people residing in your white European country, too bad you and Lincoln couldn't get your way. I guess you just have to live with us 'ethnic' types. I think we're here to stay. I also apologize for messing up your plans to cajole ethnic groups into segregated burros, where you wouldn't have to live next to them. I guess it must be hard for a hateful bigot such as yourself, to learn to live with different kinds of people. I actually like it... no, I prefer it... I would hate to live in a country with only my kind of people and culture, I have learned so much about others of different races and cultures, and I find it fascinating, but then, I am not a bigoted hater like you.
Wow Mott... you actually made 4 whole points in one post! Keep up the good work!

Your points are stupid, but at least they are all confined to one post, that is a major accomplishment for you! My point about "Moderates" really being Democrats is affirmed by your usage of "we" in your post. You are a textbook Democrat who doesn't like to be lumped in with the Radical Liberals. You weren't EVER going to vote for McCain, and his pandering for your vote has only cost him in this election. Thanks for proving my point!

You got it ass backwards.....which surprises no one.....I had no intention of voting for McCain because the Republican party is dominated by extremist like you. I joined the Democratic party because as a center right moderate I'm one hell of a lot more comfortable with radical liberals then I am with right wing reactionaries like you.
You got it ass backwards.....which surprises no one.....I had no intention of voting for McCain because the Republican party is dominated by extremist like you. I joined the Democratic party because as a center right moderate I'm one hell of a lot more comfortable with radical liberals then I am with right wing reactionaries like you.

LOL... Yeah, I am such a Republican extremist I posted a thread to point out 5 Critical McCain Mistakes!!!! Hey..... I don't see any of the Left Wing Loony Tune Pinheads posting ANY fucking threads pointing out OBAMA mistakes, and I know there are a few Left Wing Radical Extremists here!

Why don't you save your stupidity for the retards in the day room, huh?
LOL... Yeah, I am such a Republican extremist I posted a thread to point out 5 Critical McCain Mistakes!!!! Hey..... I don't see any of the Left Wing Loony Tune Pinheads posting ANY fucking threads pointing out OBAMA mistakes, and I know there are a few Left Wing Radical Extremists here!

Why don't you save your stupidity for the retards in the day room, huh?

Thank for making my point for me.