5 Signs the Rich Have Way Too Much Money


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Within reason I don't give a rats ass how much money they have. As long as I get my fair share of the pie for my productive efforts. I don't bust my ass to make someone else rich. I bust my ass to make myself rich. Now if I can do both in a mutally beneficial manner well then WOW, that's great!

What pisses me off about those on the far right on economics. They're all for Capitalism.....for them and their cronies....but when anyone else tries to charge what the market will bear for their goods and services they cry "SOCIALISM!".

Which proves two things. They don't believe in free markets and they don't know what socialism is.
This is just me, but I have too much I want to do in life and problems/challenges I have to deal with than worry about a few people who can afford a $5k hamburger. Or if I may borrow one of Zappa's lines this 'petty jealousy' over others who have done very well for themselves.

It's interesting the author brings up the price to live in the Bay Area and California and complains it's too high. One very big reason housing prices are so high here is because of the restrictions on where builders can build in the state, usually in the name of 'environmentalism' which I would surmise the author supports.

Progressive groups in San Francisco, which again I surmise the author would generally support, fight tooth and nail to keep units in the City as rentals and not let them be converted to condos for people to purchase. Seeing as that single family homes in SF are priced off the charts condo's are the 'middle class' way into the home owners market yet the author's supporters are against it.

There are always going to be the outliers who are extremely wealthy and get to do things the rest of us just dream about. Such is life. It doesn't mean they are any happier or necessarily live better or more meaningful lives than the rest of us.
What these liberal arts majors always duck is, 80 percent of millionaires are self made!
Excuse me if your art history degree doesn't pay what an engineering degree does.
What pisses me off about those on the far right on economics. They're all for Capitalism.....for them and their cronies....but when anyone else tries to charge what the market will bear for their goods and services they cry "SOCIALISM!".

wtf dude, are you off your rocker.....charging what the market will bear for goods and services is pure capitalism...no one of the right thinks its socialism, not now
and not ever....you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about....
This is just me, but I have too much I want to do in life and problems/challenges I have to deal with than worry about a few people who can afford a $5k hamburger. Or if I may borrow one of Zappa's lines this 'petty jealousy' over others who have done very well for themselves.

It's interesting the author brings up the price to live in the Bay Area and California and complains it's too high. One very big reason housing prices are so high here is because of the restrictions on where builders can build in the state, usually in the name of 'environmentalism' which I would surmise the author supports.

Progressive groups in San Francisco, which again I surmise the author would generally support, fight tooth and nail to keep units in the City as rentals and not let them be converted to condos for people to purchase. Seeing as that single family homes in SF are priced off the charts condo's are the 'middle class' way into the home owners market yet the author's supporters are against it.

There are always going to be the outliers who are extremely wealthy and get to do things the rest of us just dream about. Such is life. It doesn't mean they are any happier or necessarily live better or more meaningful lives than the rest of us.
Yes it does! :)

Hmmmm...who should be the "deciders" of what should be the right amount of wealth one should have. Such arguments can only be made by incredibly stupid dimwits swilling too much Marxist DNC kool-aid.

They go right up there with the equally stupid and dimwitted nonsense about income equality. Only blithering uneducated idiots can buy such bullshit.

Yes indeed, you really are THAT stupid.
Hmmmm...who should be the "deciders" of what should be the right amount of wealth one should have. Such arguments can only be made by incredibly stupid dimwits swilling too much Marxist DNC kool-aid.

They go right up there with the equally stupid and dimwitted nonsense about income equality. Only blithering uneducated idiots can buy such bullshit.

Yes indeed, you really are THAT stupid.

It's not about "wealth distribution" you Fox News moron. It's about waking up the people and making them realize they deserve the pay they work for. Just like the Great Depression when we had the same scenario happen. The Rich keeping all with only a 6% union rate.
It's not about "wealth distribution" you Fox News moron. It's about waking up the people and making them realize they deserve the pay they work for. Just like the Great Depression when we had the same scenario happen. The Rich keeping all with only a 6% union rate.
All while you play video games on the couch!
Nannies unite
It's not about "wealth distribution" you Fox News moron

And here we have the PC pussy hypocrite that cried in another thread that “insults” were no proof of correctness or intelligence but were rather proof of being wrong and stupid.

By his own fucking words his sword doeth behead him, huh?
This is just me, but I have too much I want to do in life and problems/challenges I have to deal with than worry about a few people who can afford a $5k hamburger. Or if I may borrow one of Zappa's lines this 'petty jealousy' over others who have done very well for themselves.

It's interesting the author brings up the price to live in the Bay Area and California and complains it's too high. One very big reason housing prices are so high here is because of the restrictions on where builders can build in the state, usually in the name of 'environmentalism' which I would surmise the author supports.

Progressive groups in San Francisco, which again I surmise the author would generally support, fight tooth and nail to keep units in the City as rentals and not let them be converted to condos for people to purchase. Seeing as that single family homes in SF are priced off the charts condo's are the 'middle class' way into the home owners market yet the author's supporters are against it.

There are always going to be the outliers who are extremely wealthy and get to do things the rest of us just dream about. Such is life. It doesn't mean they are any happier or necessarily live better or more meaningful lives than the rest of us.

Yeah, being rich isn't all it's cracked up to be, that is why I want to save the rich from the misery of having all that money by taxing them at a much higher rate, guess from this last sentence you would want to save them from their misery too, and would support taxing the highest earners at about 75% so that we could build enough infrastructure to handle all those additional people that you want to cram into San Francisco, right? ;
Yeah, being rich isn't all it's cracked up to be, that is why I want to save the rich from the misery of having all that money by taxing them at a much higher rate, guess from this last sentence you would want to save them from their misery too, and would support taxing the highest earners at about 75% so that we could build enough infrastructure to handle all those additional people that you want to cram into San Francisco, right? ;

Don't worry Dantes. I've got my place so my attitude is F everyone else so I am 100% anti-growth in SF. I want no more people moving here. I want it to keep it a charming and romantic city for just you and me. As we've discussed I can't wait for you to come visit.

It's not about "wealth distribution" you Fox News moron. It's about waking up the people and making them realize they deserve the pay they work for. Just like the Great Depression when we had the same scenario happen. The Rich keeping all with only a 6% union rate.

Wrong again dimwit; it's about brain dead arrogant leftist asshats PRESUMING they should be the arbiters of what is fair and are better equipped to tell others what is best for them.
