5 things veteran NPR editor exposed in stunning criticism of own employer’s liberal b


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5 things veteran NPR editor exposed in stunning criticism of own employer’s liberal bias

Veteran NPR editor Uri Berliner detailed his employer’s "absence of viewpoint diversity" this week in a stunning piece about liberal groupthink invading the newsroom that rocked the media industry.

Berliner’s Free Press bombshell offered an inside look at NPR’s drift from only being "a bit to the left" in 2011 to its current form, where he said an "open-minded spirit no longer exists."

Here are five of Berliner’s most notable claims:

NPR relied on 'ever-present muse' Adam Schiff during Russiagate to 'damage' Trump

...Berliner actually undercounted the number of interviews NPR did with Schiff specifically about Russia between 2016 and 2019. A Fox News Digital review found at least 32 interviews Schiff gave to the taxpayer-backed outlet between Dec. 11, 2016, and July 24, 2019, all involving some aspect of Russia's interference in the 2016 election and the sprawling investigation into whether the Trump campaign illicitly coordinated with it. Special Counsel Robert Mueller later found there was no evidence behind Schiff's collusion claims...

'Troubling' avoidance of growing antisemitism following Oct. 7

...Berliner called out his employer's "troubling" blackout in coverage of the growing antisemitism that took place in the U.S. and around the world following the Oct. 7 terrorist attack against Israel. He swiped NPR's framing of the Israel-Hamas war through an "'intersectional' lens" that ultimately slanted its reporting./...

Registered Democrats outnumbered Republicans 87 to zero in newsroom

...Berliner says voter registration records in 2021 showed an astonishing disparity between Democrats and Republicans in the NPR newsroom as recently: 87 to zero....

NPR turned a ‘blind eye’ to Hunter Biden laptop, reporter didn’t want to help Trump

..When the New York Post first reported on Hunter Biden's laptop in 2020, NPR infamously issued a statement as to why it wasn't covering the story: "We don’t want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories, and we don’t want to waste the listeners’ and readers’ time on stories that are just pure distractions."

Berliner disagreed, writing that it was certainly newsworthy....

NPR dismissed COVID lab leak theory

...Berliner pointed to NPR's coverage of the COVID-19 lab leak theory, which he said the outlet was supposed to ignore. Similar to the Biden laptop story, the notion that the virus may have leaked from a Wuhan virology lab in China was dismissed as a right-wing conspiracy theory before ultimately being accepted as at least a plausible theory in mainstream media.

"Over the course of the pandemic, a number of investigative journalists made compelling, if not conclusive, cases for the lab leak. But at NPR, we weren’t about to swivel or even tiptoe away from the insistence with which we backed the natural origin story," he wrote. ....

Why are we tax payers even funding this left wing garbage "news" outlet? It isn't like news radio it dying and we need to preserve it. Their are multiple news outlets out there why are we giving NPR an unfair competitive advantage. It's time to defund NPR and let them fly on their own.
None of this should ever come as a shock to anyone. Despite the thousands of denials from anyone left of center we have ALWAYS known that NPR heavily leaned left and was anything but fair or balanced. They simply lie by omission and they do it every day. They will not report certain things at all or they will downplay anything that makes the left look bad and in turn over report any thing that could make the right look bad. We have always known,....every damn one of us from all sides. They are our own version of government funded Pravda.
None of this should ever come as a shock to anyone. Despite the thousands of denials from anyone left of center we have ALWAYS known that NPR heavily leaned left and was anything but fair or balanced. They simply lie by omission and they do it every day. They will not report certain things at all or they will downplay anything that makes the left look bad and in turn over report any thing that could make the right look bad. We have always known,....every damn one of us from all sides. They are our own version of government funded Pravda.

NPR once cared about telling the truth.

Then it did not.
None of this should ever come as a shock to anyone. Despite the thousands of denials from anyone left of center we have ALWAYS known that NPR heavily leaned left and was anything but fair or balanced. They simply lie by omission and they do it every day. They will not report certain things at all or they will downplay anything that makes the left look bad and in turn over report any thing that could make the right look bad. We have always known,....every damn one of us from all sides. They are our own version of government funded Pravda.

Funny, you agree with the article, yet you dismiss or avoid the parts you don’t like.The author says that NPR went from slightly left to lacking journalist diversity. His own words, “a bit left”.

Be very careful before you toss the first stone. NPR may have become more left biased, but they haven’t been sued for billions, have they?
5 things veteran NPR editor exposed in stunning criticism of own employer’s liberal bias

Veteran NPR editor Uri Berliner detailed his employer’s "absence of viewpoint diversity" this week in a stunning piece about liberal groupthink invading the newsroom that rocked the media industry.

Berliner’s Free Press bombshell offered an inside look at NPR’s drift from only being "a bit to the left" in 2011 to its current form, where he said an "open-minded spirit no longer exists."

Here are five of Berliner’s most notable claims:

NPR relied on 'ever-present muse' Adam Schiff during Russiagate to 'damage' Trump

...Berliner actually undercounted the number of interviews NPR did with Schiff specifically about Russia between 2016 and 2019. A Fox News Digital review found at least 32 interviews Schiff gave to the taxpayer-backed outlet between Dec. 11, 2016, and July 24, 2019, all involving some aspect of Russia's interference in the 2016 election and the sprawling investigation into whether the Trump campaign illicitly coordinated with it. Special Counsel Robert Mueller later found there was no evidence behind Schiff's collusion claims...

'Troubling' avoidance of growing antisemitism following Oct. 7

...Berliner called out his employer's "troubling" blackout in coverage of the growing antisemitism that took place in the U.S. and around the world following the Oct. 7 terrorist attack against Israel. He swiped NPR's framing of the Israel-Hamas war through an "'intersectional' lens" that ultimately slanted its reporting./...

Registered Democrats outnumbered Republicans 87 to zero in newsroom

...Berliner says voter registration records in 2021 showed an astonishing disparity between Democrats and Republicans in the NPR newsroom as recently: 87 to zero....

NPR turned a ‘blind eye’ to Hunter Biden laptop, reporter didn’t want to help Trump

..When the New York Post first reported on Hunter Biden's laptop in 2020, NPR infamously issued a statement as to why it wasn't covering the story: "We don’t want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories, and we don’t want to waste the listeners’ and readers’ time on stories that are just pure distractions."

Berliner disagreed, writing that it was certainly newsworthy....

NPR dismissed COVID lab leak theory

...Berliner pointed to NPR's coverage of the COVID-19 lab leak theory, which he said the outlet was supposed to ignore. Similar to the Biden laptop story, the notion that the virus may have leaked from a Wuhan virology lab in China was dismissed as a right-wing conspiracy theory before ultimately being accepted as at least a plausible theory in mainstream media.

"Over the course of the pandemic, a number of investigative journalists made compelling, if not conclusive, cases for the lab leak. But at NPR, we weren’t about to swivel or even tiptoe away from the insistence with which we backed the natural origin story," he wrote. ....

Why are we tax payers even funding this left wing garbage "news" outlet? It isn't like news radio it dying and we need to preserve it. Their are multiple news outlets out there why are we giving NPR an unfair competitive advantage. It's time to defund NPR and let them fly on their own.


Whatever funding that NPR receives from the taxpayers should be stopped immediately.
None of this should ever come as a shock to anyone. Despite the thousands of denials from anyone left of center we have ALWAYS known that NPR heavily leaned left and was anything but fair or balanced. They simply lie by omission and they do it every day. They will not report certain things at all or they will downplay anything that makes the left look bad and in turn over report any thing that could make the right look bad. We have always known,....every damn one of us from all sides. They are our own version of government funded Pravda.

One hundred percent accurate, Piedra.
Funny, you agree with the article, yet you dismiss or avoid the parts you don’t like.The author says that NPR went from slightly left to lacking journalist diversity. His own words, “a bit left”.

Be very careful before you toss the first stone. NPR may have become more left biased, but they haven’t been sued for billions, have they?


They were heavily left from the beginning. They had/have a smooth operation. Instead of being heavy left like MSNBC for all the world to see they instead used subtle subversive means such as lying by omission, " sandwiching techniques" and over and under reporting,....ect ect. They did this because they HAD to as they are Government funded. Cut the bullshit,....we ALL KNOW the truth.
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The truth about NPR's funding — and its possible future

The Hill
https://thehill.com › opinion › campaign › 3950550-the...
Apr 17, 2023 — NPR may receive little direct federal funding, but a good deal of its budget comprises federal funds that flow to it indirectly by federal law.
4 am eastern. Daily talking points delivered to the whole corrupt apparatus. Same hook lines must be repeated in unison. It STICKS, even in the minds of passers by/casual listeners/viewers. Trump REALLY pissed them off when he used their own techniques against them to great effect. " Crooked Hillary ...Crooked Hillary....Crocked Hillary...Crooked Hillary"....ad nauseam. It stuck. ;) :cool:
There always has to be a grain of truth/common knowledge inside the message,...it brings believability. Then you pile on the subtle lies and the ignorant public swallows it whole.
None of this should ever come as a shock to anyone. Despite the thousands of denials from anyone left of center we have ALWAYS known that NPR heavily leaned left and was anything but fair or balanced. They simply lie by omission and they do it every day. They will not report certain things at all or they will downplay anything that makes the left look bad and in turn over report any thing that could make the right look bad. We have always known,....every damn one of us from all sides. They are our own version of government funded Pravda.

Any media source that tells the truth will appear biased to left simply because the right is so fucked up that when they tell the truth it sounds bad if you are a rightwinger.

No media works harder at being unbiased than NPR.
There always has to be a grain of truth/common knowledge inside the message,...it brings believability. Then you pile on the subtle lies and the ignorant public swallows it whole.

You must only listen to FOX, probably the most biased news source there is. It is no wonder you think every other one is biased.
Any media source that tells the truth will appear biased to left simply because the right is so fucked up that when they tell the truth it sounds bad if you are a rightwinger.

No media works harder at being unbiased than NPR.

Horse mierda.

5 things veteran NPR editor exposed in stunning criticism of own employer’s liberal bias

Veteran NPR editor Uri Berliner detailed his employer’s "absence of viewpoint diversity" this week in a stunning piece about liberal groupthink invading the newsroom that rocked the media industry.

Berliner’s Free Press bombshell offered an inside look at NPR’s drift from only being "a bit to the left" in 2011 to its current form, where he said an "open-minded spirit no longer exists."
Any media source that tells the truth will appear biased to left simply because the right is so fucked up that when they tell the truth it sounds bad if you are a rightwinger.

No media works harder at being unbiased than NPR.


They work harder at spreading disinfo COVERTLY you mean by using old tried and true methods of media mind shaping. The MSNBC's of the world arent the true threats,...they are meant to give the opposition a target,.....and to propagandize the dimest of the dim bulbs and to work them into a frenzy. Organizations like NPR and the big 4 are master craft,....MSNBC and such places are kids stuff in comparison.
None of this should ever come as a shock to anyone. Despite the thousands of denials from anyone left of center we have ALWAYS known that NPR heavily leaned left and was anything but fair or balanced. They simply lie by omission and they do it every day. They will not report certain things at all or they will downplay anything that makes the left look bad and in turn over report any thing that could make the right look bad. We have always known,....every damn one of us from all sides. They are our own version of government funded Pravda.
Agreed they need to have their government funding jerked.
Agreed they need to have their government funding jerked.
Typical MAGAt who wants to burn everything down and destroy it rather than fix it. The MAGAt meme that NPR is solely funded by Federal taxpayers like Pravda is as misinformed as most of their wacky beliefs.

For the sane, rational people: https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/3950550-the-truth-about-nprs-funding-and-its-possible-future/
The truth about NPR’s funding — and its possible future
NPR may receive little direct federal funding, but a good deal of its budget comprises federal funds that flow to it indirectly by federal law. Here’s how it works: Under the terms of the 1967 Public Broadcasting Act, funds are allocated annually to a non-governmental agency, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, overseen by a board of presidential appointees. That corporation, in turn, can choose to support original programming produced by public television or public radio — but, by law, must direct much of its $445 million funding (scheduled to top $500 million next fiscal year) to local public television and public radio stations across the country, via so-called “community service grants.”

Here’s where things get tricky. Local stations, if they want to broadcast “All Things Considered,” “Fresh Air” and other programming produced by NPR or competitors such as American Public Radio, must pay for it. Indeed, in its consolidated financial statement for 2021, NPR reported $90 million in revenue from “contracts from customers,” a significant portion of its $279 million and much more than 1 percent. Such revenue was exceeded only by corporate sponsorships, which totaled $121 million. One can think of these funds as federal grants that have been sent from Washington — but returned to it....