5 U.S. troops killed in suicide blast


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BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- At least five U.S. soldiers on foot patrol were killed and three others wounded in a suicide bombing Monday in Baghdad, U.S. military officials in Iraq said.

Four soldiers were killed in Monday's blast and one more died later of wounds, the military said. They were with Multi-National Division-Baghdad. An Iraqi interpreter also was wounded in the explosion, the officials said.

Initial reports indicate the bomber was wearing an explosive vest.

"Five soldiers paid the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of the Iraqi and American people. I ask you remember these fallen heroes and their families as well as their wounded brethren in your thoughts and prayers," said Col. Allen Batschelet, chief of staff for Multi-National Division-Baghdad. "We remain resolute in our resolve to protect the people of Iraq and kill or capture those who would bring them harm."

The explosion marks the deadliest attack against the U.S. military since five soldiers were killed January 28 in a roadside bombing in Mosul. Troops killed a Saudi insurgent whose network was responsible for that attack.

Earlier, an Iraqi Interior Ministry official said one person was killed and eight people were wounded in a suicide bomb attack targeting a U.S. military convoy in western Baghdad. It is not clear if the U.S. and Iraqi reports are about the same incident.

more at http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/meast/03/10/iraq.main/index.html
This is indeed sad. I just performed a wedding ceremony yesterday for a couple of youngsters. Wednesday they will go to Mississippi and then they ship out to Kuwait on Saturday, getting ready for deployment in Iraq. Quite a honeymoon, huh?
This is indeed sad. I just performed a wedding ceremony yesterday for a couple of youngsters. Wednesday they will go to Mississippi and then they ship out to Kuwait on Saturday, getting ready for deployment in Iraq. Quite a honeymoon, huh?

that sucks!
For any person who cast votes for bush/huckabee/mccain/, I really have no patience for hearing about how sad this is. Continuing this war is what you voted for.
For any person who cast votes for bush/huckabee/mccain/, I really have no patience for hearing about how sad this is. Continuing this war is what you voted for.

Alright and when Hillary or Obama keep it going what are you going to say then?
Alright and when Hillary or Obama keep it going what are you going to say then?
That they have to somehow clean up this fucking mess YOU and your president created. I love it. If I broke all the plates in a china shop and then the person cleaning it up cut themselves, you would jump their shit for getting blood all over the place. You are right, the next president is NOT going to be able to just walk out, but the mess was made by Bush so the clean up is NOT the fault of the next president.
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That they have to somehow clean up this fucking mess YOU and your president created. I love it. If I broke all the plates in a china shop and then the person cleaning it up cut themselves, you would jump their shit for getting blood all over the place. You are right, the next president is NOT going to be able to just walk out, but the mess was made by Bush so the clean up is NOT the fault of the next president.

Well Cypress is saying that it will be the fault of the next President (if that President is McCain) hence my response.