$700 Billion to a bunch of banks....Yet the R's wont give $1 million to Dano

How many jobs are you going to provide? What comparative advantage would your absence take away from the United States? How would your absence permanently cripple the United States and send us deeply into economic depression?

Actually, your absense would be one of the best things that could happen to the US, because your right wing policies are killing America.
How many jobs are you going to provide? What comparative advantage would your absence take away from the United States? How would your absence permanently cripple the United States and send us deeply into economic depression?

Actually, your absense would be one of the best things that could happen to the US, because your right wing policies are killing America.

France has government money "providing" lots of jobs, in fact an amazing 1 out of every 4 people there work for the state, yet unemployment still runs in the double digits.
Jobs come from producing goods or providing services to meet consumer demand, the big 3 have been weak on meeting consumer demand so why would you subsidize their failure? Other car companies can produce cars and create jobs while actually sating consumer demand.
Wouldn't you rather allowing people's money to be spent on something produced that they want?

This is just throwing good money into delaying the inevitable, what a terribly dumb thing to do.
France has government money "providing" lots of jobs, in fact an amazing 1 out of every 4 people there work for the state, yet unemployment still runs in the double digits.
Jobs come from producing goods or providing services to meet consumer demand, the big 3 have been weak on meeting consumer demand so why would you subsidize their failure? Other car companies can produce cars and create jobs while actually sating consumer demand.

And the benefits will go straight to the citizens of Japan.

Let's make American car companies profitable again, instead of giving away our car industry to Japanese, you America hating asshole.
And the benefits will go straight to the citizens of Japan.

Let's make American car companies profitable again, instead of giving away our car industry to Japanese, you America hating asshole.

How is giving them $700 billion of our tax money, going to suddenly make them profitable again? Nothing is changing with the business model, nothing is changing in the management structure, nothing is changing with the labor unions, the only thing that is changing is they will now have a government official overseeing what they do.

I love America, and I love American cars, or at least what American cars once were. Now, they are pathetic pieces of crap I wouldn't own. This isn't MY fault, I didn't make them change how they made cars over the years, why should I have to pay for their incompetency? You want to make the American auto makers profitable again? Let the companies go bankrupt and restructure under new corporate management. That's how capitalism works, and what should happen here.

Let me share a little story with you. GM had an auto plant in Fremont, California. It had not been turning a profit, not meeting production demands, and was scheduled to close because GM had to pull the plug. Toyota came in and said, we would like to buy the plant, so GM worked out a deal where they would give Toyota the plant in exchange for half the production... Toyota jumped on it. They basically re-hired the exact same workers who were there before, and started producing Corollas and half of them were badged with GM "Nova" tags and delivered to GM. In less than 15 years, that Fremont plant has gone from the worst automotive plant in America, to the best. Even someone as slow as you, should be able to understand this didn't just happen by chance, there was a fundamental reason the Fremont Plant went from worst to first.
Well, the Feds could just give me $1M. I promise to loan some of it out.

Yeah, and the best part is that all you have to do is promise to loan it out, you don't have to actually loan it out. Instead you could use it to pay yourself a handsome "retention payment" and call it a day.