$700 Billion to a bunch of banks....Yet the R's wont give $15 billion to Big 3...

The banks should be lending the TARP funds to GM, Ford.

This is just a drive to nationalize
Yes, you give a bit of extra to the bank who is going to fund the big three. We don't have to start hading out the cash directly and attempting to have Congress (who couldn't even realize that Fannie was failing, shoot months before the effluvia hit the fan, we were treated to the "fannie and freddie are strong" line from Congress) control the companies.

Governments have a long line of failure in controlling companies all throughout the world.
Makes sense eh?


An industry, especially a big industry such as steel in the 60's and 70's, going belly up is painful. However, the US cannot, nor can the world, keep moving without the financial markets. I'm not sure if it was a good idea or not from the get go even for financials, but the case could be made. Not so for auto industry. They can go Chapter 11 and get with a plan or not.
An industry, especially a big industry such as steel in the 60's and 70's, going belly up is painful. However, the US cannot, nor can the world, keep moving without the financial markets. I'm not sure if it was a good idea or not from the get go even for financials, but the case could be made. Not so for auto industry. They can go Chapter 11 and get with a plan or not.

New banks would have sprung up. They could do a bottom up stimulus plan. But giving people in general enough to survive is inconsistent with totalitarian goals of the intrernationalist nihilist fascists. Cash will only be created for purposes which suit the agenda. Everyone making it isnt part of the plan.

They could not afford to have this whole generation of finance and banking guys to see losses. Their loyalty to fascists might become weakened. There has to be a lot in it for people at the top or they might stop screwing everyone else on behalf of the alien machine.
The high point of American fascism was not when they separated people based on race and forcibly sterilized undesirables. Oh no, I'd like you to remember, that was in the 20's, and they had no minimum wage back then, so it cancels itself out according to a libertarian.

No, the high point of American fascism was when we tried to save three million American's jobs. I shudder at the thought.
It's about runs on the banks collapsing the system like the depression. The Fed could have done it themselves though.