74% believe in global warming

Nearly three of every four – 74% – are more convinced today that global warming is a reality than they were two years ago, the survey shows. Dramatically, it is a sentiment shared by a majority of Democrats, Republicans, and political independents. While many more Democrats believe in global warming (87%), 56% of Republicans concur. Among independents, 82% think we are experiencing the effects of global warming. These numbers indicate a shift in the momentum of global warming believers.
well, katrina, ivan, charly, rita, frances....might have helped convince some of those that live on the southern coast?
Now, kids. Let's play conservative!

*Quotes random scientist from Denver who disagrees with global warming*

HAHA! You liberals are all now disproven!
Only 74 %...thats odd....

Global warming is as real as global cooling.....it should be 100 %

Commonly refered to as CLIMATE....