76% Americans support HR 5843

It's an online poll. Mostly never accurate.

"A July 30, 2008, online CNN poll found that 76 percent of respondents favor the legalization of marijuana as opposed to 24 percent against. The Washington Examiner, in a July 31 online poll, found that 75 percent favor legalization, versus 25 percent who are against it."

I'd like to see real poll numbers for this.
In a drug case where I rep'd the defendant, the prosecutor asked during Voir Dire how many people thought drugs should be legal and at least 2/3 of the jury panel raised their hand. Old and young.
In a drug case where I rep'd the defendant, the prosecutor asked during Voir Dire how many people thought drugs should be legal and at least 2/3 of the jury panel raised their hand. Old and young.

!/3 religious right on the jury it would appear.
Instead of leaders who are honest enough to look at the total failure of the current "War on Drugs" we get people who are willing to perpetuate one of the worst policies for our culture ever. Why? Because polls say that is what the voters support. Longer prison sentences for users.

We take men from their families then blame them for not being there, we create an environment where gangs thrive and blame the parents rather than our own failed policy although historically and right in front of us we can see the failure. Instead of learning from prohibition in the past we scramble to increase the capacity for profit in the black market...

Spaceballs the Movie had something that almost was wise stuffed in there right in the middle. "Evil will win, because Good is dumb!"

We vote again and again for people who promote the failure we perpetrate on ourselves....