86% of Alaskans Approve of Palin....

...The other 14% are in jail or unemployed as a result of her cleaning up the corruption and cutting the budget. Maybe that's an exaggeration, I'm sure that 14% also includes immediate families of those she brought down and sent packing. The point is, she is probably the most popular elected official in the country. You wouldn't know this to hear the pinheads tell it.

Let me say this to the "normal" ones out there, don't be discouraged by what you're hearing from the radical left-wingers. They are in desperate times. Just a month or so back, their candidate enjoyed an 8 point lead in the polls, and looked virtually unbeatable. Now, the polls are 'dead even', or so they say. But let's be honest, we know what is going on, the same thing happened when Kerry polled way ahead of Bush in 2004. Pinheads know how important public perception is, and they know how to manipulate the polls. They send out word to their followers, if you are contacted by a pollster, tell them you are a Republican! This way, the polling data reflects a bias toward the democrat candidate, because the pollster has no way of knowing they have been lied to. They assume people who say they are republican, are indeed what they say, and they count them as such. Most all major presidential polls are 'party weighted', meaning, they poll a certain number of 'registered democrat' and 'registered republicans' to insure fairness. Pinheads have learned how to manipulate this, and exploit it to their advantage, they do it every election.

In the coming weeks, the shrill tone from the left, will get louder and more vitriolic, and the attacks will just get more and more bizarre and outrageous. They are on the ropes, and they know it. They won't go down without a fight, they won't give up until they have exhausted every avenue of unfounded attack and ridicule on Palin, because they know this is it. Everything they have worked for the past 8 years, all of the political rhetoric they've kept throwing up, all the smoke and chaos they've been able to generate in the mainstream media, all wiped away by the pistol-packing mother of 5 from Alaska.... no way they are going down quietly.

So buck up my fellow comrades, don't let it get to you. This is going to be part of the process whether we like it or not, because they really don't have an alternative at this point. They simply have to pull out all the stops. We'll hear outrageous lies, fabricated rumors, twisted facts, distortion of truth, and outright deception at every turn, because this is the way they are going to play. Just accept it, and smile. On that glorious Tuesday in November, we can get our revenge at the ballot box.... let them have their moment for now... let them think they are winning, we know the truth about Sarah Palin, and we know who America is going to support for true change in the status quot of Washington.
You're bummed about the polls, aren't you, Dix?

Because a week ago, you were telling us that we had "no idea what we were in for," and telling us how WE would be "discrediting" the polls. What gets me there is that you seem to have always known that liberals always find a way to "manipulate" the polls, so how could you predict such a thing?

It can't be that Palin was exposed as a lightweight, or that McCain is clueless on the economy.

Got news for you, too; it ain't "dead even."
"Most all major presidential polls are 'party weighted', meaning, they poll a certain number of 'registered democrat' and 'registered republicans' to insure fairness."

Oh - quick thing on this - I read the other day that not one major poll has factored in the huge increase in Dem registration since the last election.

That's a big "ouch" for people like you.