935 Lies

They will just ignore it.

It's too bad it wasn't 99 lies. That's Bush's favorite song; 99 bottles of beer on the wall. Not so coincidently, it's also the favorite song of many of his followers.

They find it easy to memorize the words...though many of them will become confused at around 76. What was we up to? 74? No, 76 you fool. I could swear it was 74, you sure?
Some people seem to take pride in being lied to.
I just can't figure it out.

Perhaps it is because thier momma lied to them about who their poppa is.
yeah they were just too stupid to read the reports correctly. Bush just misread the NIE report again while in the middleeast saying it says Iran is a grave Nuuukuler threat.

Its so much better that they are just stupid.
The standard Bush lover response has been established for years:

The article says BushCo gave FALSE information 935 times. Technically, that doesn't prove he actually lied. They could have just been wrong, without knowing they were wrong.

Tenet said it was a slam dunk!
I'm sure Tenet 's opinion is completely non-partisan. :rolleyes: