96% of U.S. climate data is corrupted


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This tells you the government and fake scientist are manipulating data to promote their lies about global warming


You should check out the work of veteran meteorologist Anthony Watts of the Heartland Institute. He’s been studying the weather and the climate in general for a very long time. He travels around the country inspecting meteorological equipment and studies historical weather data from around the world. One of the first findings he would like the public to be aware of is that not only are wildfires common in many parts of North America, but the reality is that in the 21st century, they have actually been less numerous than they were in the past. They’re just getting more attention from the press and on social media.That’s not the shocking part of the story, however. When discussing the “modest warming” that the planet has exhibited, there is a need to have solid data. But as Dr. Watts has examined weather stations around the country, he has discovered that the available data may be nearly useless when attempting to quantify very slight changes in average temperatures. That’s because more than 90% of the data is “corrupted.” And the reason for that is the reality that the vast majority of thermometers that NOAA relies on are improperly installed and maintained, leading to the recording of artificially higher temperatures.In order to produce accurate temperature readings based on NOAA’s own published standards, thermometers are supposed to be in natural, “pristine” locations like fields, forests, hilltops, etc. But Dr. Watts’ research has revealed that more than 90% of NOAA thermometers are in inappropriate places. 96% are in parking lots, on buildings, against brick walls, or in other artificial environments. The bricks, asphalt and other human construction materials used in these environments artificially trap heat, leading to a “warming bias” in the collected data. Thermometers placed in natural settings register lower average temperatures.

That’s not to say that the cities, parking lots, and highways aren’t warmer. They clearly are. But it’s not because the planet overall is getting warmer. It’s because we build things that trap and retain more heat than Mother Nature would capture and retain if left to her own devices. This is one more excellent piece of data supporting a plan that I’ve been endorsing here for quite some time.
There is no climate data. Climate has no values associated with it. A climate is a subjective description only.
Weather data does exist. Weather is constantly changing. Meteorologists and automated weather stations do record rain, wind direction and speed, sky cover and height and type clouds, horizontal visibility at the surface, etc. However...

It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth. We simply do not have anywhere near enough thermometers. It's not even possible to build that many thermometers. There are a couple of requirements in addition to this that must be met:
1) Location grouping is significant. Thermometers MUST be placed uniformly. A hundred thermometers in a city tell you NOTHING about a location just a mile away or so.
2) Time is significant. Air moves. Weather moves. The Sun moves across the sky. Thermometers MUST be read simultaneously by the same authority.

The basic problem is that it is not unusual for temperature to vary by as much as 20 deg per mile. You simply cannot get a margin of error small enough with the number of thermometers that we have to be anything more than just blind guessing.
This is part of the mathematics of statistical math, which is routinely discarded by the Church of Global Warming (and government in general).

It is not possible to trap or contain heat. This is defined by the 2nd law of thermodynamics, which states: e(t+1) >= e(t) where 'e' is 'entropy' (or the available energy capable of producing a flow of energy) and 't' is time.
A higher temperature is a concentration of energy. It will always flow to colder temperatures, never the reverse. The flow of thermal energy is called 'heat'. Heat has no temperature. It is the FLOW of energy, not the energy itself.
The Church of Global Warming routinely discards this theory of science.

It is not possible to create energy out of nothing. This is defined by the 1st law of thermodynamics, which states: E(t+1) = E(t) - U where 'E' is energy in any given system, U is work (energy applied over time), and 't' is time.
The Church of Global Warming routinely discards this theory of science too.

Anything that is above zero deg K (everything) converts thermal energy to electromagnetic energy. This what allows radiant heat. This conversion follows the Stefan-Boltzmann law, which states: r = C * e * t^4 where 'r' is electromagnetic energy radiated from a square surface (gas also radiates, the 'surface' being the molecules themselves), 'e' is 'emissivity', a measured constant on how well a surface radiates, 'C' is a natural constant (converting the relation to our units of measurement), and 't' is temperature in deg K. All frequencies of light combined are considered. There is no frequency term in the relation.

Emissivity is also absorptivity (how well a surface absorbs light, converting it to some other form of energy). Only infrared light converts to thermal energy. Higher frequencies convert to chemical energy or push the atom itself into a higher energy state (not thermal energy). Lower frequencies tend to convert to electrical energy (think radio receiver).

The Church of Global Warming routine discards this theory of science as well.

Measuring a temperature in a city is legit, but less then 1% of the Earth's surface is a city. Further, there is a lot more to the Earth than just it's surface. Earth DOES have some average temperature, but it is not possible to measure it.

The Church of Global Warming also claims to know the global atmospheric content of CO2 and methane. It is not possible to measure those either. Neither of these gases are uniformly distributed in the atmosphere.
They also like to claim to know the global pH of the oceans. That is not possible either, since the pH is not uniform across all ocean water.

In other words, the Church of Global Warming routinely discards mathematics and science. There is no 'climate science' and there never was.

In other words, the Church of Global Warming, which stems directly from the Church of Green, is all bullshit. No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth.
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They aren’t giving up to date temperatures they use a 30 year average

There are 4 agencies who run weather stations where they compare the surface temperatures to ocean temperatures from different locations around the world then combine that into a dataset which gives them an average

They then do this for decades, average it out again then simply look at the number

So yeah it’s accurate
They aren’t giving up to date temperatures they use a 30 year average

There are 4 agencies who run weather stations where they compare the surface temperatures to ocean temperatures from different locations around the world then combine that into a dataset which gives them an average

They then do this for decades, average it out again then simply look at the number

So yeah it’s accurate

How many locations?
How many locations?

No idea

It’s probably about 5 or 6 I imagine

You only need readings from different parts of the globe to add into the equation to balance out the average

Again it’s not meant to be exact it’s meant to identify a trend upwards or downward
Look about you. Open your eyes. Storms are getting stronger and more numerous. Tornadoes are going to new places. Hurricanes will need a new top rating. Sweden is lamenting the rapid erosion of their glaciers.
I saw a Minnesota PBS program on gardening. They were old people who have been planting gardens for many decades and kept meticulous records. They talked about a longer growing period and plants and vegetables that they could now grow that they could not before. They never said global warming. But that was what it was about.
No idea

It’s probably about 5 or 6 I imagine

You only need readings from different parts of the globe to add into the equation to balance out the average

Again it’s not meant to be exact it’s meant to identify a trend upwards or downward

5 or 6 seems more like guessing than science but that's me.
They aren’t giving up to date temperatures they use a 30 year average

There are 4 agencies who run weather stations where they compare the surface temperatures to ocean temperatures from different locations around the world then combine that into a dataset which gives them an average

They then do this for decades, average it out again then simply look at the number

So yeah it’s accurate

Not only that, but all one has to do is look at the Earth at night, to see how so much of the world is made up of a concrete surface now, WHICH MAY EXPLAIN WHY the earth is getting warmer.

Where there is lights, there is surely concrete!

So saying that concrete is not a good place to measure temperature may be a wrong thing to try to use as a talking point, and that measuring temperatures over concrete may be the best place to start measuring heat and cold.

They aren’t giving up to date temperatures they use a 30 year average
There is nothing to average.
There are 4 agencies who run weather stations where they compare the surface temperatures to ocean temperatures from different locations around the world then combine that into a dataset which gives them an average
It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth or the temperature of the oceans.
There is no average.
They then do this for decades, average it out again then simply look at the number
They can't do it at all. It's not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth or it's oceans.
So yeah it’s accurate
No. It's not. It's purely a made up number (a random number of type randU).
No idea

It’s probably about 5 or 6 I imagine

You only need readings from different parts of the globe to add into the equation to balance out the average

Again it’s not meant to be exact it’s meant to identify a trend upwards or downward

Base rate fallacy.
An statistical summary is USELESS without BOTH numbers being shown (one being the average). The other is the margin of error which you are completely ignoring.

An average +- 100 deg F is useless.

You cannot produce a 'trend' or any other delta without taking at least two measurements.
It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth.
Very few Americans even now can get their minds around the scope of the betrayals, the lying.

Buckle Up.
Look about you. Open your eyes. Storms are getting stronger and more numerous.
No such dataset. It is not possible to measure the number or strength of storms globally.
The National Hurricane Center in Florida, which DOES record tropical storms and hurricanes impacting the United States does not show any increase in the number or strength of hurricanes or tropical storms.
Tornadoes are going to new places.
Tornadoes normally occur in every State and every territory.
Hurricanes will need a new top rating.
Hurricanes don't have a 'top rating'.
Sweden is lamenting the rapid erosion of their glaciers.
Not happening.
I saw a Minnesota PBS program on gardening. They were old people who have been planting gardens for many decades and kept meticulous records. They talked about a longer growing period and plants and vegetables that they could now grow that they could not before.
Plants don't have temperature sensors. They are not affected by temperature (other than freezing, which can destroy plant cells).
They never said global warming. But that was what it was about.
No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth. It is not possible to measure the Earth's temperature.

You are still ignoring statistical mathematics, the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics, and the Stefan-Boltzmann law.
Not only that, but all one has to do is look at the Earth at night, to see how so much of the world is made up of a concrete surface now, WHICH MAY EXPLAIN WHY the earth is getting warmer.

Where there is lights, there is surely concrete!

So saying that concrete is not a good place to measure temperature may be a wrong thing to try to use as a talking point, and that measuring temperatures over concrete may be the best place to start measuring heat and cold.


Lights are not concrete.
Heat has no temperature.
Cold is not a heat nor the opposite of heat.
It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth.

Assuming a constant output from the Sun, where is all this extra energy coming from?
Very few Americans even now can get their minds around the scope of the betrayals, the lying.

Buckle Up.

Here you are dead wrong. The Church of Global Warming is dying. More and more people are figuring out that it's BS. All you are seeing are the hard core fanatics in this religion now, shouting their chants as loud as they can.