99 days till we have a literate president.


Well-known member
It will be so nice come Januray when we have a president who can read and write.
Really? Wow I'm shocked. When in power she was one of the most adamant gun control advocates.

Why not vote Libertarian?

She is my protest vote, mainly to the republicans, for not giving me a better candidate to support. This makes 2 elections in a row where I won't be voting for either the republican or the democratic candidate. But since I am mainly not happy with the republicans right now, Cindy gets the vote.
She is my protest vote, mainly to the repulicans, for not giving me a better candidate to support. This makes 2 elections in a row where I won't be voting for either the republican or the democratic candidate. But since I am mainly not happy with the republicans right now, Cindy gets the vote.
Why not protest by voting Libertarian? You probably couldn't find a party that is more solid on gun rights.
You're a cool guy leaning but that statement makes no sense at all. Most of the time Libertarian voters are seen as disaffected Repubs or Conservatives.

At least the Repub reps in your state are reliable Conservatives.

To me, the republicans do deserve to lose this year. The extremes of the parties seem to be libertarian - far right fiscal republican philosophy, green - far left democratic philosophy. I have written my Republican representatives and told them how I will be voting (like it makes a difference to them or they can do anything about the nomination process that I am dissatisfied with) and to my one Democratic representative I have voiced my displeasure about the liberals we get as national democratic candidates (like he could do anything about that either).

To the second statement, you are correct (the one democrat rep. we have is pretty conservative in areas of imortance to me as well) and there is no way that McCain is going to lose in Oklahoma either. So I can vote for Cindy and spend the night watching the election.