A 4,400 Year Old Eternity Hustler Uncovered


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For thousands of years successful eternity hustlers did real well during their lifetimes selling eternal. Wahtye did a lot better than real well in order to pay for his comfortable digs. God only knows what he was selling, but his collection basket must have overflowed every time he preached to the suckers:

No separation of church and state in ancient Egypt:

The tomb belongs to "Wahtye", a high priest who served during the fifth dynasty reign of King Neferirkare, the antiquities ministry said.

Egypt unearths tomb of ancient high priest
Date created : 15/12/2018 - 13:17


They used to call religion’s leaders high priests. That title has been discredited over the centuries.

A pyramid is nothing more than a huge headstone with a shot at being remembered. If the rich want to be remembered they should get buried in a pyramid. Death Valley, California is just the place to build their time capsules. Someday somebody will dig them up.

Assassination is a painful way to be remembered. Abe Lincoln’s assassination in 1865 is fading along with thousands of forgotten political snuff jobs. Based on Lincoln’s durability I doubt if JFK’s assassination will be remembered longer than a century or two; certainly not as long Julius Caesar’s sudden departure (100 - 44 BC). Notice that Shakespeare gave Big Julie’s staying power a helping hand.

Julius Caesar, Act I, Scene 2

Beware the ides of March.


JFK has an eternal flame, but I would not count on eternity after environmental freakazoids link the flame to global warming.

The sad fact is that the dead president has entered the marketplace as a salable item. His death is not a question of historical interest but an exploitable commodity that may be packaged with impunity. Is it really a desire to get at the truth that motivates the never-ending publication of conspiracy books and the periodic production of television specials commemorating that fateful November day?

November 23, 2018
Who's Killing JFK Today?
By Richard Kirk


Who would know a thing about historical figures if teachers and authors could not make a buck talking and writing about deceased notables?

Founders of major religions are the only folks who last longer than politicians and fictitious characters like Hamlet and Sherlock Holmes.

Aside from organized religion’s Founders who are liable for initiating the world’s major religions, Sherlock Holmes is probably the most famous character, real or fictitious, that ever “lived” because his persona generates the most money. Others, like James Bond, may surpass Holmes’ annual income for a time, but Holmes possesses the lasting earning power that fads lack. Some might say that Pooh Bear or Mickey Mouse deserve the top spot, but I refuse to cross the line separating the silly from the serious.

Should a spiritual leader’s cult grow up and become a real religion the priesthood will line up for charity dollars right alongside priesthoods who hustle for the wherewithal century after century.

Parenthetically, religion’s brightest stars do pretty good in auction houses:


Christie’s Sells Chinese Bronze Buddha For $14.3 Million
Published: December 21, 2016


In the auction game Jerusalem Slim blew Boo out of the water:


Salvator Mundi
English: Savior of the World

Leonardo da Vinci painting sells for $450m at auction, smashing records
Edward Helmore in New York
Wednesday 15 November 2017 20.24 EST


Slim did suffer a minor setback on Facebook:


Facebook Nixes Photo of Vatican Nativity Scene as ‘Sexually Provocative’
by Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D.15 Dec 2017


I suspect that Facebook objected to the Vatican portraying Christianity’s founder as horny.
Last edited:

In the auction game Jerusalem Slim blew Boo out of the water:

Even when it is a fake:

The Salvator Mundi was thought to be painted by Renaissance master Leonardo da Vinci, but doubts have been cast over the painting's authenticity.

Is the world's most expensive painting a FAKE? Louvre snubs 'Leonardo da Vinci' painting 15 months after a Saudi prince spent £342million on it as art experts suggest it may have been painted by his assistant
By Henry Martin For Mailonline
Published: 15:22 EST, 17 February 2019 | Updated: 19:07 EST, 17 February 2019


Even when it is a fake:

The Salvator Mundi was thought to be painted by Renaissance master Leonardo da Vinci, but doubts have been cast over the painting's authenticity.

Is the world's most expensive painting a FAKE? Louvre snubs 'Leonardo da Vinci' painting 15 months after a Saudi prince spent £342million on it as art experts suggest it may have been painted by his assistant
By Henry Martin For Mailonline
Published: 15:22 EST, 17 February 2019 | Updated: 19:07 EST, 17 February 2019


Love the irony here, don't you?


Facebook Nixes Photo of Vatican Nativity Scene as ‘Sexually Provocative’
by Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D.15 Dec 2017


Nativity creches boldly go where no man has gone before:

December 12, 2020
The Vatican unveils a brutalist Nativity scene
By Monica Showalter


In the auction game Jerusalem Slim blew Boo out of the water:

It will not be long before statue makers will sell Trump hanging on a cross à la Jesus Christ:

According to the Daily Caller, the statues were TRENDING in online marketplaces in China:

Statues of former President Donald Trump as Buddha are trending on the popular online Chinese market Taobao, the Global Times reported.

The statues depict Trump with both hands on his lap in the traditional Buddha pose. The product description dons the slogans “Make your company great again,” and “Trump, who knows Buddhism better than anyone,” the Global Times reported.

The seller of the statues took the “Make America Great Again” slogan and the idea of Trump claiming to know more than everybody else and modified it to appeal to the Chinese market, told the Global Times.

Only one hundred of the statues were made, but the supply is dwindling as dozens have already been sold, Global Times reports.

“I bought it for fun and put it on my desk at home as a decoration,” one anonymous consumer in Shanghai told the Global Times.

“Trump can also be regarded as a representative of an era, and extreme egoism. Now the era has passed but I want the statue to remind me: Don’t be too Trump,” he said.

Depending on the size, the statues run anywhere from 999 to 3,999 yuan, or $153 to $614, according to Global Times.

Let’s be real: do you really think anyone would be inspired enough by Joe Biden to make a statue of him?

14-Foot Tall “Trump Buddha” Statues Are Selling Out in China for $614 USD
by daniel
13 hours ago
