A bad day for America

It all passed by a 4 point margin. This is going to be fought again for a long time, until a measure is passed allowing it again.

It is just amazing, the cruelty of men. These people had waited their entire life to get married, and then ignorance just takes it away. This is not only wrong, this is evil.
i agree, this is the big downer to come out of yesterday. here's the good news - the way your generation doesn't see race the same way my generation and older did/does, they don't give a shit about orientation either. so this has only one direction to go in, and that's forward.
i agree, this is the big downer to come out of yesterday. here's the good news - the way your generation doesn't see race the same way my generation and older did/does, they don't give a shit about orientation either. so this has only one direction to go in, and that's forward.

Young voters voted against it in bigger numbers than older voters.
Nope. Not in California, I'm afraid. You see, we (foolishly) allow our state constitution to be amended by a simple majority vote. This mean-spirited piece of bigotry is now written into the constitution.

It's not a coincidence that our state constitution is by far the longest of the fifty. It's over 150 pages long when printed in 10 point type and it grows with every election.

Two years from now we'll come back with an amendment negating this one, you watch. And every two years afterwards until it comes out right . . . after which the other side will do the same.
The fact that Prop 8 passed isn't really all that amazing, especially if you consider the number of Hispanic voters in the state. With the majority of them being traditional Catholics, it should come as no surprise that Prop 8 garnered the support it did. I would almost be willing to bet that, should they break down the numbers, a good percentage of support for the proposition came from Blacks and Hispanics, two camps that traditionally frown upon homosexuality.

What is more interesting to me, the same people who would deny homosexuals the right to marry, think it is okay for a minor child to get an abortion without parental knowledge. Your fourteen year old can't take an aspirin to school, she can't get her ears pierced without parental consent, but she can undergo a major medical procedure without parental knowledge? Oh... And gays can't get married. This is one fucked up state.
The fact that Prop 8 passed isn't really all that amazing, especially if you consider the number of Hispanic voters in the state. With the majority of them being traditional Catholics, it should come as no surprise that Prop 8 garnered the support it did. I would almost be willing to bet that, should they break down the numbers, a good percentage of support for the proposition came from Blacks and Hispanics, two camps that traditionally frown upon homosexuality.

What is more interesting to me, the same people who would deny homosexuals the right to marry, think it is okay for a minor child to get an abortion without parental knowledge. Your fourteen year old can't take an aspirin to school, she can't get her ears pierced without parental consent, but she can undergo a major medical procedure without parental knowledge? Oh... And gays can't get married. This is one fucked up state.

Norman, I think just about everyone who voted for prop 8 voted for prop 4 too. There were just slightly more people who crossed prop 8 but not 4.
Waaaaaay more importantly, Prop 2 in Michigan (establishing medical dispensaries) and Massachussetts (decriminalization) passed.

My heart sheds alligator tears for the gay people who can't get married, but at least some of my people will avoid imprisonment now.
Nope. Not in California, I'm afraid. You see, we (foolishly) allow our state constitution to be amended by a simple majority vote. This mean-spirited piece of bigotry is now written into the constitution.

It's not a coincidence that our state constitution is by far the longest of the fifty. It's over 150 pages long when printed in 10 point type and it grows with every election.

No way Ornot.


The Constitution of the State of Alabama is the basic governing document of the U.S. state of Alabama. It was adopted in 1901 and is the sixth constitution that the state has had.

At 357,157 words (using Microsoft Word's word count feature), the document is 12 times longer than the average state constitution, 40 times longer than the U.S. Constitution, and is the longest still-operative constitution anywhere in the world (the Constitution of India, the longest national constitution, comes in at approximately 117,369 words).