A better idea

Cancel 2018. 3

<-- sched 2, MJ sched 1
ban howey from creating threads.

he whines about ILA's thread, yet, what does he do? creates a useless thread whining and bitching about ILA's thread. what a fucking whiny baby who doesn't realize he is doing exactly what he is complaining of

this is not your board howey, stop trying to run it and stop whining.
ban howey from creating threads.

he whines about ILA's thread, yet, what does he do? creates a useless thread whining and bitching about ILA's thread. what a fucking whiny baby who doesn't realize he is doing exactly what he is complaining of

this is not your board howey, stop trying to run it and stop whining.

It is like Howey is trying to make Damo his lackey.

I am just trying to educate Honey Boo Boo Howey. Lord knows he needs it
the way rune gets so defensive over legion makes one wonder why he is so personally invested in legion troll.......

I am fucked if I know, he never fails to defend the low life. Either he is really as naive as he appears to be or he is a bullshitter and a shill for Legion.