A Brutal War Is Raging Between Patriarchate & Matriarchate


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matriarchate (noun)

1. See matriarchy.

2. A hypothetical stage in the evolution of a society in which authority is held by women.

Matriarchate is more than hypothetical. I can make the case that matriarchate is a political ideology responsible for democracy’s rebirth countless times throughout history.

I have railed against the Democracy Movement in a thousand messages. Make no mistake about the Democracy Movement —— it is the most insidious conspiracy ever devised to destroy this country’s individual liberties. Throughout history democracy has been the parasite’s preferred form of government. If that is not enough to tell you about the kind of people behind the Democracy Movement, this should scare you stiff: Democracy is always going towards something worse; never towards liberty.


Democracy is also the battle cry of matriarchate’s armies the world over.


1. The territory, rule, or rank of a patriarch.

2. See patriarchy.

Laura Ingraham jokes that Cherokee Warren would strengthen the patriarchate should she pick a male running mate. Move the cursor to 5:08:

Woodrow Wilson did not declare war on Germany, he declared war on pussy-whipped men when he used the U.S. military to make the world safe for democracy. A man has to be pussy-whipped to fall for Wilson’s democracy crap.

The 19[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendment added fuel to the fire when it gave today’s feminazis the weapon matriarchs sought for thousands of years. The Democracy Movement became their battle strategy in 1920.


Finally, see this thread to learn what one generation of vipers thought about their sons. Today’s feminazi vipers are worse because they have more authority:


Bottom line: No American man should ever fight for democracy.
matriarchate (noun)

1. See matriarchy.

2. A hypothetical stage in the evolution of a society in which authority is held by women.​

Hillary Clinton blames misogyny because she knows she cannot openly blame her failure to advance her lifelong commitment to establishing a matriarchy:

Queen of Denial: Hillary Clinton blames misogyny for 2016 defeat to Trump
Karen Townsend
Posted at 12:01 pm on November 11, 2019

2. A hypothetical stage in the evolution of a society in which authority is held by women.


Democracy is also the battle cry of matriarchate’s armies the world over.

Matt Walsh has a winner. Trump Kristi Noem with this card: Matriarchate is the goal of people who shout misogyny.

Kristi Noem Plays ‘Misogyny Card’ on Matt Walsh but Won’t Address His Legitimate Criticisms
by JD Rucker
August 26, 2021
