A court says "no" to the GOP again

Legion Troll

A fine upstanding poster

Where is the rights' reverence for the constitution?

Wisconsin's right-to-work law, championed by Republican Gov. Scott Walker as he was mounting his run for president, was struck down Friday as violating the state constitution.

Attorney General Brad Schimel, also a Republican, has not decided whether to seek an immediate suspension of the ruling, spokesman Johnny Koremenos said.

Three unions filed the lawsuit last year shortly after Walker signed the bill into law. They argued that Wisconsin's law was an unconstitutional seizure of union property since they now must extend benefits to workers who don't pay dues.

Dane County Circuit Judge William Foust agreed. He said the law amounts to the government taking union funds without compensation since under the law they must represent people who don't pay dues.

"While losses today could be characterized by some as minor, they are not isolated and the impact of over time is threatening to the unions' economic viability," he wrote.

Foust noted that no other state court had struck down a right-to-work law on those grounds, but said he wasn't obligated to follow other states.

The Wisconsin attorney general had argued that the law doesn't take anything from the unions since it technically doesn't remove any money currently in their accounts.

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