A Critical Thinking Exercise; Name something bias to a party that shouldn't be.....


Tea Is The New Kool-Aid
This is a critical thinking exercise. I want you to name something bias to a political party that shouldn't be.

(Example) I have a Right Wing friend who postured up when he said "Well Im no environmentalist, but I recycle because it's easy" I'm not sure why you would be proud to be anti-environment?........

Clearly Environmentalism has turned into a political topic. I ask why it's not a human topic. Even some Indians had a quote "Only take from the land what you need, nothing more"

We are CLEARLY not thinking for ourselves today. We want "our party" to win because of the topic we are passionate about....
One is too often blinded by partisanship. You know that you are too partisan when your loyalty to your political party takes precedence over your loyalty to your country. On the subject of politics, in particular, people have become so polemic and so partisan that there is no place for argument anymore. The opposing party has become "the enemy." One cannot even agree to disagree for there is no tolerance for opposing views.

In his farewell address, George Washington (who is considered the father of our country) advised against political parties. The rest of our so-called "founding fathers" had no hesitation to choosing sides.
This is a critical thinking exercise. I want you to name something bias to a political party that shouldn't be.

(Example) I have a Right Wing friend who postured up when he said "Well Im no environmentalist, but I recycle because it's easy" I'm not sure why you would be proud to be anti-environment?........

Clearly Environmentalism has turned into a political topic. I ask why it's not a human topic. Even some Indians had a quote "Only take from the land what you need, nothing more"

We are CLEARLY not thinking for ourselves today. We want "our party" to win because of the topic we are passionate about....
I would be pro-environment if I saw hard evidence that "The Day After Tomorrow", were actually tomorrow, or even the next day or next week. Your critical thinking exercise is impossible. What you're really asking us to do is cast off certain values and replace them with humanistic bullshit.
I would be pro-environment if I saw hard evidence that "The Day After Tomorrow", were actually tomorrow, or even the next day or next week. Your critical thinking exercise is impossible. What you're really asking us to do is cast off certain values and replace them with humanistic bullshit.

Obviously, you have no idea what he is talking about!
This is a critical thinking exercise. I want you to name something bias to a political party that shouldn't be.

(Example) I have a Right Wing friend who postured up when he said "Well Im no environmentalist, but I recycle because it's easy" I'm not sure why you would be proud to be anti-environment?........

Clearly Environmentalism has turned into a political topic. I ask why it's not a human topic. Even some Indians had a quote "Only take from the land what you need, nothing more"

We are CLEARLY not thinking for ourselves today. We want "our party" to win because of the topic we are passionate about....

It all depends on how your friend is defining "environmentalist:" one can play the guitar and not consider herself a musician! Your friend recycles but doesn't consider himself an environmentalist. I watch the birds in the back yard occasionally, but I don't consider myself a bird watcher.
One is too often blinded by partisanship. You know that you are too partisan when your loyalty to your political party takes precedence over your loyalty to your country. On the subject of politics, in particular, people have become so polemic and so partisan that there is no place for argument anymore. The opposing party has become "the enemy." One cannot even agree to disagree for there is no tolerance for opposing views.

In his farewell address, George Washington (who is considered the father of our country) advised against political parties. The rest of our so-called "founding fathers" had no hesitation to choosing sides.

And if Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, we’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us, if they don’t see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election, then I think it’s gonna be harder — and that’s why I think it’s so important that people focus on voting on November 2.

I wonder who said that.......
I would be pro-environment if I saw hard evidence that "The Day After Tomorrow", were actually tomorrow, or even the next day or next week. Your critical thinking exercise is impossible. What you're really asking us to do is cast off certain values and replace them with humanistic bullshit.

There are hundreds if not thousands of things that today belong to a party as far as belief that don't belong in a party. I should feel proud that my post exposed this but I don't, I feel extremely sad that you don't know this.

To top it off you state "cut off values and replace it with humanistic bullshit"..............Do you really have to think about this one? Humans made values and the value system, that is if you consider Jesus a human when he was alive.

Why attack humanity? This doesn't seem well educated at all.
It all depends on how your friend is defining "environmentalist:" one can play the guitar and not consider herself a musician! Your friend recycles but doesn't consider himself an environmentalist. I watch the birds in the back yard occasionally, but I don't consider myself a bird watcher.

For sure. But would you say you watch birds then posture up and say "but Im no bird watcher" This statement kind of explains a lot of things in America today. I back Michael Sam but how can I tell other dudes that I back the freedom of a gay person without sounding gay? America is in a learning process. We are WAY MORE 3rd world than we think we are.

It's certain at this point that the Left is the Environmentalist party and the Right is anti-Envirionmentalist. To solidify this fact you can disprove me by showing me a bill the Republicans put in place that helps the environment LOL when there are tons of ways..........Maybe I will be proven wrong, I learn when Im wrong. I don't learn when someone says "You are stupid (the basis of this forum)" so give it to me.
And if Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, we’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us, if they don’t see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election, then I think it’s gonna be harder — and that’s why I think it’s so important that people focus on voting on November 2.

I wonder who said that.......

Weird how Obama said we need immigration reform, and the Right backed him. Then the bill came around and the Right voted it down..........

The Right always talks about Immigration reform like the Left talks about ending Citizens United. Yet when in power neither party wants that change because they are Corporate puppets, not America puppets.

The Right openly stated that they backed Obama's immigration reform then voted it down stating "It won't work under this president"........Why back something and then pull out unless someone paid you to? It's pretty clear
Being an environmentalist means different things to different people.

Caring for the land and trying to preserve nature is an environmentalist. My Conservative brother calls himself a conservationist, as opposed to an environmentalist but as he uses the terms they are interchangeable to me.

He considers an environmentalist as someone who puts the needs of the natural world above the needs of humanity. I consider humanity a part of the natural world. He considers an environmentalist as someone who uses environmental issues as a method of promoting a political agenda that has a goal other than preservation.
This is a critical thinking exercise. I want you to name something bias to a political party that shouldn't be.

(Example) I have a Right Wing friend who postured up when he said "Well Im no environmentalist, but I recycle because it's easy" I'm not sure why you would be proud to be anti-environment?........

Clearly Environmentalism has turned into a political topic. I ask why it's not a human topic. Even some Indians had a quote "Only take from the land what you need, nothing more"

We are CLEARLY not thinking for ourselves today. We want "our party" to win because of the topic we are passionate about....

Being an Environmentalist implies a lot of things, from hating humans, to being a totalitarian who wants to tax co2 emissions.
This is a critical thinking exercise. I want you to name something bias to a political party that shouldn't be.

(Example) I have a Right Wing friend who postured up when he said "Well Im no environmentalist, but I recycle because it's easy" I'm not sure why you would be proud to be anti-environment?........

Clearly Environmentalism has turned into a political topic. I ask why it's not a human topic. Even some Indians had a quote "Only take from the land what you need, nothing more"

We are CLEARLY not thinking for ourselves today. We want "our party" to win because of the topic we are passionate about....

I'm curious why you think Republicans are not for the environment. Why is that? I think recycling is a good idea; but I don't want to FORCE everyone to engage in it. I want our forests preserved; but also know that forest products are a renewable resource and that the claims of preserving ancient growth forests is the language of dunces because trees seldom live more than a hundred years due to fire, pests and age.

I also believe in the Constitution and it's free market principles. Our Federal Government was never intended to be the "provider" or "arbiter" of what is fair or "best" for everyone.

As is typical with nearly all of your anti-Conservative posts; they are struggling for a purpose and point. What is pont you are attempting to make here?
Weird how Obama said we need immigration reform, and the Right backed him. Then the bill came around and the Right voted it down..........

The Right always talks about Immigration reform like the Left talks about ending Citizens United. Yet when in power neither party wants that change because they are Corporate puppets, not America puppets.

The Right openly stated that they backed Obama's immigration reform then voted it down stating "It won't work under this president"........Why back something and then pull out unless someone paid you to? It's pretty clear

Did you find it just as wierd when Bush was attacked when he promoted immigration reform? Or only when it is a Democrat?
For sure. But would you say you watch birds then posture up and say "but Im no bird watcher" This statement kind of explains a lot of things in America today. I back Michael Sam but how can I tell other dudes that I back the freedom of a gay person without sounding gay? America is in a learning process. We are WAY MORE 3rd world than we think we are.

It's certain at this point that the Left is the Environmentalist party and the Right is anti-Environmentalist. To solidify this fact you can disprove me by showing me a bill the Republicans put in place that helps the environment LOL when there are tons of ways..........Maybe I will be proven wrong, I learn when Im wrong. I don't learn when someone says "You are stupid (the basis of this forum)" so give it to me.

How is the "right" anti-environment? So you think that one can only show their environment credentials by sponsoring poorly thought out legislation that destroys jobs? Why is that?

You seldom learn when you are wrong because you are wrong most of the time and no matter how many times you are corrected, you still make really stupid arguments.
Im for limiting actual pollutants. But co2 is like oxygen for plants. Calling it a pollutant is madness.

Amen; I supported efforts to scrub polutants from smoke stacks and sensible non-polluting sources of energy. The LA basin has tremendously benefitted from these efforts. Back in the 70's it was rare one could ever see the mountains from LA and it appeared as a dense brown haze as you approached the city. Today, there are not many days where the view is obscured by pollutants and you don't see that dense brown haze but on the worst inversion days.
This is a critical thinking exercise. I want you to name something bias to a political party that shouldn't be.

(Example) I have a Right Wing friend who postured up when he said "Well Im no environmentalist, but I recycle because it's easy" I'm not sure why you would be proud to be anti-environment?........

I don't see how his not being an environmentalist means he is anti-environment.

That's like saying someone who isn't a guitarist must hate guitars.

Typical liberal logic, but stupid none-the-less.

In fact.... there's one answer to your "name something" question.
You have to start with individual responsibility instead of waiting for the government, regardless of party, to tell you what to do, because there is no One size fits all answer.