A different take on Summers

I think that the dismal record, which unfortuntely is not a matter of opinion, but of historical fact, on women being tenured under his regime at Harvard, belies what one of his personal fans has to say.
During his troubles at Harvard the students supported him.

The guy is not perfect person but I doubt that will keep him from doing the job assigned to him by Obama.

Obama is a leader and is not a GWBush who can not even pick his own cabinet let alone lead them.
Gee a guy that said something stupid and insensitive about women and can't do enough to make them happy......wonder who that sounds like? LOL (maybe your average husband/father? ;-)

The fact that Larry Summers even rationally addressed the issue was a political landmine that he should have avoided like the plague.

The fact is, is that there are few women, relative to men, in the fields of math and science. When Larry opened his mouth to even address the issue he was bound to piss off some group of women.

I'm certainly sure that telling a group of women scientist that innate differences between men and women and not socialization may be the reason that there are far fewer women in the fields of math and science then there are men would piss them off.

Personally I find that hard to swallow too but the fact remains that there are far fewer women in these fields then there are men. Why? It has to certainly be a combination of nature and nurture as neither socialization or innate abilities of women alone can fully answer the question "why"?
I think that the dismal record, which unfortuntely is not a matter of opinion, but of historical fact, on women being tenured under his regime at Harvard, belies what one of his personal fans has to say.

That may be an unfair assessment on your part. Earning tenure is not a fair process where you make sure that half the men get tenure and half the women, and 75% of whites and 12.5% of African Americans, etc, etc. It don't work that way. It's a competative process and it's supposed to be unfair, i.e. publish or perish.

The dismal track record for tenure during Summers tenure may have had a hell of a lot more to do with his predecessors hiring practices then his view on tenure. It may be that the women faculty who were eligible just simply did not meet the established criteria and qualifications for tenure. None of which would be Summer's fault.
During his troubles at Harvard the students supported him.

The guy is not perfect person but I doubt that will keep him from doing the job assigned to him by Obama.

Obama is a leader and is not a GWBush who can not even pick his own cabinet let alone lead them.

Desh, out of pure male ignorance and curiousity on my part, how was my joke yesterday about Hannity turning Meddow straight more offensive to you than Summers comments about women in science that Darla finds so offensive?
I bet if he had said that A gay woman can be turned straight by a silly, puffed up, talking head on TV it would be talked about much more than the other stupid things he said.

If you are familiar with Asbergers syndrome you would understand its an inabilty to function in a social situation and is basically one step below Autism.
Sometimes, people stick their foot in their mouth, and become defined more by a few ill-thought remarks than by their actual record. Here's a different perspective on that record from someone who actually worked with the guy:


I don't know what the truth is; just food for thought...

I read this before I concluded that Summers is an asshole who shouldn't have a seat at the table .. let alone the head of the table.

Contrast the thoughts of this one person with the FACT that Summers was given a vote of NO CONFIDENCE by the Harvard faculty and created a firestorm of controvery that had people inside and outside of the university calling for his resignation .. which by the way, he was ultimately forced to give.

Contrast those thoughts with the FACT that Summers chased Dr. Cornel West out of Harvard because he doesn't believe African studies are important.

Contrast the thoughts of this one person with the FACT that Summers caused a like firestorm of controvery at the World Bank that rippled globally because he believes that non-white life is expendable.

Contrast this one person with the FACT that Bill Clinton had trouble getting confirmed because of his controvery and had to slid him in the back door at Treasury.

And specific to the role Obama gave him, is there ANY question that Summers supported the economic policies of George Bush?

This is all quite amazing and telling. Here democrats are making excuses and drumming up support for a man as dispicable as Summers. tying to find "studies" that say women are stupid, ignoring the racist conotations of Summer's remarks.

It demonstrates something I've long said .. the left does not belong in the Democratic Party.
During his troubles at Harvard the students supported him.

The guy is not perfect person but I doubt that will keep him from doing the job assigned to him by Obama.

Obama is a leader and is not a GWBush who can not even pick his own cabinet let alone lead them.

What students would that be, the racist mysognists?

A great many students stood with the faculty, and in fact encouraged the faculty to get behind the calls for Summers removal.