A Divine Message to Midcan


New member
Below is Midcan's prayer he wrote on my previous post about Lanny Davis' Op-Ed in the WSJ, about Obama's FAILURE to properly address the Anti-American, and "White Hate" Messages of his "Ministry". I also happened to mention that Rev. Wright "used" to be a Muslim, which perhaps answers many questions about his motivations, his trips overseas to embace Mohammar Khaddafi, and his Great Love and Lifetime Achievment(Ha!) Award for Calypso Louis Farrakhan, the Racist Nutjob who says he "has been to the Mother Wheel in the Sky, and has recieved their Great Knowledge". Anyway, Midcan said a Prayer to God, in response, and I just thought I'd help.
quote Midcan5:
Dear Lord,

Please make these threads end and while you're at it remove Reverend Wright from the biased person's mind as they are so obsessed with the reverend they are forgetting all about important issues facing Americans such as jobs, healthcare, the war, the environment, and even taxes - Lord, I never thought I'd see that day. Thank you Lord, and if you can fit it in can you help me with that lottery ticket I am buying. Thanks and hope all is well with you, I'm doing OK by the way.

Later, Midcan

Hey Midcan, while you're talking to the Lord(I didn't know Secular Liberals DID that!), you might want to ask him for something that benefits OTHERS, instead of yourself. He likes those requests a LOT better! Like, for instance, ask him: "Please, Dear Lord, in Your Divine Wisdom and Mercy, PLEASE do not bring forth the Plague of Ultra-Left Wing, Socialist Collectivist Barack Obama upon us!" You can appeal to his compassion for Humankind: "Dear Lord, if you let Obama(or Hillary) win, not ONLY will America SUFFER, with a reduced ability to treat the SICK, but Canadian, British , and other Top Politicians, the Rich, etc., will NO LONGER be able to come to AMERICA for the World's Best Doctors, Treatment, Medical Science!

Also the rest of Humankind will be at MUCH greater risk of World War III. Obama, especially, will cozy up to, and appease, the Islamist Fundamentalist Terrorist Set, the ones who wish to KILL ALL JEWS, and any CHRISTIANS who won't CONVERT. He will destroy the Morale of our Troops(just like Carter and Clinton did), and decimate our Military, close bases, all in the name of "Saving Money", to "pay for Social Programs".

Only problem- any Economist over 12 can tell you that the over ONE TRILLION DOLLARS in NEW Spending that Obama(and Hillary) proposes, CANNOT be "paid for" with ANY amount of American Military Destruction. And, it goes without saying, that when Obama decimates our Military, talks Nice and Pretty to Amedinijad, Hamas, Hezbollah, and others, and reduces our ability to Protect not only AMERICA, but all the OTHER Nations who happen to be on the Islamic Terrorist Hit List. So try a selfless Prayer Request like THAT, and maybe we'll ALL be able to sleep better for the next 4 years.
"He will destroy the Morale of our Troops"

I dunno; they're flying so high right now & so in love with this admin's policy, I think it would take a lot to bring them down....