A Dose Of Bigotry Would Cure The Disease


Verified User
Ever since 9-11-2001 I have been saying that Islam should be legally defined as a political movement which it is, while Socialism/Communism should be defined as a religion which it is. In that way both are denied First Amendment protection. In short: Socialism violates the First Amendment because it is a religion implementing the tax collector’s morality, while Islam is NOT entitled to First Amendment protection because it is a political movement.

Not defining Socialism/Communism as a religion allowed Democrats to flood the courts with their priests who rule against every litigant and criminal defendant that challenges one or more of Socialism’s tenets. So I would not object to a dose of religious bigotry if it keeps Socialists off the bench:

The ugly specter of religious bigotry reared its disgusting head during Senate confirmation of the nomination of Brian Buescher for a federal judgeship. The Constitution’s Article VI, Clause 3 clearly specifies that “no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States,” but that must be news to Senators Mazie Hirono and Kamala Harris.

December 25, 2018
Dem senators flirting with a religious test for judicial nominees
By Thomas Lifson


Finally, very few Americans realize that Socialists paid tax dollars to proselytize continually violate the First Amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; . . .

Democrats not only established their religion with tax dollars they are determined to deny everybody else free exercise.
Ever since 9-11-2001 I have been saying that Islam should be legally defined as a political movement which it is, while Socialism/Communism should be defined as a religion which it is. In that way both are denied First Amendment protection. In short: Socialism violates the First Amendment because it is a religion implementing the tax collector’s morality, while Islam is NOT entitled to First Amendment protection because it is a political movement.

Not defining Socialism/Communism as a religion allowed Democrats to flood the courts with their priests who rule against every litigant and criminal defendant that challenges one or more of Socialism’s tenets. So I would not object to a dose of religious bigotry if it keeps Socialists off the bench:

The ugly specter of religious bigotry reared its disgusting head during Senate confirmation of the nomination of Brian Buescher for a federal judgeship. The Constitution’s Article VI, Clause 3 clearly specifies that “no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States,” but that must be news to Senators Mazie Hirono and Kamala Harris.

December 25, 2018
Dem senators flirting with a religious test for judicial nominees
By Thomas Lifson


Finally, very few Americans realize that Socialists paid tax dollars to proselytize continually violate the First Amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; . . .

Democrats not only established their religion with tax dollars they are determined to deny everybody else free exercise.

one upon a time your ghrister goyim religion was just as savage, until the enlightenment , when it was defanged and declawed

Christians, don’t forget that we too have killed in God’s name

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Trump proposals may redefine poverty, cut Americans from social welfare programs:
Bradford Betz


Cut welfare state programs is another half-ass scam designed to win over conservative voters:

The only way Trump can convince me that he is a conservative is to lead the fight to repeal the XVI Amendment.


Poverty is not the problem. The problem has always been tax dollars funding political causes and organized religion doctrines. Every one of those expenditures is a violation of the First Amendment:

Finally, very few Americans realize that Socialists paid tax dollars to proselytize continually violate the First Amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; . . .

Democrats not only established their religion with tax dollars they are determined to deny everybody else free exercise.

Socialists/Communists have been spending tax dollars to defeat conservative Americans. Those tax dollars defeat every challenge to collectivism issue by issue. There are fifty or sixty abuses. These five are the worst. They are never challenged, certainly not by bullshit Trump.

1. New World Order parasites taking in billions of tax dollar annually in order to betray this country’s sovereignty.

2. Truckloads of tax dollars go to religious charities and to hell with the First Amendment. It never occurs to charity hustlers to pay for their compassion out of their own pockets.

3. Naturalized “Americans” holding influential positions in think tanks, in universities, in government bureaucracies.

4. Lawyers getting tax dollars to keep the borders open for illegal aliens —— and keep them here after they get here.

5. Anti-America propaganda financed by tax dollars; i.e. social engineers manipulating every facet of American life with propaganda tax dollars. Hollywood parasites are the worker bees.

NOTE: I did not list parasite teachers even though their tax dollar incomes are just as unconstitutional as the other five. They get the most from states and the federal government. Teachers get away with it because they fooled the American people into believing teachers make a necessary contribution to society.

Instead of telling us how he is making America great again, he should be telling the parasites ‘If you are not helping to bring this country back to limited government, you are not getting a penny of tax dollars.’
Trump can only do so much. There is also what happened to Kennedy right after he declared he was getting rid of the Federal Reserve. I'm no conspiracy nut, but I also don't believe in coincidence. Especially when it benefits the federal government.
Ever since 9-11-2001 I have been saying that Islam should be legally defined as a political movement which it is, while Socialism/Communism should be defined as a religion which it is. In that way both are denied First Amendment protection. In short: Socialism violates the First Amendment because it is a religion implementing the tax collector’s morality, while Islam is NOT entitled to First Amendment protection because it is a political movement.

Not defining Socialism/Communism as a religion allowed Democrats to flood the courts with their priests who rule against every litigant and criminal defendant that challenges one or more of Socialism’s tenets. So I would not object to a dose of religious bigotry if it keeps Socialists off the bench:

The ugly specter of religious bigotry reared its disgusting head during Senate confirmation of the nomination of Brian Buescher for a federal judgeship. The Constitution’s Article VI, Clause 3 clearly specifies that “no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States,” but that must be news to Senators Mazie Hirono and Kamala Harris.

December 25, 2018
Dem senators flirting with a religious test for judicial nominees
By Thomas Lifson


Finally, very few Americans realize that Socialists paid tax dollars to proselytize continually violate the First Amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; . . .

Democrats not only established their religion with tax dollars they are determined to deny everybody else free exercise.

So, Fascism?
Ever since 9-11-2001 I have been saying that Islam should be legally defined as a political movement which it is, while Socialism/Communism should be defined as a religion which it is. In that way both are denied First Amendment protection. In short: Socialism violates the First Amendment because it is a religion implementing the tax collector’s morality, while Islam is NOT entitled to First Amendment protection because it is a political movement.

Not defining Socialism/Communism as a religion allowed Democrats to flood the courts with their priests who rule against every litigant and criminal defendant that challenges one or more of Socialism’s tenets. So I would not object to a dose of religious bigotry if it keeps Socialists off the bench:

The ugly specter of religious bigotry reared its disgusting head during Senate confirmation of the nomination of Brian Buescher for a federal judgeship. The Constitution’s Article VI, Clause 3 clearly specifies that “no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States,” but that must be news to Senators Mazie Hirono and Kamala Harris.

December 25, 2018
Dem senators flirting with a religious test for judicial nominees
By Thomas Lifson


Finally, very few Americans realize that Socialists paid tax dollars to proselytize continually violate the First Amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; . . .

Democrats not only established their religion with tax dollars they are determined to deny everybody else free exercise.

Russia funds your site?
American Thinker - Media Bias/Fact Check

RIGHT BIAS. Notes: American Thinker is a conservative daily online magazine dealing with American politics, foreign policy, national security, Israel, economics, diplomacy, culture and military strategy. The American Thinker demonstrates a right bias through wording and story selection. They have also failed a few fact checks such as this one.
American Thinker - Media Bias/Fact Check

To evince:


Ever since 9-11-2001 I have been saying that Islam should be legally defined as a political movement which it is, while Socialism/Communism should be defined as a religion which it is. In that way both are denied First Amendment protection. In short: Socialism violates the First Amendment because it is a religion implementing the tax collector’s morality, while Islam is NOT entitled to First Amendment protection because it is a political movement.[/QUOTE

How something is "defined" is irrelevant. A person's free speech and religion cannot be restricted because you choose to call it something different.
Trump can only do so much. There is also what happened to Kennedy right after he declared he was getting rid of the Federal Reserve. I'm no conspiracy nut, but I also don't believe in coincidence. Especially when it benefits the federal government.

JFK never said he was getting rid of the Fed.
He did more than say it. He signed an executive order that should have abolished it. But then he was assassinated.

Not true. The Fed was established by Congress and could not be abolished with an executive order. Look up the executive order itself and its meaning.

"This executive order amended Executive Order 10289 (dated September 17, 1951)[1] by delegating to the Secretary of the Treasury the president's authority to issue silver certificates under the Thomas Amendment of the Agricultural Adjustment Act, as amended by the Gold Reserve Act. The order allowed the Secretary to issue silver certificates, if any were needed, during the transition period under President Kennedy's plan to eliminate Silver Certificates and use Federal Reserve Notes."
Ever since 9-11-2001 I have been saying that Islam should be legally defined as a political movement which it is, while Socialism/Communism should be defined as a religion which it is. In that way both are denied First Amendment protection. In short: Socialism violates the First Amendment because it is a religion implementing the tax collector’s morality, while Islam is NOT entitled to First Amendment protection because it is a political movement.

I do not know if this mosque is getting education tax dollars:

but I do that restricting elementary public education to teaching the Three R’s is the only way to plant individual liberties in young minds. Let me cite a Latin phrase to make my case for the Three R’s —— res ipsa loquitur —— "the thing speaks for itself".

Their is no better way to defeat theocracy, as well as defeat big government democracy, than letting the English language do its job. Allowing teachers to bury the Three R’s under tons of collectivist garbage is an attack on the English language itself. Teachers know one thing more than they know anything else. Never tell a child the truth about anything if you want them for life. Every child that escapes current public education unscarred will always be the enemies of teachers.

Any adult American that falls for MECCA’s proselytizing deserve what they get. It is American children who need all of the help they can get from free people before another generation of children is lost.

The Muslim Educational Cultural Center of America (MECCA) claims that its goals are "to guide young Muslims" and "build bridges of understanding with other cultures and faiths." Yet the Chicago-area mosque's willingness to promote hate preachers and anti-Semitic demagogues reflects the continued influence of its Islamists founders and leaders.

The Center's soft talk has duped some politicians into attending the mosque's events. Some of them are Burr Ridge mayor Gary Grasso and Dupage County board member Julie Renehan, who attended the Center's open house last month. Also, this month, on October 2, U.S. congressman Sean Casten spoke on immigration at MECCA.

But a man is known by the company he keeps. On September 20, the MECCA Center hosted Imam Zaid Shakir, who delivered the Friday sermon. Shakir's writings and speeches show a man prone to conspiracy theories and extremism. In 2001, Shakir argued that the American Muslim community must consider political options including "guerrilla war." Shakir claimed that the United States "inflicted" terrorism on the world and suggested that it would be acceptable for Muslims to attack U.S. military forces.

Shakir also has engaged 9/11 conspiracy theories and blamed "Zionist" forces and the FBI for the February 1993 World Trade Center (WTC) bombing. Shakir argued that the conspirators were set up as a way of bolstering anti-Islamic sentiment.

On September 29, the MECCA Center hosted Linda Sarsour, who has a well established history of anti-Semitism and promoting extremism.

Sarsour was removed from her position as a leading organizer for the Women's March out of concerns regarding her public anti-Semitism, including her relationship with the anti-Semitic Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan and support for Rasmea Odeh, a Palestinian terrorist deported from the United States for lying about previous terror convictions. Sarsour is a support of Al-Awda, a pro-Palestinian group that endorses terrorism and calls for the destruction of Israel. In 2011, Sarsour expressed a desire to "take away the vaginas" of two female activists, Brigitte Gabriel and Ayaan Hirsi Ali, one of whom, Ali, was a victim of female genital mutilation (FGM).

As highlighted on the Qatar-owned channel Al Jazeera in 2016, the MECCA Center is a three-story edifice built on 57,000 square feet in the upscale Willowbrook suburb of Chicago.

In the opening ceremony of this "mega-mosque," Sheikh Kifah Mustapha, imam of the Orland Park Prayer Center, appeared cutting the ribbon with Imam Hassan Aly.

Mustapha has a history of supporting violent anti-Semitism. Mustapha served as an employee of the Holy Land Foundation, which was convicted of raising money for the terrorist group Hamas. While raising money for HLF, Mustapha was a member of the Al Sakhra band, which performed pro-Hamas songs at festivals, according to documents and videos submitted by the U.S. government during the Holy Land Foundation trial. The U.S. government also identified Mustapha as a member of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood.

An examination of MECCA's leadership identifies other individuals connected with the same Islamist network.

MECCA's executive board member Talal Sunbulli was listed as coordinator for Syria in a 1992 phone directory of Muslim Brotherhood members seized by federal investigators during the Holy Land Foundation (HLF) investigation. Sunublli is the last known president of the national Syrian American Council (SAC), an organization with multiple Muslim Brotherhood ties. The current president of MECCA, Hani Atassi, also has ties to SAC as the president of its Chicago chapter.

Another former MECCA board member, Dr. Bassam Osman, also has ties to the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood. According to the same 1992 phone directory, Bassam Osman served as a Shura Council member of the Brotherhood. Osman was also a former ISNA Shura Council member and served as a chairman of the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT). Those two organizations were both linked to the same Hamas finance network during the Holy Land Foundation, leading federal judge Jorge Solis to opine that there was "ample evidence" for associating ISNA and NAIT with Hamas.

In 2011, Osman played a key role in securing permission from Dupage County to build the MECCA Center, working together with former MECCA president Dr. Muhammad Abdulgany Hamadeh. Abdulgany is the husband of the principal of the Sunday school at MECCA and MECCA board member Dr. Linda Hamadeh. She is also a department chair at Universal School, a Bridgeview, Ill. Islamic school originally financed and supported by ISNA as the ISNA Model Learning Center.

Others affiliated with the Mecca Center also have ties to Islamist groups.

Notably, Sheikh Tariq Musleh, its youth director and assistant director, previously worked as an instructor with the Islamic Learning Foundation (ILF) Chicago and as a coordinator of Young Muslims (Y.M.) until he joined the MECCA staff in 2017. Both organizations are divisions of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA). ICNA has been identified as a front for Jamaat-e-Islami, a South Asian Islamist group with ties to terrorism. The group's armed wing, Hizbul Mujahideen, is a U.S.-designated terrorist group. In February of this year, Rep. Jim Banks (R-Ind.) introduced House Resolution (H.R.) 160 calling on all relevant U.S. agencies to halt ties to the international and domestic affiliates of Jamaat-e-Islami, including ICNA and ICNA Relief.

Another MECCA Center board member, Zachrea Katerji, is the president of the Muslim Student Association (MSA) at Loyola University Chicago (LUC). The MSA was founded as an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, with an objective to spread a political ideology that seeks to promote theocracy and seeks to establish sharia, or Islamic law, as the law of the land. Before going to LUC, Katerji attended the Universal School.

Hosting hate-mongers like Sarsour and Shakir says more about where the MECCA Center's interests lie than Interfaith meetings and public relations campaigns. Americans need to be aware of the role of influential Islamists in MECCA Center's founding and the impact this has on misguiding young Muslims in the greater Chicago area. Local politicians must not allow their presence to validate MECCA Center and similar institutions with their attendance, and when they do, informed local constituents must hold their elected officials accountable for legitimizing dangerous Islamists.

October 5, 2019
The Muslim Educational Cultural Center of America and Extremism
By Hesham Shehab

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Ever since 9-11-2001 I have been saying that Islam should be legally defined as a political movement which it is, while Socialism/Communism should be defined as a religion which it is. In that way both are denied First Amendment protection. In short: Socialism violates the First Amendment because it is a religion implementing the tax collector’s morality, while Islam is NOT entitled to First Amendment protection because it is a political movement.

AG Barr’s little pep talk to Catholics falls far short of laying the problem on the SCOTUS where it belongs for refusing to guard the public purse as the Founding Fathers intended. Barr surely knows that a correct interpretation of:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; . . .

drives Christian religions away from the public purse along with everyone else lusting after tax dollars.

Secularism has become a religion based on freedom from personal responsibility, salvation attained by political activism and severe punishment of disobedience, U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr warned Friday in a speech at Notre Dame’s law school.

While the new secular religion has inverted basic Christian morality, it has adopted practices such as inquisitions and excommunication to enforce its doctrine, Barr said:

“One of the ironies, as some have observed, is that the secular project has, itself, become a religion, pursued with religious fervor. It has taken on all the trappings of religion – including inquisitions and excommunication.

“Those who defy the creed risk a figurative burning at the stake: social, educational and professional ostracism and exclusion waged through lawsuits and savage social media campaigns.”

A key precept of the secularist religion is that the government is responsible for protecting people from suffering the consequences of personal misconduct and irresponsibility, Barr said:

“Today, in the face of all the increasing pathologies, instead of addressing the underlying cause, we have cast The State in the role of the Alleviator of Bad Consequences. We call on The State to mitigate the social costs of personal misconduct and irresponsibility.”

The secularist government attempts to alleviate bad consequences by advancing abortion, enabling drug use and assuming the roles of parent and spouse, Barr said. And, while promising unlimited freedom, the end result of the secularist religion is one of servitude, he warned:

“So, the reaction to growing illegitimacy is not sexual responsibility, but abortion.

“The reaction to drug addiction is safe injection sites.

“The solution to the breakdown of the family is for The State to set itself up as an ersatz husband for the single mother and an ersatz father for the children. The call comes for more and more social programs to deal with this wreckage.

“And, while we think we are solving problems, we are underwriting them.

“We start with an untrammeled freedom and we end up as dependents of a coercive state on whom we depend.”

“Interestingly, this idea of The State as the Alleviator of Bad Consequences has given rise to a new moral system that goes hand-in-hand with the secularization of society. It can be called the System of Macro-Morality. And, in some ways, it is an inversion of Christian morality.

“Christianity teaches a Micro-Morality: we transform the world by focusing on our own personal morality and transformation. The new secular religion teaches Macro-Morality. Once morality is not gauged by their private conduct, but rather their commitment to political causes and collective action to address various social problems.

“This system allows us not to worry so much about the strictures on our own private lives, because we can find salvation on the picket line. We can signal our finely-tuned moral sensibilities by participating in demonstrations on this cause or on that.”

AG Barr: ‘New Secular Religion’ Inverts Christian Morality, Employs ‘Inquisitions and Excommunication’
By Craig Bannister
October 14, 2019 | 5:11 PM EDT


Read the transcript and you will see that 99.999 percent of everything Barr said is pure big government, organized religion, double-talk because he deliberately ignores the XVI Amendment that was designed and implemented by Socialists to enrich their own priesthood.


Barr’s problem with the truth is that Christian religions had exclusive Rights to the public purse until the Income Tax Amendment came along and began funding every religion and every political cause.
Ever since 9-11-2001 I have been saying that Islam should be legally defined as a political movement which it is, while Socialism/Communism should be defined as a religion which it is. In that way both are denied First Amendment protection. In short: Socialism violates the First Amendment because it is a religion implementing the tax collector’s morality, while Islam is NOT entitled to First Amendment protection because it is a political movement.[/QUOTE

How something is "defined" is irrelevant. A person's free speech and religion cannot be restricted because you choose to call it something different.

Socialism is not a religion, so that makes no sense. However, if Islam being political bothers you, then Christianity must bother you as well, That is a religion that is super political too. It has been for thousands of years. It sure as hell is in America.
Ever since 9-11-2001 I have been saying that Islam should be legally defined as a political movement which it is, while Socialism/Communism should be defined as a religion which it is. In that way both are denied First Amendment protection. In short: Socialism violates the First Amendment because it is a religion implementing the tax collector’s morality, while Islam is NOT entitled to First Amendment protection because it is a political movement.

Not defining Socialism/Communism as a religion allowed Democrats to flood the courts with their priests who rule against every litigant and criminal defendant that challenges one or more of Socialism’s tenets. So I would not object to a dose of religious bigotry if it keeps Socialists off the bench:

No definition denies first amendment protections to any group. If a president appoints a Protestant, Catholic, Muslim, Socialist, Communist, and Christian to the federal judiciary that is not violating any religious or 1st amendment guarantees.

Does it violate 1st amendment rights because most judges are Christian?
Ever since 9-11-2001 I have been saying that Islam should be legally defined as a political movement which it is, while Socialism/Communism should be defined as a religion which it is. In that way both are denied First Amendment protection. In short: Socialism violates the First Amendment because it is a religion implementing the tax collector’s morality, while Islam is NOT entitled to First Amendment protection because it is a political movement.

Not defining Socialism/Communism as a religion allowed Democrats to flood the courts with their priests who rule against every litigant and criminal defendant that challenges one or more of Socialism’s tenets. So I would not object to a dose of religious bigotry if it keeps Socialists off the bench:

The ugly specter of religious bigotry reared its disgusting head during Senate confirmation of the nomination of Brian Buescher for a federal judgeship. The Constitution’s Article VI, Clause 3 clearly specifies that “no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States,” but that must be news to Senators Mazie Hirono and Kamala Harris.

December 25, 2018
Dem senators flirting with a religious test for judicial nominees
By Thomas Lifson


Finally, very few Americans realize that Socialists paid tax dollars to proselytize continually violate the First Amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; . . .

Democrats not only established their religion with tax dollars they are determined to deny everybody else free exercise.


Conservative voices are defending AG Barr for various reasons:

. . . people who hate religion and want to drive it out of the public square, if not eradicate it by force — are not content to live and let live.

Devine: William Barr explains how people who hate religion are ruining our country
By Miranda Devine
October 16, 2019 | 9:56pm | Updated


Not out of the public square —— but out of the public purse.

A Washington Post columnist found the Barr speech “terrifying” and a call for the abolition of the separation of church and state.

October 18, 2019
Hysterical reaction to AG Barr's landmark speech at Notre Dame
By Chuck Donovan


Ask Washington Post parasites if they want to abolish the separation of church and public purse?

Bill Barr's Extraordinary Speech at Notre Dame
Rod Dreher, The American Conservative October 16, 2019


Not one goes to the heart of matter:

Barr’s problem with the truth is that Christian religions had exclusive Rights to the public purse until the Income Tax Amendment came along and began funding every religion and every political cause.

Finally, neither Barr nor his defenders address the absolute difference between a belief in God and a belief in an organized religion of choice. Make no mistake. Religion is nothing more than a matter of choice:

Since the day organized religion was invented every priesthood worked to make their religion the one true religion. That never-ending “competition” put the human race on a fast track to hell the day the one God notion ejaculated organized religion as it is practiced today. From the beginning the elimination of every other religion took priority over forcing everybody to believe in God. Basically, religious fanatics hate alien religious fanatics more than they hate atheists. (In today’s world Muslims and Communists are the only priesthoods who proselytize with guns.)

Incidentally, people like me who believe in God, but not religion, do not care what others believe. Did you ever hear of an individual who believed in God beating up someone because they practiced a religion? How many times has the world seen fanatical believers in one religion trying to wipe out, or convert by force, true believers in another religion?


p.s. “We all believe in the same God.” is the favorite line of horseshit put out by clerics of every stripe in order to cover all the bases. If “We’s all God’s chillun” is true I wish they would explain why every organized religions’s God is hellbent on killing off “God’s chillun” in every other religion.