A False Belief Is The Father Of Every Democrat Party Constituency


Verified User
The Socialist/Communist intelligentsia in the early 20[SUP]th[/SUP] century had their ideology down pat. The trick for them was to first identify a false political belief lying beneath the surface that could be unearthed in order to lead a substantial number of Americans down the garden path to a Communist form of government.

America is a democracy was the first and deadliest false belief. Print press began selling democracy on April 2, 1917 one minute after Woodrow Wilson said The world must be made safe for democracy —— but it was television that increased print press incrementalism to warp speed in the mouths of filth like these two. Note that Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi combined two important false political beliefs:

“. . . a woman’s right to choose, . . . ”.

Pelosi tells Hillary Clinton that religious people were 'willing to sell the whole democracy down the river' over abortion
by Emma Colton
January 19, 2021 01:47 PM


In truth, there is no Right to choose killing a child in the womb.

Finally, Socialism’s first false belief has been dividing the American people for at least a century. Wilson’s democracy is the pattern although Wilson himself was not a Socialist.

Here is a very brief list of false beliefs that large constituencies believe to be true as well as beneficial (Most Democrats buy into every false belief):

1. democracy

2. Abortion on demand.

3. Gun controls.

4. The United Nations.

5. Freedom of the press.

6. The welfare state.

7. Public education.

8. Honest elections.

9. Black racism.

p.s. Naturally, Catholic Scum Sucking Joe Biden jumped on the chance to fund every false belief about abortion:

President Joe Biden's decision to scrap a "deadly" Trump-era policy banning funding for aid groups that discuss abortion could unleash billions in dollars for life-saving services in developing countries, women's rights groups said Thursday.

Biden Reverses Trump-Era Anti-abortion 'Global Gag Rule'
Thursday, 21 January 2021 10:20 PM

You start off by claiming that America is not a Democracy?

Perhaps the problem is you need to see a medical professional to have your sanity tested because clearly you are out of touch with reality.
You start off by claiming that America is not a Democracy?

To Poor Richard Saunders: Asshole: It is not a claim —— it is a fact.

Perhaps the problem is you need to see a medical professional to have your sanity tested because clearly you are out of touch with reality.

To Poor Richard Saunders: You need to see a surgeon about removing your head from your ass.

We're finding out that a lot of Americans are insane.

To BidenPresident: You need to see a doctor about your tapeworm:


The Socialist/Communist intelligentsia in the early 20[SUP]th[/SUP] century had their ideology down pat. The trick for them was to first identify a false political belief lying beneath the surface that could be unearthed in order to lead a substantial number of Americans down the garden path to a Communist form of government.

America is a democracy was the first and deadliest false belief. Print press began selling democracy on April 2, 1917 one minute after Woodrow Wilson said The world must be made safe for democracy —— but it was television that increased print press incrementalism to warp speed in the mouths of filth like these two. Note that Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi combined two important false political beliefs:

“. . . a woman’s right to choose, . . . ”.

Pelosi tells Hillary Clinton that religious people were 'willing to sell the whole democracy down the river' over abortion
by Emma Colton
January 19, 2021 01:47 PM


In truth, there is no Right to choose killing a child in the womb.

Finally, Socialism’s first false belief has been dividing the American people for at least a century. Wilson’s democracy is the pattern although Wilson himself was not a Socialist.

Here is a very brief list of false beliefs that large constituencies believe to be true as well as beneficial (Most Democrats buy into every false belief):

1. democracy

2. Abortion on demand.

3. Gun controls.

4. The United Nations.

5. Freedom of the press.

6. The welfare state.

7. Public education.

8. Honest elections.

9. Black racism.

p.s. Naturally, Catholic Scum Sucking Joe Biden jumped on the chance to fund every false belief about abortion:

President Joe Biden's decision to scrap a "deadly" Trump-era policy banning funding for aid groups that discuss abortion could unleash billions in dollars for life-saving services in developing countries, women's rights groups said Thursday.

Biden Reverses Trump-Era Anti-abortion 'Global Gag Rule'
Thursday, 21 January 2021 10:20 PM


YOU AND YOUR COMMENTS ARE RHINO SHIT...............................................WITH ALL DUE RESPECT SIR!

To Poor Richard Saunders: Asshole: It is not a claim —— it is a fact.
You seem confused as to what facts are. The US is a democracy. It is also a republic. The two are not mutually exclusive. Iran is a republic. Russia is a republic. But Iran and Russia would not be considered democracies. Democracy has many meanings. One of those meanings is a country where the people vote for representatives to run the government.

To Poor Richard Saunders: You need to see a surgeon about removing your head from your ass.
My head seems to be fine since my eyes work well enough to read the dictionary definition of democracy. Then my brain is sane enough to make a valid comparison between the dictionary definition of democracy and the form of government we have in the US as ensconced in the US Constitution.
what is a false belief? No belief can be false unless there is evidence that contradicts "anything is possible" faith life is more than mutually evolving reproductions are eternally replacement tothe reproducers as total numbers occupying space so far.
Flanders, the forum's most notable shitposter. He literally does nothing but posts weird and obscure shitposts. You might as well chat online with a 1st grader.
The US is a democracy. It is also a republic. The two are not mutually exclusive.

To Poor Richard Saunders: A Republic and a democracy have been incompatible for thousands of years. Before you invoke the Constitution at least find out what the Founding Fathers thought about democracy:


If the facts in my thread are beyond your reading comprehension skills try the clarity in this article by the late Walter E. Williams:

Democracy and Tyranny
Walter E. Williams
Posted: Jan 30, 2020 12:01 AM

To Poor Richard Saunders: A Republic and a democracy have been incompatible for thousands of years. Before you invoke the Constitution at least find out what the Founding Fathers thought about democracy:


If the facts in my thread are beyond your reading comprehension skills try the clarity in this article by the late Walter E. Williams:

Democracy and Tyranny
Walter E. Williams
Posted: Jan 30, 2020 12:01 AM


A Republic is just a form of democracy. You should have learned that by the third grade.
Insist on an ounce of prevention over a pound of cure at every opportunity!

And, right wingers are just plain political hypocrites for complaining about the taxes required for social services for natural born citizens.
The Socialist/Communist intelligentsia in the early 20[SUP]th[/SUP] century had their ideology down pat. The trick for them was to first identify a false political belief lying beneath the surface that could be unearthed in order to lead a substantial number of Americans down the garden path to a Communist form of government.

America is a democracy was the first and deadliest false belief. Print press began selling democracy on April 2, 1917 one minute after Woodrow Wilson said The world must be made safe for democracy —— but it was television that increased print press incrementalism to warp speed in the mouths of filth like these two. Note that Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi combined two important false political beliefs:

“. . . a woman’s right to choose, . . . ”.

Pelosi tells Hillary Clinton that religious people were 'willing to sell the whole democracy down the river' over abortion
by Emma Colton
January 19, 2021 01:47 PM


In truth, there is no Right to choose killing a child in the womb.

Finally, Socialism’s first false belief has been dividing the American people for at least a century. Wilson’s democracy is the pattern although Wilson himself was not a Socialist.

Here is a very brief list of false beliefs that large constituencies believe to be true as well as beneficial (Most Democrats buy into every false belief):

1. democracy

2. Abortion on demand.

3. Gun controls.

4. The United Nations.

5. Freedom of the press.

6. The welfare state.

7. Public education.

8. Honest elections.

9. Black racism.

p.s. Naturally, Catholic Scum Sucking Joe Biden jumped on the chance to fund every false belief about abortion:

President Joe Biden's decision to scrap a "deadly" Trump-era policy banning funding for aid groups that discuss abortion could unleash billions in dollars for life-saving services in developing countries, women's rights groups said Thursday.

Biden Reverses Trump-Era Anti-abortion 'Global Gag Rule'
Thursday, 21 January 2021 10:20 PM


Ask the judge in your case to mandate more court-ordered therapy. Your head still needs unfucking.
To Poor Richard Saunders: A Republic and a democracy have been incompatible for thousands of years. Before you invoke the Constitution at least find out what the Founding Fathers thought about democracy:


If the facts in my thread are beyond your reading comprehension skills try the clarity in this article by the late Walter E. Williams:

Democracy and Tyranny
Walter E. Williams
Posted: Jan 30, 2020 12:01 AM


Democracy and Republic is what most modern first world countries are. Germany is a Republic and a democracy. France is a republic and a democracy. Spain is a republic and a democracy. Please cite a country that you think is a republic but is not a democracy.

Your thread doesn't appear to contain many facts but rather is simply a bunch of factually unsupported opinion where you simply spout a bunch of quotes from various people out of context to support your idiocy.

Let me give you an example:

Dr. James McHenry “Well, Doctor, what have we got—a Republic or a Monarchy?”

Benjamin Franklin “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

If you notice, Franklin says nothing about the US not being a democracy. He simply states we are not a monarchy. Anyone with a lick of sense would know that a democracy can not be a monarchy. However it is obvious that a Republic can be a democratic Republic which would make it a democracy under the current definition of democracy. Franklin's statement certainly says nothing about governance which is the heading you list it under.

Reading comprehension goes far beyond being able to simple read a bunch of quotes. When one is familiar with many of those you use quotes from, it becomes obvious you are simply bastardizing their thinking to try to make them agree with your own warped ideas.
Pelosi tells Hillary Clinton that religious people were 'willing to sell the whole democracy down the river' over abortion​

Remember when:

AMERICANS ARE TRYING TO HOLD ON TO THEIR REPUBLIC. Pelosi is trying to replace the Republic with democracy —— a form of government the Founders despised.

Note that Brandeis said this in the early years of the democracy movement:

As Justice Brandeis said, “We may have democracy, or we may have wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can’t have both.”

In other words neither the Founding Fathers, nor their Constitution, defined the U.S. as a democracy.

Next, Nutso means a middle class populated by parasites living on tax dollars. Today, Brandeis would say ‘We can have a freedom-loving private sector middle class, or we can have wealth concentrated in the hands of a government middle class living on tax dollars, but we cannot have both.’

We must be champions of the middle class, and all those who aspire to it – because the middle class is the backbone of democracy.

Only if you accept Nutso’s interpretation of middle class.

It has been so since the birth of democracy itself.

Nutso went Greek as though Aristotle knew about her parasitic welfare state:

Aristotle said, “It is manifest that the best political community is formed by citizens of the middle class…in which the middle class is large and stronger than all of the other classes.”

Aristotle also said “democracy is not the best form of government” as did Plato:

Democracy passes into despotism. Plato

If Nutso was not such a liar she would have cited the people she admires and tries to emulate:

Democracy is the road to socialism. Karl Marx

More socialism means more democracy, openness and collectivism in everyday life. Mikhail Gorbachev


On the plus side, President Scummy Joe Biden’s oligarchy stands a good chance of bringing an end to the Democracy Movement:

The Fall of The Republic...?The Rise of The Oligarchy
By Ray DiLorenzo
January 23, 2021

The Democracy Movement preceded the U.N.’s so-called human Rights. The Democracy Movement was necessary in order to establish a global welfare state. In short: Involuntary tax dollar charity did not stand a chance on its own. Dressing democracy in a fool’s clothing made both possible.

Socialism/Communism will never die in this country as long the XVI Amendment supports the parasite class. On the day the XVI Amendment is repealed the Democracy Movement will fall into a coma because democracy lives forever like Count Dracula —— no matter how times a stake is driven in the bloodsucker’s heart he always returns to life. In plain English, the concept of democracy cannot be killed, but it can be buried so deep it will take centuries before it walks the land again.

The Democracy Movement is largely responsible for this country’s slow demise even though every political thinker and philosopher throughout history knew that democracy is the parasite’s preferred form of government.

The reason the concept of democracy lives forever is no secret —— every generation breeds democracy parasites who always attache themselves to every utopian scheme that comes down the pike. Leeching is in their genetic code.


Deliberately ambiguous and contradictory language used to mislead and manipulate the public.

Incidentally, Democracy Alliance was founded in 2005, but it quickly moved up the ladder of favorite Democrat Party newspeak phrases.

The goal of newspeak was to destroy this country’s Republic and complete the job of replacing it with big government bureaucrats chosen by the New World Order crowd. (They already control the Congress and the Courts.)

How many Democrats and RINO will admit that Democracy Alliance was founded and funded by none other than George Soros?

The main agenda for the conference, "Charting the Course for Progressive Power," shows that some of the big names such as Democracy Alliance founder George Soros, whose attendance at the last meeting was revealed by the Free Beacon, stayed away from the Atlanta meeting, though Soros groups such as the Open Society Foundation were present. Top party operative David Brock was also not seen at this week's meeting, though groups he leads such as Media Matters and American Bridge were present to brief attendees.

Democracy Alliance Descends on Atlanta to Plot ‘Course for Progressive Power’
BY: Brent Scher and Joe Schoffstall
April 20, 2018 12:00 pm


Notice that this country’s original Republican form of government was designed to protect against tyranny, as well as prevent domestic violence, while democracy advocates demand tyranny and incite violence under any pretext.

Let me elaborate a bit on four 20[SUP]th[/SUP] events that most Americans are either misinformed about, or are completely unaware of democracy’s consequences. I cannot say “unintended consequences” because these four events intended the consequences with one end in mind —— the destruction of individual liberties from within:

1. The XVI Amendment in 1913 (The income tax).

2. The XVII Amendment in 1913 (Long-serving senators).

3. The Federal Reserve in 1913 (Absentee owners).

4. The United Nations in 1945 (Global government).

Everything that went wrong in this country in the last century was set in motion by at least one of those four events.

Behavior dictated by a Socialist/Communist priesthood, the Democracy Movement, nation-building, the environmental movement, open-borders, and the unshakable political influence of an insidious parasite class are the most visible results.

Parenthetically, in the years since 1945 no debate was permitted when globalists were solidifying their worldview in government, and in government media, nor was a challenge ever heard every time a lying Democrat said “We must save our democracy.”

Most importantly, the Democracy Movement never overthrew Communist dictators or a Communist regime. Indeed, Democrats never stop complaining about America supporting dictators who were no threat to America, while the democracy crowd always curled up with every Communist dictator they could find. No surprise there since democracy always ends as an oppressive government.

So many tax dollar parasites demanding that democracy must be saved is proof they are running scared because the Democracy Movement is coming apart at the seams. Democrat Party nation-building was a complete failure —— most notably Hillary Clinton’s Arab Spring “democracy.”

No American can believe in democracy and the US Constitution at the same time. It is either one or the other.

My opposition to democracy is no surprise to anyone who reads my messages. Americans win whenever a Communist government is in trouble. Americans win much more when democracy takes a hit anywhere in the world.

Let me reiterate two unshakable truths.

1. No American should die fighting for democracy.

2. No American should die fighting in a foreign land so others can live —— or live better.

Finally, take a few minutes to analyze Jeffrey Folks’ entire article and you will see that democracy is the only form of government that legitimates Joe Biden & Company’s treason.

More to the point, Biden's conception of America not only "gets in the way" of national sovereignty, but actively opposes it. Biden is a globalist whose loyalty is to transnational organizations like the United Nations, the International Criminal Court, the World Trade Organization, and other global institutions and non-profits. He will seek to undermine national sovereignty because he believes in world governance, not in governance by nation-states.


America did not wait to check with our allies before entering WWII on Dec. 8, 1941, following the attack on Pearl Harbor, and the men and women who swerved in WWII served as Americans in defense of America as a sovereign nation — not as soldiers in an international force, regardless of coordination with our allies. Our military strategy was not subject to "veto authority" by foreign nations, non-profits, or global institutions, and our soldiers were not subject to prosecution in international courts.

A nation cannot succeed if it is subject to the "veto" of international institutions, or if its people are divided into groups at odds with one another. This is especially the case in wartime, but even during peacetime, the nation's economy and status will suffer, and its ability to defend itself will decline. A young person who believes in the priority of his hyphenated identity will not rush out to defend the nation in time of war.​

January 23, 2021
Joe Biden's Concept of an American Nation
By Jeffrey Folks

The Democracy Movement preceded the U.N.’s so-called human Rights. The Democracy Movement was necessary in order to establish a global welfare state. In short: Involuntary tax dollar charity did not stand a chance on its own. Dressing democracy in a fool’s clothing made both possible.

Socialism/Communism will never die in this country as long the XVI Amendment supports the parasite class. On the day the XVI Amendment is repealed the Democracy Movement will fall into a coma because democracy lives forever like Count Dracula —— no matter how times a stake is driven in the bloodsucker’s heart he always returns to life. In plain English, the concept of democracy cannot be killed, but it can be buried so deep it will take centuries before it walks the land again.

The Democracy Movement is largely responsible for this country’s slow demise even though every political thinker and philosopher throughout history knew that democracy is the parasite’s preferred form of government.

The reason the concept of democracy lives forever is no secret —— every generation breeds democracy parasites who always attache themselves to every utopian scheme that comes down the pike. Leeching is in their genetic code.


Deliberately ambiguous and contradictory language used to mislead and manipulate the public.

Incidentally, Democracy Alliance was founded in 2005, but it quickly moved up the ladder of favorite Democrat Party newspeak phrases.

The goal of newspeak was to destroy this country’s Republic and complete the job of replacing it with big government bureaucrats chosen by the New World Order crowd. (They already control the Congress and the Courts.)

How many Democrats and RINO will admit that Democracy Alliance was founded and funded by none other than George Soros?

The main agenda for the conference, "Charting the Course for Progressive Power," shows that some of the big names such as Democracy Alliance founder George Soros, whose attendance at the last meeting was revealed by the Free Beacon, stayed away from the Atlanta meeting, though Soros groups such as the Open Society Foundation were present. Top party operative David Brock was also not seen at this week's meeting, though groups he leads such as Media Matters and American Bridge were present to brief attendees.

Democracy Alliance Descends on Atlanta to Plot ‘Course for Progressive Power’
BY: Brent Scher and Joe Schoffstall
April 20, 2018 12:00 pm


Notice that this country’s original Republican form of government was designed to protect against tyranny, as well as prevent domestic violence, while democracy advocates demand tyranny and incite violence under any pretext.

Let me elaborate a bit on four 20[SUP]th[/SUP] events that most Americans are either misinformed about, or are completely unaware of democracy’s consequences. I cannot say “unintended consequences” because these four events intended the consequences with one end in mind —— the destruction of individual liberties from within:

1. The XVI Amendment in 1913 (The income tax).

2. The XVII Amendment in 1913 (Long-serving senators).

3. The Federal Reserve in 1913 (Absentee owners).

4. The United Nations in 1945 (Global government).

Everything that went wrong in this country in the last century was set in motion by at least one of those four events.

Behavior dictated by a Socialist/Communist priesthood, the Democracy Movement, nation-building, the environmental movement, open-borders, and the unshakable political influence of an insidious parasite class are the most visible results.

Parenthetically, in the years since 1945 no debate was permitted when globalists were solidifying their worldview in government, and in government media, nor was a challenge ever heard every time a lying Democrat said “We must save our democracy.”

Most importantly, the Democracy Movement never overthrew Communist dictators or a Communist regime. Indeed, Democrats never stop complaining about America supporting dictators who were no threat to America, while the democracy crowd always curled up with every Communist dictator they could find. No surprise there since democracy always ends as an oppressive government.

So many tax dollar parasites demanding that democracy must be saved is proof they are running scared because the Democracy Movement is coming apart at the seams. Democrat Party nation-building was a complete failure —— most notably Hillary Clinton’s Arab Spring “democracy.”

No American can believe in democracy and the US Constitution at the same time. It is either one or the other.

My opposition to democracy is no surprise to anyone who reads my messages. Americans win whenever a Communist government is in trouble. Americans win much more when democracy takes a hit anywhere in the world.

Let me reiterate two unshakable truths.

1. No American should die fighting for democracy.

2. No American should die fighting in a foreign land so others can live —— or live better.

Finally, take a few minutes to analyze Jeffrey Folks’ entire article and you will see that democracy is the only form of government that legitimates Joe Biden & Company’s treason.

More to the point, Biden's conception of America not only "gets in the way" of national sovereignty, but actively opposes it. Biden is a globalist whose loyalty is to transnational organizations like the United Nations, the International Criminal Court, the World Trade Organization, and other global institutions and non-profits. He will seek to undermine national sovereignty because he believes in world governance, not in governance by nation-states.


America did not wait to check with our allies before entering WWII on Dec. 8, 1941, following the attack on Pearl Harbor, and the men and women who swerved in WWII served as Americans in defense of America as a sovereign nation — not as soldiers in an international force, regardless of coordination with our allies. Our military strategy was not subject to "veto authority" by foreign nations, non-profits, or global institutions, and our soldiers were not subject to prosecution in international courts.

A nation cannot succeed if it is subject to the "veto" of international institutions, or if its people are divided into groups at odds with one another. This is especially the case in wartime, but even during peacetime, the nation's economy and status will suffer, and its ability to defend itself will decline. A young person who believes in the priority of his hyphenated identity will not rush out to defend the nation in time of war.​

January 23, 2021
Joe Biden's Concept of an American Nation
By Jeffrey Folks


Thanks for the Q NUT update, thought I missed it.
The Socialist/Communist intelligentsia in the early 20[SUP]th[/SUP] century had their ideology down pat. The trick for them was to first identify a false political belief lying beneath the surface that could be unearthed in order to lead a substantial number of Americans down the garden path to a Communist form of government.

America is a democracy was the first and deadliest false belief. Print press began selling democracy on April 2, 1917 one minute after Woodrow Wilson said The world must be made safe for democracy —— but it was television that increased print press incrementalism to warp speed in the mouths of filth like these two. Note that Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi combined two important false political beliefs:

“. . . a woman’s right to choose, . . . ”.

Pelosi tells Hillary Clinton that religious people were 'willing to sell the whole democracy down the river' over abortion
by Emma Colton
January 19, 2021 01:47 PM


In truth, there is no Right to choose killing a child in the womb.

Finally, Socialism’s first false belief has been dividing the American people for at least a century. Wilson’s democracy is the pattern although Wilson himself was not a Socialist.

Here is a very brief list of false beliefs that large constituencies believe to be true as well as beneficial (Most Democrats buy into every false belief):

1. democracy

2. Abortion on demand.

3. Gun controls.

4. The United Nations.

5. Freedom of the press.

6. The welfare state.

7. Public education.

8. Honest elections.

9. Black racism.

p.s. Naturally, Catholic Scum Sucking Joe Biden jumped on the chance to fund every false belief about abortion:

President Joe Biden's decision to scrap a "deadly" Trump-era policy banning funding for aid groups that discuss abortion could unleash billions in dollars for life-saving services in developing countries, women's rights groups said Thursday.

Biden Reverses Trump-Era Anti-abortion 'Global Gag Rule'
Thursday, 21 January 2021 10:20 PM


that is some sick ass lying shit even for newsmax. how stupid do you have to be to use newsmax as a source?