A Few Good Men

Two whack jobs having an idiots circle jerk.

It explains why you're such a clueless angry fool.


You'll be laughing out the other side of your stupid stinkin ass moron when your house of fucking cards comes down around your pea-brain ears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You'll be laughing out the other side of your stupid stinkin ass moron when your house of fucking cards comes down around your pea-brain ears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then I'll have dumbasses like you to thank for it. ;)
Then I'll have dumbasses like you to thank for it. ;)

Tell ya what BIG shot yo-yo, instead of supplying nothing but insults and useless irrelevant trash-mouthing without any rational substantive argument actually on topic, why don't you try for once actually presenting just a few rational arguments in opposition to the issues and arguments I post? While you're at it maybe you could even try a rational explanation as to WHY Jesse Ventura and Ron Paul are Whack Jobs.

Oh! That's right you never had a rational or original thought in your life huh RINO MORON?????????????
Tell ya what BIG shot yo-yo, instead of supplying nothing but insults and useless irrelevant trash-mouthing without any rational substantive argument actually on topic, why don't you try for once actually presenting just a few rational arguments in opposition to the issues and arguments I post? While you're at it maybe you could even try a rational explanation as to WHY Jesse Ventura and Ron Paul are Whack Jobs.

Oh! That's right you never had a rational or original thought in your life huh RINO MORON?????????????

I'm always amused when vulgar retards like you whine about insults; you really are THAT stupid aren't you shit-for-brains?
I'm always amused when vulgar retards like you whine about insults; you really are THAT stupid aren't you shit-for-brains?

Oh! But unlike you, my insults are appropriate because they’re only directed at morons like you and they’re accompanied by rational well thought out substantive, truthful and brilliant arguments.

Again you fail to actually post anything of substance or rational argument, (just the same old, same old absurd weak and tired insults) nothing pertaining to WHY you say Jesse Ventura and Ron Paul are “whack jobs.” Of course moron that’s because you never had a rational substantive original thought in your pea-brained Idiot life.

Keep up the good work proving with your every post what a clueless jerkoff you really are.
So, why are Jesse Ventura and Ron Paul "whack jobs" Genius? I'll wait! Oh! That's right you have neither the intellect, the talent or the fucking balls to rationally present a constructive substantive argument huh Goober? You're just an insulting waste of breathable air!
Still waiting TD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Every day you avoid the question you prove more and more what a clueless twit and absolute jerkoff you truly are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Still waiting TD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Every day you avoid the question you prove more and more what a clueless twit and absolute jerkoff you truly are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why? So you can once again erupt in your typical moronic ranting fashion? You're a whack job of the same calibur as Evince; someone to be pointed at and laughed at.

Whack job extraordinaire:

Published on Apr 10, 2013
Jesse Ventura talks from his home in Mexico about conspiracy theories that he's interested in talking about, such as chem trails and 9/11. Shot by his son Tyrel for Buzzsaw for a longer 2 part interview.
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Classic Ron Paul: "Osama bin Laden was our good friend because he was a freedom fighter"