A few observations about McCain's VP nominee Sarah Palin


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A few observations about John McCain's new choice for VP candidate, Alaska governor Sarah Palin. Info found at http://www.ontheissues.org/Sarah_Palin.htm .


Lifetime NRA member. Well, anybody can do that by filling out a few forms and writing a check. But she's from a pretty pro-gun-rights state. Mildly encouraging.

Her support for Alaska's state verion of "Social Security", seems to extend as far as SHUTTING IT DOWN in a pre-planned, orderly way, so that present retirees don't lose anything but newer people can start investing that money in equally-safe but more sound retirement funds. VERY encouraging - it's a truly conservative stance.

She supports drilling in ANWR (which is in her state), as long as it is done cleanly. (Hint: Nearly all oil drilling and shipping in her state has been done cleanly, except for one drunken tanker captain leaving his ship in the care of an inexperineced underling during close maneuvering). Also wants lots of oil development elsewhere in Alaska. Encouraging.

States flatly that she's pro-life and opposes same-sex "marriage" unconditionally. Encouraging.

Lowered the boom on govt corruption, even when her family was involved. Encouraging.


From what little I've seen so far, she sounds like a genuine conservative, which puts her ahead of McCain, and WAY ahead of any Democrat. But there are still a lot of unanswered questions, a lot I don't know about her. And the things she has taken a stand on, can change with time and temptation, true for any politician.

Her biggest minus, is lack of experience, just like Obama. But she's not running for President. Unless McCain vaporlocks during his term, of course.

Not a bad pick overall. But expect the leftists to hammer on her lack of experience. That can be answered, but the Dems will try to keep experience as the ONLY subject that gets discussed, to avoid addressing the many issues where McCain and Palin can wipe the floor with Obama/Biden (winning the war and withdrawing, hard on terrorists, tax cuts, anti-pork, judicial nominations, harder line with foreign countries like Iraq, Syria). McCain might have shot himself in the foot to some degree, messing up his argument against the inexperience of Obama. It's not a perfect world.

Interesting. Now we know that, come January, we will DEFINITELY have either a black President or a woman Vice-President.
But expect the leftists to hammer on her lack of experience. That can be answered, but the Dems will try to keep experience as the ONLY subject that gets discussed, to avoid addressing the many issues where McCain and Palin can wipe the floor with Obama/Biden (winning the war and withdrawing, hard on terrorists, tax cuts, anti-pork, judicial nominations, harder line with foreign countries like Iraq, Syria). McCain might have shot himself in the foot to some degree, messing up his argument against the inexperience of Obama. It's not a perfect world.

Interesting. Now we know that, come January, we will DEFINITELY have either a black President or a woman Vice-President.

I think it may backfire on the Dems to go after her 'inexperience' when she has MORE executive experience than the top of their ticket... They need to be careful with that idea.
I think it may backfire on the Dems to go after her 'inexperience' when she has MORE executive experience than the top of their ticket... They need to be careful with that idea.

My point here is, even if it's not a winner for the Dems, they will use it to filibuster any other issues that are WORSE for them. They are past masters at doing this, hammering on one not-particularly-relevant point as a means to avoid discussion of important things like appeasement, tax increases, weakening the military, expanding the Nanny State etc.
I think it may backfire on the Dems to go after her 'inexperience' when she has MORE executive experience than the top of their ticket... They need to be careful with that idea.

They don't have to hammer it. But, the next time McCain brings it up about Obama, they certainly can respond with an emphatic, "huh?"
They don't have to hammer it. But, the next time McCain brings it up about Obama, they certainly can respond with an emphatic, "huh?"
They'll hammer him with, "She has more executive experience than their candidate and they are saying she doesn't have enough?" And add an emphatic, 'huh?' to boot.

Seriously, if you think this lets him off the hook then you are sadly mistaken.
I think McCain can still make the point that he has far more experience than Obama. The VP doesn't ultimately make the decisions, the president does.

But I think what Palin lacks in experience she makes up for by being outside the Washington loop.
They'll hammer him with, "She has more executive experience than their candidate and they are saying she doesn't have enough?" And add an emphatic, 'huh?' to boot.

Seriously, if you think this lets him off the hook then you are sadly mistaken.


You honestly think that McCain can make a big part of his campaign about Obama's inexperience, as he has?

You honestly think that McCain can make a big part of his campaign about Obama's inexperience, as he has?


If Obama comes back with something on Palin.... the response would be...

"So Obama is comparing himself to our VP candidate??? Well, given his lack of experience, I can see why he would not want to compare himself to John McCain"
She is NOT ready to pick up the reins, by Republican yardsticks, with her experience. I agree with SF that she, like Obama would surround herself with good advisors and be fine. But the REPUBLICAN yardstick is that neither she nor Obama should be president, and she would be one old ass, sunburned heartbeat away. But at the same time, Obama need not compare himself to her. Instead compare her to Hillary Clinton. Point out that she is in no way shape or form even a republican version of Hillary Clinton. Should have picked Liz Dole, she has WAY more experience than Palin, but she is old as dirt as well.
Here's an observation. OMG she's a MILF! I'm voting for McCain so I can see more of this woman. Seriously!

I wonder if we will see internet porn of the VP?

Wouldn't THAT kill a campaign??

YOu know there have to be searches going on right now.
Pallin is uber-hawt. Maybe we should elect McCain. He's probably going to have a heart attack before he can do any real damage, and then we'd have an uber-hawt pres.
Not yet. Anyone know her maiden name?


Take off the glasses and let down the hair...OMG!

If elected, she will be the founding and sole member of the VPILF club.
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