A Florida teacher talks of the other Bush legacy



Wholey shit It seems Jeb really screwed the pooch too.

This fiscal year, the state treasury suffered the first waves of the tsunami that is coming. The servile Florida State Legislature was called back into special session barely six months after passing a $71 billion budget to address a $1.1 billion revenue shortfall. Among other things, these servants of the wealthy took $100 from each of Florida's public school children to rebalance the budget. The lights had not been turned out in the Capitol Building when the Office of Policy and Budget projected an additional $2.5 billion revenue shortfall over the next 18 months.

And Florida, now weakened by the greed and avarice of a few, faces a growing crisis in its second largest industry after tourism. To get a sense of the outlook for agriculture, consider these recent statements and their sources:

-- "We're not in any old drought. We're in what I like to call the biblical drought." -- Shannon Estenoz, member of the South Florida Water Management District's (SFWMD) governing board.

-- "We are facing Armageddon. I think we are going to see massive crop losses we have never seen before." -- Malcolm Wade, member of the SFWMD and a Vice President of U.S. Sugar.

-- "We are beginning to see some of the initial signs of collapse. If you're a farmer, you're going into the spring season with a greater than 50 percent chance you're not going to have enough water to make a crop." -- Nelson Mongiovi, director of the division of marketing, Florida Department of Agriculture.

The crisis in agriculture threatens to shrink the state's revenues by up to $8 billion more over the next five year.
It is a republican thing Desh. fletcher did the same , up until he lost his re-election bid he said the state was in great finiancial shape. now we are looking at a 15% cut in education because of shortfalls from tax cuts.
I guess its a make money until you screw things so bad that they tank. Bail and sneak back in and snap up the deals when no ones looking.

GWH Bush raised these assholes and he and Barbra must be proud.
Barbara appears to be at least a bit of a bitch.

I figure she runs the bush clan.

Like hillary but smarter since she stayed in the background running things.
I think GHW Bush is smart and Jeb does not seem stupid. The rest I have heard them say anything that made me think they were anything above average intelligence or perhaps below.

Smart and decent dont always come together.
Jeb is the smartest of the youngins I think. Not sure if GHW is smart or not. His presidency indicated he is not too very smart.
Maybe the stupid gene came thru Barbara's side of the family though.
Jeb is the smartest of the youngins I think. Not sure if GHW is smart or not. His presidency indicated he is not too very smart.
Maybe the stupid gene came thru Barbara's side of the family though.
GHWB is extremely smart. He accomplished more before he was President than most Presidents ever think to accomplish while they are President.

But then so was Carter.

I don't know if the nation can stand too many smart Presidents. And if application is any measure GWB is a genius.
GHWB was extremely smart. He accomplished more before he was President than most Presidents ever think to accomplish while they are President.

It was hard to tell from hhis presidential performance. but I can accept that Damo Barb brought the stupid genes in I suppose.
Barb actually said that the silverado boy was "not too bright" as she put it.
GHWB is extremely smart. He accomplished more before he was President than most Presidents ever think to accomplish while they are President.

But then so was Carter.

I don't know if the nation can stand too many smart Presidents. And if application is any measure GWB is a genius.

Yeah. Damocles, why don't you just admit you're a Dubya conservative?
I have always heard that Neil was the smartest of the bunch but never ran for office because there was too much to use against him including Silverado Savings and Loan which cost the american people one billion dollars all by its lonesome. Then there is the Kopin Stock deal which made him almost 800K in a single day. Bush was a paid consultant for the company but claims he had no inside information and the fact that he sold all his shares on the same day their stock prices soared was merely a coincidence. The last thing that would kill him is he admitted to having sex with some high priced escorts. He is THE party boy of the family and just doesn't have the disposition for public office.
similair stories about jeb while waiting to run the second time for Governor. Nigerian water pumps, real estate deals. seems everyone got in trouble and went broke in his ventures but him.
I think its Barbra who brought the stupid genes to the family. Everytime they "let her out" she says something like "this is probably better than where they lived before Katrina" about people living in a sports arena.

She is Mrs Howell.

Neil may be smart but hes twice as slimey as he is smart.