A Future under Obama


Listen to the Right Wing Pundits and you would think Obama is a cloned resurrection of Mao Tse-tung, but back in 91 Clinton was the resurrection of Vladimir Lenin.., In 2000 Junior was Adolf. So maybe history does repeat itself.

I see Obama as Clinton Part 2.., and I dont see that as all that bad. Clinton scared many of us to the right ... he reeked of '60's hippie Marxism... but he ended up in the Center .. and the 90's were pretty darn good.

I expect the same thing to happen under an Obama Presidency, the first couple of years will be rough because of the mess that is being handed off to him, and Congress will pay for it and we will see a Republican resurgence. Obama will then have to rule under a check and balance system... he will be pulled to the center which is much better for our Country.

"For the ultimate determinant in the struggle now going on for the world will not be bombs and rockets, but a test of wills and ideas — a trial of spiritual resolve: the values we hold, the beliefs we cherish, the ideals to which we are dedicated. . . . " RWR 1983
Clinton was a populist. His success was largely due to a political populist tactic he mastered, called "triangulation" ...where he essentially stole Republican Conservative ideas, made them his own, and sold them to his party. Welfare Reform is a great example of this, as were the Clinton tax cuts, which came after the largest tax increase in history to that date.

If you think Obama is going to govern anything like Clinton, you are in for a rude awakening. Clinton had tremendous bipartisan support from Republicans, he was somewhat moderate on most fiscal and social issues. Obama is the most liberal man to ever seek the office of President.

In 1994, two years after he was elected, the Republicans swept power in Congress, and he was forced to work with a Republican legislature, one which was given a clear mandate by the voters. Slick Willie was able to do this by 'triangulating' the issues, and some smooth talking to his own party loyalists. Obama has no inclination to 'work with' Conservatives or Republicans, he will have a Democrat congress, and they will all assume a mandate for liberalism, including tax increases, entitlements, more government regulation, and essentially everything liberals have been yammering for the past two decades.

As I said before, you are an idiot... a Class A, top of the line moron! I once had respect for you, it seemed you understood Conservative principles and articulated them well. I don't know what happened to change you, maybe you fell on your head or something... but you are nothing more than a left wing loon, and you deserve the left wing lunacy you are about to get, along with the rest of these left wing nutbags.
Clinton was a populist. His success was largely due to a political populist tactic he mastered, called "triangulation" ...where he essentially stole Republican Conservative ideas, made them his own, and sold them to his party. Welfare Reform is a great example of this, as were the Clinton tax cuts, which came after the largest tax increase in history to that date.

If you think Obama is going to govern anything like Clinton, you are in for a rude awakening. Clinton had tremendous bipartisan support from Republicans, he was somewhat moderate on most fiscal and social issues. Obama is the most liberal man to ever seek the office of President.

In 1994, two years after he was elected, the Republicans swept power in Congress, and he was forced to work with a Republican legislature, one which was given a clear mandate by the voters. Slick Willie was able to do this by 'triangulating' the issues, and some smooth talking to his own party loyalists. Obama has no inclination to 'work with' Conservatives or Republicans, he will have a Democrat congress, and they will all assume a mandate for liberalism, including tax increases, entitlements, more government regulation, and essentially everything liberals have been yammering for the past two decades.

As I said before, you are an idiot... a Class A, top of the line moron! I once had respect for you, it seemed you understood Conservative principles and articulated them well. I don't know what happened to change you, maybe you fell on your head or something... but you are nothing more than a left wing loon, and you deserve the left wing lunacy you are about to get, along with the rest of these left wing nutbags.

No need to give me a history lesson Dixie, I know what happened in the 90's.
As I said, like Clinton.. Obama will start out with a majority in the House and the Senate.
So what happened to me? Dumb shits like you is what happened to me. You and the Republicans left me ..... If Goldwater were alive today you would be asking him about his lunacy... what happened to him. Before he passed away.. William Buckley wondered aloud.. what happened to the Republican Party. Bush and his brand of Republicanism has led this Country to its lowest depths. It needs to be forced into regrouping and rethinking.

Call me what you want... as I said in another thread, Im in pretty good company ... Buffett, The Economist magazine, Most CEO's of Silicon Valley, Mark Warner, Powell...and other members of the Reagan Administration..

Its time for a change.... I like Obama's stand on Energy and I especially like his plan for rebuilding this Country's infrastructure... I havnt heard a peep out of Mccain about that. Those two initiatives alone will put millions of people back to work. I liken it to Reagan's Free enterprize Zones and Ikes Federal Aid Highway Act.
How the fuck do you steal ideas?

He worked with the republicans much more than I would have liked.

The respect he gets for doing that from the republicans is to say he stole thir ideas?

Obama will make Clinton look like an amateur.

He is a first class intellect and a first class temperment.

Clinton was had the intellect but not quite the temperment that this man has.

Obama will be loved acrossed the board.

The ability has already been demonstraited in the acrossed the aisles endorsments.
Dixie, don't forget to end your rant with "That is, if Obama and the Democrat congress don't suspend elections and declare dictatorship".

It makes such an effective scare tactic.
How the fuck do you steal ideas?

He worked with the republicans much more than I would have liked.

The respect he gets for doing that from the republicans is to say he stole thir ideas?

Obama will make Clinton look like an amateur.

He is a first class intellect and a first class temperment.

Clinton was had the intellect but not quite the temperment that this man has.

Obama will be loved acrossed the board.

The ability has already been demonstraited in the acrossed the aisles endorsments.

and they will probably kill him for it. Obama will probably be another Druses.
No need to give me a history lesson Dixie, I know what happened in the 90's.
As I said, like Clinton.. Obama will start out with a majority in the House and the Senate.
So what happened to me? Dumb shits like you is what happened to me. You and the Republicans left me ..... If Goldwater were alive today you would be asking him about his lunacy... what happened to him. Before he passed away.. William Buckley wondered aloud.. what happened to the Republican Party. Bush and his brand of Republicanism has led this Country to its lowest depths. It needs to be forced into regrouping and rethinking.

Call me what you want... as I said in another thread, Im in pretty good company ... Buffett, The Economist magazine, Most CEO's of Silicon Valley, Mark Warner, Powell...and other members of the Reagan Administration..

Its time for a change.... I like Obama's stand on Energy and I especially like his plan for rebuilding this Country's infrastructure... I havnt heard a peep out of Mccain about that. Those two initiatives alone will put millions of people back to work. I liken it to Reagan's Free enterprize Zones and Ikes Federal Aid Highway Act.
Excellent retort Klat. It describes very much my alienation with the Republican party. As Dutch Regan said about the Democrats. "I didn't leave them, they left me."
Listen to the Right Wing Pundits and you would think Obama is a cloned resurrection of Mao Tse-tung, but back in 91 Clinton was the resurrection of Vladimir Lenin.., In 2000 Junior was Adolf. So maybe history does repeat itself.

I see Obama as Clinton Part 2.., and I dont see that as all that bad. Clinton scared many of us to the right ... he reeked of '60's hippie Marxism... but he ended up in the Center .. and the 90's were pretty darn good.

I expect the same thing to happen under an Obama Presidency, the first couple of years will be rough because of the mess that is being handed off to him, and Congress will pay for it and we will see a Republican resurgence. Obama will then have to rule under a check and balance system... he will be pulled to the center which is much better for our Country.

"For the ultimate determinant in the struggle now going on for the world will not be bombs and rockets, but a test of wills and ideas — a trial of spiritual resolve: the values we hold, the beliefs we cherish, the ideals to which we are dedicated. . . . " RWR 1983
Hey-hey Klaatu, what's up?
You have VERY large Dem majorities coming up in the house and including possibly a filibuster proof 60 Dem majority senate (the kind of power we have not seen in decades). If you are really looking for a check on the Dems power or balance in general, McCain is really the only (electorally possible) hope for that.
Do you really picture Obama vetoing Democrat spending bills?
I think a legitimate argument could be made that one party domination could actually be cheaper because there is no need to give pork or sweeteners or targeted tax cuts to assuage recalcitrant opposition congressmembers to get them to go along with the majority.
I think a legitimate argument could be made that one party domination could actually be cheaper because there is no need to give pork or sweeteners or targeted tax cuts to assuage recalcitrant opposition congressmembers to get them to go along with the majority.

A valid point.

How large a point I am not sure, but a point.
Here is the future. No longer have to work, pay bills, or anything else. The one will provide.

She must really, really be counting on that reparations check in one big lump sum, instead of the usual lifetime monthly installments.
I think a legitimate argument could be made that one party domination could actually be cheaper because there is no need to give pork or sweeteners or targeted tax cuts to assuage recalcitrant opposition congressmembers to get them to go along with the majority.

I think a legitimate argument could be made that one party domination could actually be cheaper because there is no need to give pork or sweeteners or targeted tax cuts to assuage recalcitrant opposition congressmembers to get them to go along with the majority.

We need a lot more party discipline within the Democrats.

And we need to get rid of the filibuster.
Clinton had tremendous bipartisan support from Republicans, he was somewhat moderate on most fiscal and social issues. Obama is the most liberal man to ever seek the office of President.

Are you living under a rock dixie?? kenneth starr ring a bell?? for real!!!

After we've seen probably one of the most my way or the highway conservatives running the country along with 6 years of republican control of congress and the supreme court, I think it's time for a change. I'm willing to give a "liberal" a chance to fix things, Just like we've given "Compassionate Conservative" a chance and we've seen the outcome.

I'm actually looking forward to Barack. I think he's a good man on principal and I really think he means what he says. I think this is part of the reason why he has become so popular drawing huge crowds to his rallies and gotten so many involved in the process.
How the fuck do you steal ideas?

He worked with the republicans much more than I would have liked.

The respect he gets for doing that from the republicans is to say he stole thir ideas?

Obama will make Clinton look like an amateur.

"He is a first class intellect and a first class temperment."

This is apparently Desh's new favorite line.

Clinton was had the intellect but not quite the temperment that this man has.

"Obama will be loved acrossed the board."

ROFLMAO.... my, my, Desh has definitely consumed more than her share of kool-aid today.

The ability has already been demonstraited in the acrossed the aisles endorsments.

you crack me up Desh.
I think a legitimate argument could be made that one party domination could actually be cheaper because there is no need to give pork or sweeteners or targeted tax cuts to assuage recalcitrant opposition congressmembers to get them to go along with the majority.

yet another individual who has overdosed on kool-aid

When was the last time ONE party control of the WH, Senate and House turned out to be good for this country?

Bush... failure
Clinton... failure
Carter... failure
Johnson... failure