A great moment in Israeli history

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
MK Michael Ben-Ari (National Union) tore the New Testament to pieces and then threw it in the trash after the Bible was sent to all 120 members of Knesset by a man named Victor Kalish, who according to NRG specializes in publishing Christian religious texts.

In the article, Ben Ari is quoted as saying, “This abhorrent book promoted the murders of millions of Jews during the Inquisition and the autos da fé… this is an ugly missionary provocation by the Church, there’s no doubt that the book and its senders belong in the trash of history.”


"This is a provocation by church missionaries and there is no doubt that this book and those who sent it belong in the garbage can of history.”
— Israeli Member of the Knesset Michael Ben-Ari


MK Tzipi Hotovely of the Likud Party announced that the Chairman of the Knesset will prevent the spread of Christian missionary literature in the Knesset: "it is forbidden to deliver to the Knesset missionary materials," she said.