A guy who knows the republican party from the inside out



"the underlying Washington strategy… was less to give ordinary Americans direct sums than to create a low-interest-rate boom in real estate, thereby raising the percentage of American home ownership, ballooning the prices of homes, and allowing householders to take out some of that increase through low-cost refinancing. This triple play created new wealth to take the place of that destroyed in the 2000-2002 stock-market crash and simultaneously raised consumer confidence.

Nothing similar had ever been engineered before. Instead of a recovery orchestrated by Congress and the White House and aimed at the middle- and bottom-income segments, this one was directed by an appointed central banker, a man whose principal responsibility was to the banking system. His relief, targeted on financial assets and real estate, was principally achieved by monetary stimulus. This in itself confirmed the massive realignment of preferences and priorities within the American system….

Likewise huge and indisputable but almost never discussed were the powerful political economics lurking behind the stimulus: the massive rate-cut-driven post-2000 bailout of the FIRE sector, with its ever-climbing share of GDP and proximity to power. No longer would Washington concentrate stimulus on wages or public-works employment. The Fed's policies, however shrewd, were not rooted in an abstraction of the national interest but in pursuit of its statutory mandate to protect the U.S. banking and payments system, now inseparable from the broadly defined financial-services sector."
Kevin Phillips (born November 30, 1940) is an American writer and commentator, largely on politics, economics, and history. Formerly a Republican Party strategist, Phillips has become disaffected with his former party over the last two decades, and is now one of its harshest critics.

Glad to see at least some can learn enough to step out of the darkness and into the light.
im glad they did it.. us x geners who were smart really benefited.. Its about time we got something considering we always tend to get screwed in favor of the selfish boomer's.
The selfish boomer?

Who do you think has funded 90% of SS for so many years.

People my age (tail end of the boomers) will have paid in all our working lives and may not ever collect much if its not fixed.
It was a scam to milk money out of the people. CEOs got massive raises and retirement packages and they country got screwed. Bush got the look OK economically for a couple of years and we got the worst economic situation in decades. oh boy
The selfish boomer?

Who do you think has funded 90% of SS for so many years.

People my age (tail end of the boomers) will have paid in all our working lives and may not ever collect much if its not fixed.

i have payed like 14-16% my entire life and for 35 more years and as it stands will collect like a fraction of that starting like 7years before my expected death.